Chapter One Hundred Four-Rose

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Colbys pov
"Dude, how are you going to have a lead over anything right now? We won, remember?" I sighed through the phone, slowing down on how fast i was going on the freeway. "Okay but hear me out, what if it's not even over." He shifted, or something like that. All i heard was movement through the phone. "Go on." "She told me before she rests when everything's at peace, now this might sound crazy but i don't think she's dead." I choked on my words, a slip up in my sentence. I just confirmed she was dead by not confirming it, does that count? Guess it did because there went my heart again. "Brother, i'm not trying to sound like a debby downer or anything, but you realize what you're saying right? We saw the place get destroyed with our own eyes. Jordan was there, she saved us and many other lives by just sacrificing hers. And i know you don't want to admit it, because i wouldn't admit it either if it was Katrina. Hell i still don't because it's Jet, but i don't think shes coming back." I felt my heart drop to my stomach again. Not because some of me knew he was right, because i felt like my best friend didn't have my back on this one. "Sam, are you with me or are you not?" I needed to know, simply just for me. Not because of the situation. If he didn't have my back at my worst, craziest situations, how could i go on with him when i was even more confident about something? When i wasn't just 80% sure about something. But 100% sure. "Colby, i'm with you always. You know that." I sighed out of relief, exhaling the breath i didn't know i was holding. That was enough for me to know he had me. And he always would. "Then help me with this, even if i'm wrong, i need to know that you got me." I said, the line going quiet for a second. "Yeah, i got you." Smiling, i nodded to him, knowing he couldn't see me, i felt like he did. "Okay, meet me at my place i'm coming right now." I said before hearing movement over his side again. "Kk, see ya." He ended the line, leaving me in silence as i pulled up to a red light, giving me time to put some music on. I flipped through my gallery, before choosing the only playlist that felt to fit how i felt right now. The sad one as usual. But not like the just plain sad the more of in depth one. The songs that hit me more than life itself. Ones that i felt like i was floating on another planet. And not the kind on drugs. Of course, all of the sad love ones came on, making me regret playing this playlist. But i kept it on, singing my heart out here and there, only missing one thing to complete my ride back to my place. Her. I pulled up to yet another red, throwing my head back as i deeply fell in love with the lyrics to the song, falling deeper into a trance i felt so familiar with. Some of the lyrics didn't even apply to her, i just loved Lil Peep so much that everything fit. "Do i make you scared? Baby, won't you take me back?" I felt the song in my bones, sending chills down my body. Pulling up to my same old parking spot, i leaned my head on the steering wheel for a second, trying to compose myself. For some reason, turning the car off was hard, maybe it was the jam session getting to me. I needed to let go more often, instead of just getting into my constant loop of suppressed emotions. Walking up to my apartment seemed longer than usual, like the universe was taking longer on purpose. But when i got to my level i basically jumped out, walking quickly down the hall. I would've ran or jogged maybe, but i didn't want to scare the old lady that just so happens to be walking in the same hall as me. "In a rush?" She asked, smiling softly. I slowed down even more, returning a smile to her. "Something like that." I opened my door, Sam already sitting on my couch like he was waiting eternity for me. "Took you long enough, i was about to eat all of your pistachios." He exclaimed, pointing to my one somewhat full cabinet with like three things in it. "I'm surprised Jordan didn't eat them all." I said, looking up curiously, just saying her name shot daggers into me, cutting open my wound that was just drying up. "Okay what did you want to show me." Sam asked, popping up from his seat. I waved my hand as i walked to my room. I prayed the one thing i could rely on was still going, because if not i wouldn't have anything. Not even a chance. The walk to my nightstand was dreadful, the curtains blocked out any light, and i didn't even bother turning the light switch on. I was too terrified that the flower was dead, and rotting in the same spot before she fixed it. I took a deep breath, turning back to Sam as he was peering over my shoulder. "Is it behind the darkness or in front of it?" He whispered jokingly, as he teleported to the light switch, flicking it on. I shut my eyes out of instinct, and reaching my hand out to the rose. Swallowing my hope, i opened my eyes to the soft texture of the petals, still fresh at the touch. "Oh thank goodness." I sighed, opening my eyes fully. "What am i looking at?" He asked, taking it from my hands. "The lead." I smiled, admiring the flower. Everything about it was still in tact, except for one thing, a single petal died out, falling to the floor to the sudden dryness it had. What did that mean? "The lead is a plant." Sam said, cocking his eyebrow at me. "Do you know where that's from?" I asked, crossing my arms over my chest. "No." He shook his head. "In fact i don't even know why you have flowers in your room, but it's kind of a look." He slumped on my bed, setting it back where it was. "That's the same rose from the funeral." I said, smiling. His face scrunched, as he shook his head at me. "No way, that was months ago. This flower is like fresh out of a bouquet." He said, looking at it again in disbelief. "It was dying, i almost threw it out actually. Until J literally brought it back to life." I said, stroking the petals with my hand softly. "She healed it? Am i hearing this correctly? Jordan isn't a healer." I sighed, walking over to my mini fridge to grab a water. "I know that Sam. I didn't believe her either until she did that and healed the gash on my hand." I said, pointing to the small but subtle scar on my palm that still hasn't healed fully. "What? I'm so lost right now." He ran his hands through his hair, trying to catch up. "I cut my hand on a piece of glass, Jordan said she can transfer energy, not take it away like healers. That's why my cut is gone. And instead of using that energy to blast something or whatever, she chose to heal the rose." I said, pointing to the flower. "Wait, so she took the energy from your hand, and transferred it to something else in need?" I nodded at him, smiling. "Wow, i feel like i learn something new about her every time we talk about her, also props to her for doing a good thing." I chuckled, nodding. "You'd be surprised." I agreed, sitting on my couch. "Okay but what does a flower have to do with the fact that Jordan's gone?" I appreciated he said gone and not anything beyond, i'm not sure if i could take it right now. "Uh, she said the day she did it, as long as she's alive, and the sun still shines it'll stay alive." I said, remembering the way her eyes bloomed when she said that, and the smile that didn't reach her ears rested softly, slightly showing her dimple on her cheek. "So if this is alive, then she's-" "Alive, or at least her energy's still going somehow." He sighed, thinking to himself. "Well i say we call the gang here, and we have another 'pizza night.'" He said, smiling. I smiled back, dabbing him up with pride. "Thanks man." I said truthfully. "I'll always get you brother, even if it sounds ridiculous at first."

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