Lestrade and the Third Holmes

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"No Mycroft, anyone but her." Sherlock protested as Mycroft looked at him, the slightest suggestion of a smug smirk tweaking at the corners of his lips.

"It's too late brother, she is on her way and you can't stop it. The good Doctor saw fit to invite me to his upcoming nuptials, and she is to attend as my guest." Mycroft said, as he rose from the chair.

"Oh, and by the way Sherlock, she will be staying here with you." Sherlock spluttered and put down the violin.

"What do you mean she's staying here? Oh no, no, no she's not staying here."

"Who's staying here?" Asked John as he walked into the room.

"Ah Doctor Watson, you and Sherlock are to have a special visitor she'll be staying here for a while, well at least until she is able to find more suitable accommodation." John looked at Mycroft and saw an obvious smirk on his face.

"She? She who?" Asked John.

"My guest for your wedding celebration Doctor." Mycroft said as he made his way to the door.

"Don't forget Sherlock, play nice, I don't want to have to come and break you two up. Plus, you know she'll win." Mycroft smirked again causing Sherlock to stare daggers at him.

"I've already informed Mrs. Hudson that she will be arriving so get used to the fact." Mycroft said, opening the door.

"Doctor Watson, always a pleasure. And do enjoy your time with your guest." Before anything else could be said, Mycroft glided out of the door.

"Ok Sherlock, what's going on?" John asked as he sat down in his chair.

"Mycroft has invited her, why couldn't it be anyone but her?" Sherlock whined, putting his head in his hands.

"Sherlock, you are going to have to stop being so cryptic. Who is her?" John asked, starting to get annoyed by his friend's lack of an answer.

"(Y/n), that's who." Sherlock said from behind his hands.

"Sherlock, let's just presume that I have no idea what you're talking about shall we and will you tell me what the bloody hell is going on." The tone of John's voice made Sherlock raise his head.

"(Y/n) Holmes, or Puck as Mycroft calls her, my twin sister." Sherlock said, finally answering his friend's question.

John's eyes grew wide. "Wait! there's three of you? And the other one is a girl? And you're twins?"

"I don't understand what is so difficult for you to comprehend, yes there are three of us, yes (Y/n) is a girl, and yes she's my twin." Sherlock said with slight frustration in his voice.

"Why have you never told me about her before? What does she do? Where is she coming from?" John's curiosity was definitely peaked.

"(Y/n) and I are very different but very alike which has made our relationship difficult over the years. She has been an independent consultant for the behavioural sciences unit at the FBI headquarter in Quantico for a number of years. She primarily deals with serial killer cases and cases on violent sexual crime." Sherlock told John, trying to sound unimpressed at his twin's achievements.

"WOW! She sounds interesting." John stated, now he definitely couldn't wait to meet her.

"Please John, when she gets here don't encourage her, her ego is big enough as it is." Sherlock scolded.

"Her ego can't be bigger than yours!? It's impossible. Now this I have to see." John said, laughing out loud.

Two days later and there is a knock on the door of 221B Baker Street. Mrs. Hudson rushed out and opened it. Standing at the top of the steps was a young woman with short spiked bleached blonde hair, dark smoky eye makeup, dark red lips, dressed from head to foot in black, finished off with a long black coat that swept the floor.

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