Two of a kind - Part 2 - Wade Wilson/Deadpool x Reader

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Logan, Hank and Charles watched the monitor. Logan shaking his head as soon as Wade opened his mouth.

"I told you. That moron couldn't be serious, even if his life depended on it." Logan complained. The feral mutant for once wondering whether Charles had made the right decision.

"Give him a chance, Logan. Have a little faith." Charles insisted, as he and Hank continued to watch Wade and (Y/n) interact.


"I beg your pardon?" (Y/n) asked, as she stared at the harlequin sat next to her. Her eyes growing wide as the man jump from the desk and placed his face right in front of hers.

"" Wade replied, dragging out each word, as if annunciating every syllable very slowly would make the whole thing suddenly make more sense.

"Look." (Y/n) began, as she pushed Wade away.

"We have gone from the sublime to the ridiculous here. That professor said that someone could help explain what I am. Explain what those assholes turned me into. Prove that it was safer for me to stay here than go back to the street. And, no offence, but you don't seem to be the kind of guy that could do any of those things. In fact, you look like the last guy I would send to do anything, apart from maybe a kid's party. You'd make a great pinata. Tell me, do you do a song and dance routine, and make balloon animals too?" (Y/n) asked, as she crossed her arms over her chest, and stared at the man whose features she could not see.

It wasn't often that Wade was lost for words. It wasn't often that anyone could reach the same level of wit and sarcasm that he prided himself on. But as he looked at the woman in front of him, he was getting the sense that she might actually be able to give him a run for his money.

Wade sighed as the words of the professor went around in his mind. As much as he would love to continue this interesting battle of wits with (Y/n), he could swear that he could actually hear the three other mutants that were watching, facepalm.

"Look." Wade began as he sighed heavily. Summoning all the adult he could muster.

"I was at the same facility as you. I had cancer too. I was told that they could cure me. They gave me a serum just like you. Tortured me, just like they did you. Everything you went through, I went through. And according to the big blue furry guy, we somehow seem to have developed very similar powers. And normally I wouldn't say this, but you're better off here with these guys. They'll look after you. They'll protect you." Wade explained, as (Y/n) looked at him in disbelief.

"You were there? They did this to other people? But......but why? I........I can't remember seeing anyone else. I thought I was the only one." (Y/n) replied, as she dropped her head into her hands. Her mind buzzing with the alarming new knowledge.

"They wanted to make us into super slaves, so that they could auction us off to the highest bidder as assassins. But from what the baldy, wheely guy tells me, you already had a buyer lined up. Someone out there must have thought that you were kinda special." Wade continued, desperately fighting back the urge to tell (Y/n) that he himself already thought she was kinda special, and what he would like the two of them to get up to if they weren't being watched from the other room. Not as though Wade had ever let that stop him before.

"But why would anyone want to do that to me? Why would anyone want to make me into a mindless assassin? I can't even remember what, or who I am. Hell, for all I know, I could have been a kindergarten teacher before all this happened. I have no idea how to use these dumb powers. All I know is that I don't seem to be able to die." (Y/n) huffed, as she got to her feet, and began to pace the room.

Wade knew that there was no way that the woman currently walking from one side of the room to the other could ever have been a schoolteacher. If there was one thing that he knew about, it was bad girls, and (Y/n) had trouble with a capital T written all over her. And he also knew that if Francis already had a buyer lined up for her, she was probably more than capable of using the powers that had been tortured out of her.

"So, whatever your name is. If you and are the same. Did they do this to you too?" (Y/n) suddenly asked, as she rolled up the sleeves of her shirt, and showed Wade the mass of scars that had been expertly cut and branded into her flesh.

"They cut at me with scalpels while I was awake. I can remember every slice, every cut. They burnt me with red hot brands like I was cattle. My screams still haunt my nightmares. And my arms are just the tip of the iceberg. They butchered me like a piece of meat. And I don't know why." (Y/n) continued as she rolled back down her sleeves and dropped back in the chair next to Wade.

"I know this is probably gonna ruin my chances of knocking boots with you later, but............." Wade sighed, as he reached up and grabbed hold of his mask and reluctantly pulled it from his head. (Y/n) staring at him wide eyed as she saw what lay under the red and black cover.

"They tortured me for days, but it didn't work. They couldn't get the mutation to kick in. And then I accidentally on purpose pissed off a cock gobbling A hole called Francis, who decided he didn't like me making fun of his name. So, he stuck me in an airtight container, and then cut off the oxygen. The oxygen drop triggered the mutation, cured my cancer, but did this to me. And the name is Deadpool. But you can call me Wade." Wade told her, looking at (Y/n) as she carefully placed her hand on his cheek.

"Looks like they screwed us both over, pretty boy. And I am sure that you already know that you look like the love child of a swiss cheese and a pepperoni pizza, right? So you don't need me to say it. And I do get a sense that you are an asshole, probably the biggest one that I have ever met. But............. as long as I don't have to dress like you, I sort of don't mind us being the same." (Y/n) chuckled, as she took Wades mask from his hand, and placed it back over his head.

"Oh, and one more thing. You and I will never be knocking boots." (Y/n) stated with a smile. Shaking her head as Wade jumped to his feet and dropped to his knees right in front of her.

"That sounds like a challenge to me, gorgeous." Wade cooed softly. (Y/n) getting a sense that he already had a smug look underneath his mask.

"No Wade. That was a promise, not a challenge. If I'm going to stay here, I'm not going to jump into bed with the first coco the clown that comes along." (Y/n) continued, the two turning as the door of the office opened, and Charles, Hank and Logan entered.

"Oh, that's definitely a challenge, and its one I accept. Wolvie is gonna be so jealous. He may look rough and gruff but under that mean exterior he is my fluffy bunny. And I'm snooky wookams." Wade whispered in (Y/n)'s ear, before the two rose to their feet.

"So, (Y/n). You are staying. I am glad." Charles said, smiling as (Y/n) nodded.

"Yeah. Well at least until I know who I am, and why those people did this too me. And under one condition. Wade stays here too. I have a feeling I am going to enjoy making his life a misery." (Y/n) said, giggling to herself as both Wade and Logan stared at her in disbelief. Both mutants knowing that that was the last thing either of them wanted, to be living under the same roof.

"Well, that's settled. Why don't I show you your room, while I have Wade's made up? I am sure that you will both enjoy your time with us." Charles chuckled, as he and (Y/n) left the room.

"She's not the only one gonna enjoy making ya life a misery. Deadbrain." Logan called out, as he and Hank followed after the professor. Leaving Wade to contemplate what his new twin had in store for him. A cheesy grin pulling at his lips as he realised that (Y/n) actually liked him. 

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