Chapter One Hundred Nine-Perky

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Colbys pov
"I can't believe you guys got your nails PINK. Out of every color they had you guys chose pink?" Cassie laughed as we walked out of the nail salon, the weather being way cooler than before, but still kind of hot. In fact, it looked like it was going to rain soon. "What? Kevin and i wanted to match." I laughed, looking at my pink nails. I got all of them done pink, except the index and ring finger on both hands. Those were black, the one on my right hand standing for Sam, and the one on my left standing for the love of my life. No one knew that i had a deeper meaning to my painted nails but me, and that's what made it so special. "I think pink is manly." Kevin said in defense as we piled into the car. "It is, im just surprised you didn't get like a lighter shade of pink instead of a hot pink." Cassie said, taking the drivers side. "Kevin chose the shade." I said with a smile, as i showed off our nails to my phone camera, Cassies long acrylics popping in. "I think they look sick." I commented, fist bumping Kevin. "Hell yeah they do." We laughed, agreeing with each other before pulling into the typical LA traffic that i had a love hate relationship for. I hated traffic yes, but i feel like everyone does, the only thing i love about it is getting to jam out in the car a little longer than usual. "Did you want us to pick you up after, Colby? We can swing by if you wanted." I thought for a second, before shaking my head. "No it's okay i can uber or get Sam to come get me." I responded while scrolling on my phone. "Okay, but if you need us we got you." I nodded, thanking them as i decided to make a pretty bold decision of myself, and post a picture of J and i on my instagram story. I know i will get a lot of hate from it, but i could handle it, and either way Jordan didn't even have any socials. So it wasn't that big of a deal. I made sure to put the time stamp it was taken on there, but nothing more, so it wasn't too big of a deal. Not too long later i heard Kevin let out a bark of laughter, scaring the living hell out of us. "You're so lucky she doesn't have any social media platforms." He laughed, showing Cassie what was on my story before she turned her eyes back to the road. "Had anyone said anything about it yet?" She asked. "As of now, not really, considering i posted it less than a minute ago." I glared at Kevin, who just laughed it off. I rolled my eyes, looking at the time quickly and realizing it was already seven fifty. Knowing damn well i was going to get there after eight because of this damn traffic, i didn't sweat it, i knew it would just be me, and i was okay with that. For once, i was okay with it. It was a good thirty minutes until i got to the actual place, the exact cafe i wanted to take Jordan. It had almost a 90's retro aesthetic to it, and i thought she would appreciate that more than anyone else, the bright neon sign shining over me. "Later loser." Cassie joked, as Kevin and her stuck their tongue out at me. I rolled my eyes, sticking my tongue back at them before walking in. Just by the looks at the dull sky, you could tell a downpour was coming, damn spring time. Always wacky weather. "You can take a seat wherever, i'll bring you a menu." The waitress was even dressed like she belonged in the nineties, and i kind of felt bad for her, having to do her hair like that everyday. I nodded, walking across the checkered patterned floor until i found a seat that felt somewhat okay to me. A two seater, right next to the bar, the bright red strip of light taking over half the scenery, i really liked it here, i should come more often actually. The same lady came back, smacking on her gum in a smile as she handed me the menu. "So what can i get ya?" She asked in a really chirpy voice, almost nagging even, but i didn't want to be rude. "Um can i just have a water for now? I'm kind of waiting on someone." I smiled at her, trying to be the nicest i could as she smiled back, nodding before walking away. I pulled my phone out, looking down at the crazy amount of DM's i was getting from just a picture with Jordan, talking about if she was my girlfriend or whatever. Dang, i didn't know it concerned people so much about my personal life, well i did, to an extent. When the waitress came back, she sat my water down, but before i got to thank her she swopped down into the spot in front of me, catching me by surprise. "So who are you waiting for again?" She asked, leaning her face in her hand. I looked around, and took notice that there was only one other couple here, but they were in the way way back, far away from me. I looked back at her, smiling a little less than before, as i looked from side to side, thinking of what to say quickly. "My uh, my girlfriend." God i was so bad at this. You could tell i was lying from a mile away. She turned her head to the side slightly, almost like she was examining me like a test subject. "No, i don't think so." Oh shit. She could tell. "What makes you say that?" I asked more confidently, i needed to stall her, until i could think of something to reject her in the nicest way possible. Who knew? Maybe she even knew about me from social media or something. "Because guys usually bring their girl on the date with them, and you didn't sound too sure about your answer yourself." She bit the side of her lip, and i thought i couldn't get even more uncomfortable. I took the time to slip the cartier ring off my middle finger and onto my ring, just for a little bit, and sighed as if i just got defeated. "You're right, she's not my girlfriend." Her eyebrows raised, and her face perked up slightly. "She's actually my fiancée." I said as confidently as i could. I saw her face drop, almost in a mad away before she furrowed her eyebrows. "I didn't see a ring on your finger." Damn, this girl really checked everything didn't she. I smiled, and pulled my hand out showing the cartier ring to her. "She works late so i couldn't bring her, but yep, we're engaged." Saying that about Jordan made me uncomfortable, excited, and scared all at once, and i had no idea how. She stood up suddenly, almost scoffing under her breath before flattening her work uniform out, and pulling out her notepad in a hard attitude. "So? Are you going to order something or?" Damn, someone didn't handle rejection well. I smiled, but shook my head politely. "No, i'll wait a little longer." I felt like a different person than who i was just six or seven months ago just by my response, maybe even a year ago. If i were the same person i was before, i would've gotten this girl wrapped around my finger already. I guess i did change as a person overall. When the lady walked away to the back, another one came out, the same perky smile as when the first lady first came to me with. She scanned the place, before her eyes landing on me as she skipped over here, taking the seat in front of me just like the other girl. "I am so sorry about her, she can get out of hand, she just found you really attractive but i can tell that didn't work out..." She trailed off, her eyes widening as she looked between the back door and me, i nodded, chuckling a little after. "Yeah it's no big deal, don't worry about it." She nodded, standing up from the seat and tucking the chair back in. "Well i'm Ocean and if you need anything don't be afraid to holler, i'll just be behind the bar." She walked away, and i appreciated the different energy from this girl rather than the other, i knew that if Jordan were here she would already hate her, just because she was nice. And it made me smile thinking about it, knowing she got even the slightest jealous just like i did, that we both failed to admit.

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