Chapter Eighty Five-Chaotic

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Jordan's pov
"You guys are annoying." I sat up from my sleep, adjusting my bed. "Huh?" Kat asked. "No, not you." I waved her off, and pointed to the two dirtbags sitting on opposite sides of my bed. "You two." I smiled. Their eyes widened, not knowing i heard them in my sleep. I hear a lot, i know a lot. You can't really hide things from me. I think it has something to do with the artificial injections inside of me. Haven't really figured that out yet. I heard Reggie cough out his water, trading a smile with me. "Anyways you get out in nearly an hour, anything you want to do?" Cassie changed the subject, biting the inside of her cheek to hide her smile. "No, nothing really." I blocked my thoughts off, because i was lying right through my teeth. Reggie looked at me weird, squinting his eyes as he looked at me. I saw Cassie lay her hand on his knee, as he whispered something in her ear. I kept my ground, holding tight on my grasp. "You sure you don't want to do anything Jordan?" Reggie asked in a harder tone, staring me down. I looked back at him, hard faced without breaking my grasp on my own mind. "That's what i said, didn't i?" I asked sarcastically. Nicoles walked in just then, saving my ass once again. I had to thank her for that later. "I have to assemble your cast now that you're leaving." She pouted, me returning a small smile. "We'll go then, here J i brought you clothes that where at my place." Colby tossed me a black bag, with tons of pockets. I caught it mid air, smiling slightly at the nice gesture. "Thanks." They made their way out, waving at me even if i'd see them just a few minutes later. I ended up with an emerald green shoulder spicas, a cast that went to my torso, and across one of my boobs supporting the back of my shoulder. Not going to lie, it did suck, really bad. But i only needed it for four to six weeks. My fingers needed two weeks to heal, and my ribs where nothing but time. I would have to wear one of those hip braces for a while after my cast is removed though, just to be safe. "Now, i don't want you doing any sort of gymnastics or special acrobat movements in this." She chuckled. "I know you have a job to do with your friends, but your body needs to heal." I sighed frowning slightly. "At least i don't have a such violent job now." I shrugged, attempting to lighten the mood. She glared at me, shaking her head slightly. "I'm
not going to tell anyone about you, okay? Your secrets safe with me." She said, placing a hand on my knee. "Thank you, so much for everything." I said, smiling sadly. I really did grow a bond with Nicole. Is there something with me and nurses? She winked at me, before pulling out a black sharpie, and handing it to me. "Here, people are going to want to sign your cast, you might as well be ready." I smiled, handing it back to her. "Ill let you be the first one." She smiled, writing her name just above my elbow with a small heart over the i in her name. "Can i ask you something?" She smiled at me, nodding as she continued to draw a small smiley face next to her name. "What's your gift? If you have one." I asked. She almost laughed, i saw it in her face. "What do you think?" She pointed to the red cross over her scrubs. Holy fuck, how could i not realize it before? "You're a healer." I said, giggling. "Yes ma'am." "Your gift is special Nicole, very rare in its kind." I wasn't lying, every group had a healer incase things went sideways on a mission. I learned that a while back. But some groups didn't care for them, they just used them for their power, to drain them and keep them locked up. Not our group though. They came on missions and didn't just sit around, they were treated like everyone else. Even if they weren't that skilled fighting wise, it wasn't an excuse to make them feel like a burden. "Thank you, your gift- gifts are special as well. You could've had way more serious damage on your shoulder and more." She said, handing me back the marker. "Yeah we'll only half of its genetic." She scrunched her face, concerned. "David took me from my family at a young age, not too young though. I always knew he wasn't family, but i guess he was in a way. He used me and others for experimenting, i never completely understood why. But one time he took it too far, i had gone through too much injections and serums that day. I blew up his old place, absorbing the stuff that could've killed me. But that's the reason i'm here today, how i met Colby and everyone. They helped me." I reached over to slip my ring on, grabbing my t-shirt Colby brought for me. "I'm so sorry Jordan." Nicole said to me, sadness in her voice. I smiled slightly, shaking my head at her. "Don't be, if that wouldn't have happened i wouldn't have ever met you." I smiled as she helped throw my shirt on. "I'd rather you be safe and never meet me than you be here in pain." "Everything happens for a reason." I smiled, her returning a small smile back. Within a few more minutes