Chapter Eighty-Loop

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Jordan's pov
  I woke up to movement on the bed, shuffling beneath me. I opened my eyes, adjusting my vision. "Oh shoot, didn't mean to wake you my bad," i heard Aryia say beside me. "Nah you're good, i needed to be woken up anyway." I sat up, reflecting on the dream i just had. "Bad dream?" I chuckled at him, "sometimes i feel like you can read my mind." I say as the bed moves up with me. "Maybe, but i do my measurements based on how fast ones heart is beating." He says as he stretches from his spot. "Did you even end up falling asleep?" I asked. "Yeah a little, but Cassies here and i thought it would be pretty awkward if she saw us laying together." He said taking a seat next to me. "Probably, does anyone know about me and Colby?" I asked. "Nope, besides Sam and Kat i don't think, maybe Serena. I would ask Jake and Tara if they knew anything but they keep their stuff locked away even if they did know." I nodded, i wish things were different. I wish we had a better outcome, maybe i could've done something or stopped him. "You wanna tell me what that dream was about? It looked like it was bothering you." Aryia said, grabbing my attention again. I shook my head, rubbing my eyes to break eye contact. "No, that's not what's bothering me. And the dreams been the same as it's been for a while. I wake up, re live my argument with Colby on the rooftop, the car crashes, and i'm here again." I say, my memory of it fuzzy, but in my sleep crystal clear. "Sometimes it's just memories, but it always ends the same, with me landing face first into glass, and my whole body burning." I shook my head, erasing the memories. "You think you might have some form of PTSD?" Aryia asked concerning. I furrowed my eyebrows, shaking my head slightly. "I mean, i don't think. Maybe? You would think with all the stuff i've been through i would be mentally ill, maybe i am, but i can't really tell." I say honestly, my face dropping. He laid a hand on my shoulder, comforting me as he brought me in for a hug i gladly accepted with one arm. "Thank you," i whispered in a soft cry. Maybe i was mentally ill after all. My emotions where getting the best of me, even after so long of turning them off again. It physically hurt me to hold them in anymore. I couldn't bare it. He pulled out of the hug, nodding slightly to the door. I quickly wiped away any tears that fell and laid back down on the bed, as i saw Cassie walk through, her face lighting up when she saw me. "Oh my God you're alive!" She squealed, tackling me in a hug. I huffed out in pain, but didn't say anything but hug her back. Cassie felt like a sister to me, she was always cracking the worst jokes, and that's what made them the best. I'm glad she found a home with some of the group, i was truly happy for her and Reggie. "Yeah, unfortunately i am." I half joked. "Oh stop! I almost had a heart attack the other day, they basically dragged me out of the waiting room." She shook her head, sitting next to Aryia who quickly stood up and opening his wallet. "I'm gonna get a water, you guys want anything?" He asked looking between me and Cassie. "Nope," Cassie said quickly, dismissing Aryia. He glared at her slightly, a smile covering his face as his eyes met mine. "I'm good thanks," i said quietly. He nodded and walked out the room, leaving a Cassie and i here. "What happened?" She asked quickly. "Depends what you're talking about." I said laughing slightly, she didn't laugh back. "Start where you got taken back." She said, leaning in her chair. I thought about it, it felt like so long ago i don't even think i remembered. "Well you where there for a part of it, but i guess after you left they picked up where they would've left off if i wouldn't have left." I shrugged as i watched her eyes widen in fear. "Oh my, so did they like torture you?" She lowered her voice dramatically when she said this, like if we weren't the only ones in the room. I nodded, not wanting Aryia to hear if he was around the corner, i already knew he heard Cassie. She mouthed an O M G at me, i could've sworn her eyes almost popped out of her head then and there. "I hope you at least put up a fight." She said, raising her eyebrows. I chuckled, nodding quickly before reaching over to grab the chip that was in me. I lifted the small disk, just as she gasped and took it from me, examining it. Before she could say anything, i shushed her, pointing to my ears then to the door. She nodded, shutting her mouth shut. I brought my hand up and spelled out chip in ASL, i knew Cass knew the alphabet, so she would get it. She nodded, turning it over to see the wires poking out. I tilted my neck, pointing to the small indent my body had adapted to it, making her eyes widen. "To stop you?" She signed out, giving me a questionable look. I nodded, and tried my best to describe how it worked. It didn't take me long of course, she's smart enough to understand fully what i was meaning. "Are you okay now?" She whispered, setting the chip back in the drawer. I gave her a sarcastic look, motioning at my broken body. "Besides this i'd consider myself fine." I whispered back. She nodded sadly, resting a hand on mine. I still felt terribly bad about what went down with us, but it's not like either of us had a choice. "Are we okay?" I asked her. Her eyes met mine, before nodding slowly at me. "We were never not," she smiled widely, making me smile with her. "Don't tell anyone i told you, but i heard Jake was coming over tomorrow." She said, making me groan. I knew Jake still didn't like me, probably a lot less now that i kicked his ass in a fight. Whoops. "Does he have to?" I groaned, laying down. She sighed dramatically with me, before we both chuckled a little. "Yeah he wanted to go over living situations with you, since he already had them before you got back. Don't ask why, all i know is that him and Colby have been talking about it since they moved out of the Trap." I rolled my eyes. I hated Colby, i really hated his guts right now. But i also couldn't stop myself from loving him ever so slightly. He was just being a total drama queen and i wasn't here for it. "Anything on Emily and David?" I asked, looking at her from my spot. She shook her head at me, leaning back in her chair. "I can't believe we believed her, i'll tell you what happened another day because i'm sure Aryia would be back soon and he already knows the story. But it's a very long one, I'm pretty sure we can take them to court though, after everything they did to you, mostly David." I nodded slightly, but also shaking my head. "I'll tell you about my adventures for sure too. But the thing with David, he isn't dumb unfortunately. If we take them to court, i could get arrested for murder, no matter if they forced me or not, right?" I asked. She shrugged, shaking her head. "I don't know much about the law here, I've lived underground for a while but maybe you can get some sort of agreement. I mean didn't he threaten your life?" "Oh more than you think." I responded, shaking my head in disbelief. I never understood a man like David. So sickening. "Well if everything's still at his lab, we can just go there for evidence." My eyes widened at Cassie as i sat up, maybe a little to quickly sense my vision blurred a bit. "You're a genius," "oh i know babe." She smiled. When Aryia came back, we spent the rest of the day gossiping about random stuff. I found out that Aryia had just gotten out of a fling with a girl he cared about, but claimed it was behind him. Me and Cassie both knew otherwise, seeing the look on his face, but we didn't question it. Cassie was happy to be taking the next step with Reggie and getting a dog together, considering they thought they were too young for kids. And i had told them about Colby and i. I told them about how he cheated when i thought i loved him, thinking he loved me. Of course i didn't say who it was with, for respectful reasons. But it got to the point where i was balling my eyes out as i was wrapped in a big group hug. It did make me feel better, to let everything out and to have people. But at the end of the day, they had to go home. And i was left restless in my bed, flipping through a magazine i stumbled upon. I couldn't even focus on the words in front of me for too long. I was too busy thinking about what i did wrong. What i did to make the boy i cared about not care anymore. It was always this thought at the end of the day. A loophole of emotions, and i didn't know how long i could last like this.

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