Bounty Hunter - Part 1 - Star Wars - Han x Luke x Reader

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This is my first Star Wars imagine. I love the original three movies and think that they are some of the best movies ever. And even though I love Ewan's Obi Wan, and Domhnall's Hux, for me the prequels, and particularly the sequels, come nowhere near to competing with the first three. So, I will stick with what I love, and give you a little Han and Luke. Hope you enjoy.

"Yeah Chewy. I know. I know its right behind us." Han retorted, as he desperately pressed, pushed, and turned every button he could find. Sparks and smoke filling the cockpit of the Millennium Falcon.

"Arrrrrrrrgrh." Chewy added. As a control panel next to him flew into the air.

"Yeah, I know that if we run, it will probably make her angrier. But if she catches us, she will probably kill me." Han replied, as he opened yet another panel and began trying to rewire the circuit.

Chewy huffed in reply, as the starship that was baring down on them got closer and closer.

"Okay. Yes. You're right. Its my own fault. I should never have left her with Jabba as collateral. But let's face it, if anyone can look after themselves against that fat ugly slug. It's her. Can we jump to warp speed yet?" Han asked, putting his hands over his head as yet something else exploded. Luke, Leia, and C3PO making there way to the cockpit to find out what was happening to the flying bucket of bolts this time.

"What is it now?" Leia snapped, as she glared at Han.

"Nothing. Just a few technical difficulties." Han insisted, as he jumped back into his chair and tried to initiate the hyperdrive.

"Captain Solo. I am afraid that warp speed is impossible. The Falcon has informed me that the hyperdrive has been disabled by something that is coming from the ship that will be on us any second." C3PO told Han. Han placing his head in his hand as he realised that he wasn't going anywhere.

"What ship? What's going on?" Luke asked, as he looked out of the large window into the dark expanse of space.

"It's the Hunter. And it's a bounty hunter that I might just be in trouble with." Han groaned, as he fell back in his chair.

"A bounty hunter? Another bounty hunter? Is there a single bounty hunter in this galaxy that isn't after you?" Leia asked angrily. Furrowing her brows as Chewy began to laugh.

"Laugh it up fur ball. You were there too. How do you know she's not coming for you as well? And yes. Probably. But this bounty hunter is worse than the others" Han grunted, doing his best to think of a way out of this current situation.

"Arrrrrrrghrrrr." Chewy noted smugly. Han looking at him in disbelief.

"What do you mean, she likes you more than me. And she does not think that you're the better pilot. And you know it wasn't my fault that I had to jettison Jabba's cargo. I don't remember you protesting when that Imperial cruiser was hanging around." Han added, ignoring the Wookie shaking his head.

"Okay. What's going on? Who is this bounty hunter? Why can't we just blast the ship, or try and out run it even without the hyperdrive?" Luke asked, as he and Leia looked at one another.

"I am afraid that that is impossible, Master Luke. It would appear that the other ship has been able to disable all the Falcon's weapon's systems, and we are currently being pulled in by a tractor beam." C3PO informed everyone, as Han frantically once again pushed and pulled everything on the control panel in front of him. Finally giving in as he realised that he was just going to have to accept his fate.

"There must be something we can do." Luke said, as he followed Han out of the cockpit. The captain of the Millennium Falcon slumping down in one of the seats.

"Nope. The Hunter has three advantages over us. And all of them mean I'm screwed. All I can hope is that she's not after Jabba's bounty on my head, and that she's forgiven me for leaving her with that slimy sack a shit as collateral until I could get him his money." Han groaned, as the Falcon was pulled towards the nearest planetoid with a breathable atmosphere.

"Great so we are stuck. Who is this bounty hunter anyway? An old girlfriend?" Leia scoffed as she crossed her arms and glared at Han.

"Look, your highness. She is not an old girlfriend, so don't worry you don't have any competition. The Huntress is my.........." Han trailed off to a whisper.

"She's your what?" Luke asked, annoyed that Han had said the last part barely above a whisper.

"The Huntress. The Captain of the Hunter. One of the most feared bounty hunters in the galaxy is my little sister. (Y/n) Solo." Han finally admitted, as Leia and Luke stared at him wide eyed.

"You have a sister? You have a sister and you left her with the Hutt? As collateral? No wonder she's after you." Luke scoffed. As he and Leia stared at the smuggler in disbelief.

"Hey! I didn't have an option. Jabba said that he would give me a chance to get his money as long as I left (Y/n) with him. And believe me when I say that (Y/n) is more than capable of looking after herself. Admittedly, she didn't know about it. But obviously she must have got away from the slug, otherwise she wouldn't be after me now." Han explained. Not understanding why Luke and Leia couldn't understand his reasoning.

"Rrrrrrrgh." Called out, as he raced out of the cockpit. The Millennium Falcon shaking and juddering. The occupants struggling to stay on their feet as the ship seemed to lose all control.

"Yeah. I sort of figured that, pal." Han sighed, as he got to his feet. The sound of the landing gear lowering, echoing through the ship.

"What's happening?" Luke asked, as he helped C3PO from the floor.

"(Y/n)'s making us land." Han replied. Wondering whether his sister would find him if he hid in one of the secret compartments under the floor.

"Arrrrgrh." Chewy huffed once more. As he made his way passed Han and out to the entry ramp. Waiting for the door to open. The Wookiee knowing better than to make the situation any worse.

"Yeah. Yeah. I know." Han shouted after his old friend, as he reluctantly got to his feet and followed after him.

"Isn't there anything you can do? We have places to be. More important things to do than deal with your little family squabbles." Leia complained as she followed quickly behind Han and Chewy. Luke following after her as he tried not to laugh at the situation.

"Look, princess. If you haven't noticed, I have no control of my own ship. And even though I can think of a million things that I would rather do than face my sister, it looks like we aren't gonna get out of here until I fix this." Han told her. The smuggler trying to swallow the large lump that had formed in his throat. Hoping that some how he could sweet talk his way out of this.

Cautiously Han, Chewy, Luke and Leia exited the Falcon as the door slowly opened. The four of them making their way out onto the surface of whatever planet they had been taken to.

"You backstabbing. Underhanded. Sorry, sad, pile of Sarlacc crap." A voice called out as a barrel of a storm troopers heavy blaster appeared as if from nowhere, followed by a figure dressed in a dark cloak. Its head covered in a large cowl.

"(Y/n), sweetheart. I am glad to see you." Han said happily, as he threw open his arms and walked forward.

"Oh no you don't, you brainless poor excuse for a smuggler. You aren't trying to sweet talk me. I'm not one of those idiotic women of yours that can be drawn in by that cheeky smile, and a twinkle in your eye. I know you better Han Solo. And you owe me." (Y/n) growled. The bounty hunter throwing back her hood and glaring at Han. Luke finding himself lost for words as he looked at the beauty that had been revealed. The young Skywalker struggling to believe that Han and the bounty hunter could ever be related. 

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