One Forty Five-Ridiculous

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Jordans pov
I waited outside the car, right in between the roads that only went one way or the other. I heard the screeching of the tire against the floor, it came at me fast, the brakes looking useless at this point. I held my stance, jumping into a flip as it was inches before hitting me. My feet clashed with the glass, the guy in the drivers seat breaking my fall.. and his neck. I laid back quickly, dodging the bullets that came at me from the passenger seat before hitting him in the face quickly, knocking him out. I leaned too much on one side, accidentally pressing on the gas. I was still in a position where i couldn't turn over enough to reach the brake, and i didn't want to waste my power. "Why aren't you braking?!" I heard in my ear. I held my head from the earpiece. "God, i still have this thing on?" I groaned, as i tried to steer the car going at full speed, while in a backwards position. "Jordan brake!" "I can't reach it genius!" I yelled back, before spotting the other two cars. "Wait i have an idea!" I smiled as i adjusted myself as best i could. "Please don't tell me you're going to crash into them." Colby groaned, as his car trailed mine. "Shhh you're ruining the surprise." I teased, my eyes widening in excitement. "Is no one going to talk about how she broke a windshield just like that?!" Sam exclaimed, just as Colbys car turned with mine. "Honestly, i'm not even surprised at this point." Kat said on the line. "Where did she get all that energy?" Reggie asked on the other line. "Uh.." Kat stammered, before bursting out in laughter. I finally swung my body over, now sitting in the lap of a dead man, but accidentally leaning on my left, braking harshly. I gasped, and turned the wheel quickly, the tires screeching underneath me as my body leaned over with the force. I heard Colby gasp, as he slammed on his brakes, but i swerved to the other side of the road, the back of the car hitting a tree near the dirt road. I took a moment, and controlled on my breathing and to just process the close call that i committed. "Jesus," Colby breathed, as i held my head in my hands from the headache that was forming. "Okay, okay you're fine." I mumbled to myself, before opening the door with a loud creek to toss the body out. "Are you okay?" Colby asked, as he opened his car door to walk over to my own. I nodded as i was hunched over, the body just laying there, filling the gap between us. "I told you to stay there." I panted, as i scrubbed my hands in my face. He smiled a little, as his arm rested on the car. "Just wanted to make sure my girl was okay." He shrugged, making me glance up at him with a small smile. "Where did they go?" I asked, looking up and down the street for the cars. "Oh them? Psh, you dusted them a while back, don't know what happened." I sighed out of relief, before my eyes widened again. "Jake?" I asked, tapping on my earpiece. I looked up at Colby when we didn't hear a response, making his face scrunch up. "Tara?" Kat asked from the car. "What the hell?" I whispered to myself, as i stepped out the car. "Jake seriously this isn't a joke come in." I said, as i looked out up and down the street, my nerves going up. "Dude stop playing around." Colby said, as he started walking in the opposite direction as me down the street. I heard the car door open, my hand shooting up to close it on Sam. "Stay in the car." I whispered, as i kept walking down. I heard a car in the distance, a quiet one that seemed to dispatch. I started to jog towards it, just out of pure curiosity, like i was chasing it. When i couldn't hear it anymore i stopped, why did i run out here again? I mentally slapped myself, before turning around to walk back. I realized i was at quite a distance from the group now, and Colby didn't seem too far from the cars. "What the hell?" I asked myself, when i heard the same engine sound come down the street again. I turned around fully, jogging towards the car i heard so i could at least see. I kept going, until i saw a somewhat clear view of the cars, all lined in a row, one even on the dirt. I assumed they would stop, that they would see me, but they didn't. And that the two cars on either side was tapping the car in the middle continuously.That's when i realized Jake was the car in the middle. "Jake?!" I yelled as i hoped the cars would slow down. The only thing that came back was static, and car honks, which was enough for me to book it. I sprinted as fast as my legs could carry me, as i tried my hardest to reach Colby. I yelled out to them, making Colby turn around. "GET OUT OF THE WAY!" I screamed, as i picked up the pace. It didn't click for him yet, because he still had the dumbfounded expression on his face. "Holy shit." I heard Sam yell out, as he hopped in the drivers seat. "Get out of here! Go!" I yelled, the cars sounding right behind me. "Fuck this." I panted, before teleporting to Colby. I yanked his arm, his eyes still wide from shock and confusion all at once. "What's going-" "We have to go, now. Jakes getting tossed around like a ping pong ball and they aren't stopping." I tugged his arm, but he didn't budge. "Colby!" I yelled, making him snap out of it. "Guys!" Sam yelled from the side. He wasn't budging, and his grip on my hand was tight, like he was still in shock. I wrapped my arms around him, closing my eyes as i gathered my energy quickly. "Please, please, Colby." He went to speak, but he only coaked out a cough, and as i let go of my energy, somehow managed to teleport us out of the way. I let go of him in his car, and shook myself off of him with a bloody nose. "Sam!" I yelled, as i climbed in the passenger seat. "Floor it!" He pushed on the gas, just as the cars seemed to barley even graze us. I panted, and wiped my blood on my sleeve before leaning back in the seat for a moment, catching my breath. "Are you okay?" Kat asked softly from the back seat. I nodded, smoothening my hair back. "Colby what the FUCK was that?!" I couldn't help but yell, before slamming my wrist into the car door. "I- i have no fucking clue." He responded with, making me roll my eyes as the tears that grew flew out. "We could've died. If i didn't get us out of there in that second, we could've died." I whispered. "I realize that now, Jordan." He responded with sternly. "Do you? Like really? Do you actually? Or are you just saying it because it's the only thing coming to mind? You wouldn't have just killed US, Colby, but you also would've killed Kat and Sam. Because you know damn fucking well that they wouldn't leave without you." I barked out, as i shook my head in disappointment. It was honestly pretty fucking ridiculous, and i couldn't even process it. Nothing like that has ever happened to Colby before, not on the job.  "Okay i know! I just freaked out in the moment, okay? I don't know what got into me." He yelled back, making Sam's eyes go slightly wider than before. Meanwhile we were still going like eighty miles per hour, but i was pissed off. "Fucking ridiculous, that can't happen again." I whispered back, as i shook my head. "What are you just going to boss me around now?" He scoffed, as he threw his head back on the seat. "Yeah, actually i plan on it. It's right on my agenda for today." I said sarcastically as i threw my hands up. "Are you sure it's just for today or the rest of my fucking life?" I scoffed at him, before unbuckling my seatbelt. "Whatever dude, couldn't care less." I said, before adjusting myself to look through the side mirrors. "Where are you going?" Colby asked, in a different tone than before, that just pissed me off more. "To make myself useful."

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