One Forty Nine-Complications

620 19 4

Jordan's pov
  I stood off to the side, and examined the few people in the room with us now, and even this house. The boys were out in our indoor gym, which would be made into our hand in hand combat rooms. Overall i was completely fine with the idea, maybe a bit worried that i'll go extremely "David" on the whole situation, but i could get it under control. Kat, Tara, Devyn, and Sirena where out back by the pool filming a video for Kats channel. Honestly i don't think i would ever get on the social media side of the world. I really wanted to focus on me, and the abnormal world. What am i kidding? I haven't even learned to completely control my own powers. Maybe we all had some improving to do anyways. Currently, i was sitting cross crossed on the floor of the small arcade room, where the walls curved and twisted in different colors, giving it that illusion look to it. "There you are! I've been looking all over for you!" Kat exclaimed, popping into the room. "Sorry, i just needed a disconnection from the world for a sec." I half lied to her. Still wasn't sure why i did that sometimes, maybe a part of me was still scared to completely open up to them. Except Colby though, it's almost like i have a natural flow on my words with him. "You okay?" She asked, resting her hand on my shoulder. "Oh, yeah i'm good. Is everything okay?" I asked back. "I was gonna ask you to be in my video...?" She looked at me with puppy eyes, and i rolled mine back, making her laugh. "Yeah okay, just this once though! You know how i feel about being in the public eye." She cheered, and dragged me to my feet. "Hey there you are, where ya going?" Colby asked as i was still being pulled by Kat. "She's busy now!" I looked at Colby wide eyed, and shrugged. "Guess i'm gonna be in a video now." I chuckled. "Oh wow, goodluck." He smiled at me after. He knew how nervous i got with just being in the background of pictures or videos alone, it's like he was apart of me now. He gave me a quick kiss, before teleporting to a different room. It made me feel good that everyone here was more comfortable showing their powers. Before- or well, what i know of, everyone was to themselves about it. Now, after everything that happened there's been a gap filled with all of us. We're all family now, and we could all feel it. It was a good feeling, one that was different than David's. I don't know if he was family, or anything in the first place, but he was somewhat of a family figure i guess. For Kat's video they did an overall "trap girl q&a." For most of the part i was zoned out, but still hearing the conversation so i would know when to answer or not. And the questions directed towards me weren't too bad. I got asked where i was from, and i responded with California. Others were just generally about me as a person. And it made me feel kind of bad that i never really put myself out there because of my own fear. "Okay, okay last ones for J." I looked up at Jake, who was reading the questions to us behind the camera. His eyes went wide when he fully read the question, and he looked at me quickly in a panic. I nodded a little, so he could know i was completely fine with whatever question it was. "Are you dating anyone in the friend group?" Well fuck my life. I laughed, along with the girls. "How did i not expect this question?" We all laughed again, but i was just doing it to buy time. Do i say no? Would Colby say no if it was up to him? I remembered that day at the carnival, and him saying he was single right in front of my eyes, and i knew then what my answer was going to be. "Yeah, no. I'm not dating anyone in the friend group." I smiled, and looked back at the girls. Some of them covered up their shocked faces with a nod, others just avoided my gaze in general. What the hell did i just do? I felt Colbys gaze from a mile away, but i didn't dare to look. I would have to deal with that later. Kat finished up her video, with a goodbye from us all before covering the camera. We all got up to part ways, and i was the first to walk away. Although my distance was quick, it wasn't quick enough. Colby held onto my wrist, and teleported us out of the room. My head felt fuzzy, and i pulled his hand off of me. "Oh shoot, my fault on that." I nodded, and sat down on his bed to take a second. When i collected myself, i looked back at him. But he was on the other side of the room, his eyes on me. "You good?" I nodded. "Are we going to talk about what just happened?" He added, making me scrunch my eyebrows. "What do you mean?" He scoffed at me, not necessarily in a rude way, and he sat down nearby. "Don't be like that. You know what i'm talking about." I looked back at him with an annoyed look, and nodded "is this about the-" "the video? Yeah kinda." Why the hell was he so mad for? I took the band off my wrist, and sensed someone listening, or trying to at least. "Stop eavesdropping, thanks." I said out loud, before making a bubble around us. "Honestly, i don't understand why you're so pissed off about this." I responded to Colby. "I'm not pissed off i'm just- i don't even know." "You're concerned?" I asked, as he looked away from me. "I guess, i don't know how to put it into words. I know i've said that i was single in the past-" "But you don't like it when it's the other way around?" I crossed my arms over my chest, and he sighed out. "I'm not going to lie, yeah. It's not really something i enjoyed seeing." "Okay, i guess you know how it feels then." I didn't want to finish this conversation, so i got up and started to walk out the door, when he teleported in front of me. "And i said i was sorry for that! It was in the moment and you can't deny that." "And mine wasn't? You think i would just openly say that unless it was true? You're being so weird Colby." I walked past him, and down the stairs. His footsteps followed, speeding up to catch up with me. "Okay you're right, i overreacted. I just wanted to be honest." I turned around, and looked at him dead in the eyes, before nodding. "Okay, we done talking about this now?" He scrunched his face at me, and hesitantly nodded. I smiled, and kissed him quickly. "Good, because i was gonna end the conversation anyways." I walked past him with a small smile. "Wait that's it? You're not gonna like... punch me or anything?" He laughed when i laughed, just to make sure i took it as much as a joke as he did. "Nah, i'm not in the mood. And either way, we have a visitor."

The Mistake | Colby BrockTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang