Chapter Eighty Six-Trouble Maker

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Colbys pov
  I open the next sheet in the paper work, i filled out most of her information myself, with it being repeated questions from different points of views over and over. Crap. This one needed her signature. It was to show she was staying at least 48 hours with someone, because of her condition now she needed to be watched in case something happened. It was truly terrible what happened to her, and i'll never stop blaming myself for it. But the green did look good on her. "Hey J, this one needs your-" I turn to my side to look for Jordan, who wasn't there. Where could she have gone? I got Aryia's attention quick, telling him i couldn't find Jordan. "What the fuck?" He said, looking around. "That's what i thought! Do you hear her?" I asked him, searching between groups of people with no luck. "Second hallway to the right." Aryia said, jumping up from his seat. I got up with him, heading to the door that was for visitors only. "The hell is she doing th-" "Excuse me sir you are not allowed back there." We stopped in our tracks to the familiar voice behind us. Spinning around to look at Jordan who was a huge smile on her face as she opened her snickers bar, and i couldn't help but smile back at her. "Jordan! What the hell?" Aryia practically yelled earning some glares throughout the room. She chuckled at him, covering her mouth before waving her head to walk with us. She quickly waved her hand, signing the papers with her powers as she handed them back to the lady, who nodded at us to go. "Who knew snickers were so good?" She asked as we walked out the building. "The whole world Jordan, literally the whole world." I said, shaking my head. "Um are we not going to talk about what happened back in there?" Aryia asked when we hit outside. "Why what happened?" Kat asked, tossing me the keys. "Oo someone's in trouble!" Reggie shouted. "I was just saying goodbye!" She yelled out in offense. "Goodbye to who?" I asked, we all paused, including J. "David." She mumbled shyly. "What?!" Aryia yelled, startling everyone but Jordan. She broke away pieces of what was left of her chocolate bar, and started handing them out to us without a word. I denied her offer to me, shaking my head as she shrugged and popped it in her mouth. "I mean, it's not like i killed the guy." She muffled out. "But you almost." Reggie added pointing at her. "Get out of my head Webber." She snapped, tossing her trash out. "You almost killed him?" Cassie asked in shock. "He's a dick, he got me mad is all." She shrugged as we walked to the car, we had two, mine and Cassies to take. We stood in between the two, leaning against them. "So what'd you find out?" Kat asked. She looked at Reggie, not wanting to say it for herself i guess. His eyes widened in fear for a second, shaking it off him completely. "He says wants a 'cure' to us. To the gifted. He never wanted his own children, he just wanted to experiment on them to find a cure." My eyes widened with everyone else. He never wanted Jordan for anything but a weapon, something to use against her own kind. Was that why he took her from her parents? "When i blew up the lab, supposably he was super close to a cure. Something that wouldn't just turn us normal, but set off trillions of neurons inside the body. Causing our cells to fight back, but once it reaches a certain capacity, our cells react differently. Making our organs erupt inside of ourselves." She spoke low, shakily almost. "So we'll blow up is what you're saying." I asked. She nodded, not meeting anyone's gaze. "It was supposed to be me, but my cells absorbed it too fast. I guess because of all the other tests i've been on? It blew up the lab, destroying al his past work. Now he's half way done with his new supplement." Her hands shook when she spoke, David really left scars with her and she didn't show it until now. "None of that's your fault Jordan." I said softly, looking down at her. "He's right Jordan, you had no idea." Kat chimed in, rubbing her shoulder. She didn't respond, i knew she wouldn't believe us when we said it wasn't her fault. But it really wasn't. If anything she helped by getting rid of all his work. Now we just have to get our hands on it and get rid of it. She teleported into the passenger seat of my car without a word, and her head leaning on the window. "I'll try to talk to her about it later." I sighed, rubbing my head. "Don't force it out of her Colby, you don't know what she's been through and what could be a trigger." Reggie said, keeping eye contact. I nodded, breaking our gaze. He probably saw what she did before, and it most likely wasn't pretty. I hated that for her. I just wanted her to be happy, for once. It's all she deserved after everything. "I'll ride with you if that's okay." Kat said, looking up at me. "Yeah that's cool, the rest of you will go with Reggie?" I asked. "Why can't it be me Colby? It's my car anyways." Cassie said, shaking her head at me. "Haha, okay my bad." I said as we piled into our cars. I turned to Jordan, who still hasn't said anything since our conversation. "You okay J?" I asked. She hummed, nodding her head as she looked up at the car roof. "We're here for you, always." Kat said from the back seat. The rest of the drive was silent. I didn't bother turning the radio on, and Kat and i didn't say anything the rest of the ride. Jordan just sat there, and i noticed her gripping the bar on the car door like her life depended on it, while looking through the side mirror every so often. "Am i driving too fast? I can slow down." I said, slowing the car down. She shook her head, glancing out the window for a second. "No actually, speed up please." I was beyond worried for Jordan. She might really have some PTSD or something. I wanted to help her in any way i could, but i don't think she would let me. We pulled into the garage of my apartment, before i could even park completely Jordan scrambled to unbuckle her seat belt, panting slightly heavily. She reached for the door handle quickly, but i locked it on her, closing her in. Quickly, i grabbed her arm, getting her attention while Kat left the car. "Calm down, please." My voice begged her to listen, it was my last hope for her to even consider my words. She took a deep breath, closing her eyes for a second while letting her body relax with her. "Sorry." She whispered quickly before unlocking her door and hopping  out. I sighed, running my hand through my hair. I had to understand that trust had to be built, and once it's abused it gets broken again. I had broken Jordan's trust. But i was determined to get it back, and nothing was going to stop me. "I'm going to pick something up from Sams real quick, you guys good here?" Kat asked. I looked at Jordan who nodded with a small smile. If she was fine with it, i was. "Yeah we'll catch up with you later." Kat nodded, opening Sams door. Gosh we really need to start locking our doors. I opened mine for Jordan, her face scrunching up like usual. "You don't lock your doors?" She asked before walking in. "Nope, we're rebels." She chuckled, a smile breaking through that was always contagious. I walked in right after her, closing the door behind us as i watched her look around my somewhat clean apartment curiously. I was kind of embarrassed to have this big of a mess here, but i was pretty comfortable with Jordan i don't think she cared. "This is your apartment?" She asked, emphasizing the fact that it's mine. I chuckled, picking up trash i found wherever i walked to make it any less dirty than it already was. "Yeah, sorry it's sorta messy." "Don't worry about it, it's really nice here." I watched as she ran her fingers up the railing that went up to my loft gently, like she was scared she would break something. She leaned over the railing, looking down at me. "Have you ever thought about jumping off of here?" She asked, gripping the railing. "All the damn time." I answered. She smiled, flipping herself over so she was in a handstand for over the railing. "Jordan! You're going to hurt yourself." "Oh calm down, i doubt i'll be in this cast for more than three weeks." She lifted the arm that was casted up, holding herself one handed scaring me even more than she already was. "Jordan if you break your other arm i'm toast." She didn't answer, instead she flipped herself over, landing right in front of me silently, her feet like marshmallows. She dusted herself off, looking up at me with her long eyelashes, her eyes latching onto mine. It felt like forever since i was this close to her, to be able to feel her breath against mine. My hands ached to touch her, to pull her closer to me and just forget everything that happened. For her to be mine. I guess she felt the energy in the room shift drastically because she took a step back, holding her hand up to me. "See, perfectly fine." She smiled slightly, moving away from me as Kat opened the door.

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