i was dressed and ready to go back to a somewhat normal life i lived. "I guess this is goodbye." I hugged Nicole one armed as she chuckled at me. "I'll walk you out." I took a few steps, before pain shooting through my hip, buckling me forward. Nicole grabbed me, the hand soothing my pain slightly. Thankfully, i made it to the front in one piece, everyone running up to me. "Ooo green i dig it." Cassie said, poking my cast. "See i told you it would look good!" Aryia said laughing. "Yeah i guess it did turn out not that bad." "How far does it go?" Colby asked me. I lifted my shirt up, gasps leaving their breaths. "That's so far!" Kat gasped. "Does it hurt?" Reggie asked. "No dipshit it's a cast for a reason." Aryia answered. "Can i sign it?" Cassie asked with a huge smile over her. "Of course." I smiled, handing her the marker as she started signing her name. Everyone took turns writing their names in different spots, and when it came to Colby he took the marker from Kat carefully, walking up to me. "Can i?" He asked before coming any closer. I nodded, taking a step closer to him. He wrote just below my forearm, signing his name with a small heart that he filled in. Chuckling afterwards. "Nerd." I whispered, taking the marker back. "Hey Cassie, Kat, and i are going to bring the car around, you guys good here?" Reggie asked, turning to us. "Yeah we'll sign her out." Aryia said, walking to the front desk a few feet away. Colby followed along, me slowly walking with them before something caught my attention. "How's patient in room 42?" I heard a nurse ask another. "Awake, and stable. He keeps asking for Write, and nonsense." Another nurse answered. It has to be about David, who else could it be? "Yeah well im about to go over to Write to see how she's doing again." "Yeah okay i should go check on the boy now." This was it. It was my opportunity to see David. I glanced over to Colby and Aryia, their heads busy in paperwork. I slipped back passed the doors, right when went back i snapped myself invisible. They were all healers anyways, they wouldn't tell. I followed the nurse to the room, standing right at the door. I couldn't bring myself to go in, i just stood there. "Hey sweetie, how are you?" The nurse asked him. He turned to her to answer, a gasp leaving my breath. David was cooked like a turkey, burned all along this right side, his legs being carried from the ceiling that were in full casts. I almost felt bad for him. The nurse walked out a few minutes later, me slipping through the crack of the door that was just closing. I went back to normal, standing there by the door without a movement. His head turned to me making him jump back slightly and reach for the help button. I held my hand out, stopping him suddenly."Don't do that." I whispered, dropping my hand and swiping the controls away. I walked up to the vulnerable man, the one that tortured me. The guy that murdered my parents in front of my face, the one that knew i was gifted, and turned me into a monster. "What do you want freak?" He yelled out in pain, his voice hardening. It fueled my anger, my eyes flashing for a second before i forced the monster back in its cage. "I came to say goodbye." I walked up to him, fear written in his face as he struggled to scoot away. I sit on his side of the bed, turning my head to look at him. "This is because of you." I pointed to my arm, then to his face. "No, this is because of your shitty freak ass friends." My eyes flashed again, i yanked my hand up, cutting off his air as he struggled to breath. I didn't move until i heard his monitor go off, then i released my grip. "You're a monster, you always will be." I shook my head at him. "No, you made me like this." "I tried to help you." He snapped back. I scrunched my face, looking at him. "I wanted to cure you, all this time i tried to take people like you, to help you. Freaks like you walk the streets everyday, i wanted to make a cure. But right when i almost had it, you absorbed it, blew the place up. Along with all my research, i had to start from scratch." I scoffed, standing from the bed. "You act like i chose to do that." "I don't care! You ruined everything. You always do, wherever you go caos follows. But don't worry, someone will finish my work for me once i'm gone." I shook my head at him, crumbling my hand in a fist. "You have no one, maybe Emily. But that's because you're both psycho. Maybe i do ruin everything, maybe that's why my parents are dead and why i'm like this. But that'll never stop me from blaming you. When your time comes, i hope you burn in hell." I walked to turn around, on the brink of tears. "Caos is only going to follow you Jordan." He repeated, making me stop for a second. "Caos doesn't follow me, i am the caos." I walked out the room, my face streaming with tears that i immediately wiped away. I wasn't going to let him get to me, ever again. I was free now. I strolled the halls, my face back to its hard, emotionless usual.

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