Chapter Fifty-Five-Bandages and Blood

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Jordans pov
  "Whatcha thinking about?" She speaks as i sit backwards on my chair zoning out into space. By she i mean the nurse over here, i swear this place is a literal prison. I had just been sent to the nurse by some weird guard that was watching me punch a wall of concrete. I don't remember what for, but the feeling of just plain blood satisfied me in ways i couldn't explain. "Killing" is all i say in a chuckle as the last bandage is placed on my knuckle. Mary sighs and shakes her head, her shaded grey hair bouncing with her movement. "Can i tell you something?" I say more than ask to the petite woman typing at her computer. "Always hun, i'm probably the most civil person in this building." She chuckles facing her computer. "You can say that again, everyone else here either wants me dead or has tried to make me dead." I play with ring, spinning it on my finger. "Well it's not like you've blown the place up before, killed dozens of men and still managed to take care of yourself, right?" She responds sarcastically, "so what did you want to tell me?" She quickly changes the subject. I know she's said it multiple times, but deep down i know she's still scared of me. And to be honest i'm scared of myself, i don't know when i'll snap anymore. Never at Mary though, her soul is too pure for me to ever get mad at. "This is going to sound crazy but ever since i got here, i've had this deep urge into me to kill people. Anything really, it's like a nagging in the back of my head that i try to push away but when i actually go through and do it, it satisfies me. Yes i feel bad, but at least i scratched the itch." She doesn't respond, only nodding at my words so i continue. "It's like i run on it now, sometimes i can't eat, sleep, or do anything even without having to scratch that itch. Sometimes i just punch the hard walls just to, feel something if anything." She takes her small glasses off as they hang from her neck with a danty balled chain. "Have you ever felt like this before?" She asks with full concern. Her soft voice makes my heart swell of happiness, reminding me of a small elderly grandma. Badass though, with the red flannels and the boot legged jeans. I shake my head in response. "Only when i felt threatened, now its just a need." She gets slightly closer to me and holds one of my hands in both of hers. "I'm so sorry they did this to you love, you didn't deserve this life." The energy in the room falls to a fragile feeling, breaking my heart slightly. "Oh Mary, don't ever apologize on their behalf. What matters now is that i'm okay, and you're okay. We only have the present, and we live by that. No matter what, okay? I'll be okay, and while i'm here i'll do everything in my power to make sure you're okay." I smiled sadly at the strong woman in front of me. I was about to hug to poor woman when the hour clock went off, ringing throughout the building and signaling me to get going. I wouldn't want her to get in trouble for me. I stand up and quickly hug Mary before slipping my shoes on. "I would love to talk more, but i have to be there when they send Emily out, i'm sure you've heard." I say as i tie my shoe and jump up. She nods and i hug her one last time. "Jordan, baby, i need to tell you." She stutters with her words filling me with worry. "What's wrong?" I ask as i quickly sit back down. "When you got here, they injected you with stuff, stuff that makes you like this. I don't recall the name but it's really dangerous. They gave you about seven shots of it-" "Of the black liquid." I cut her off as she nods at me. "They were going to give you more but i was afraid it would kill you. I could only cut it down so many." She was crying now, the poor lady was crying because of me. Why did i manage to hurt everyone in my life. It's wherever i go, caos follows. "It's okay Mary, i'm okay." I hug her tightly as she grasps onto me. I didn't know what to do, i'm not used to affection being given to me. She quickly pulls away, staring into my eyes. "This is why you have an urge to kill Jordan, it's the stuff they put in you. It makes you bonkers, i've seen it happen before. It changes you." She said softly with a stern grip on me. I nod shorty, understanding her point. "I'm keeping it under control, but i'll try extra hard for you." I smile genuinely, then walking to the door. I let go of her hand at the door and as i get ready to close it she yells "stay out of fights Jordan! I don't want you here too often." She chuckles and goes to her computer. "No promises," i smile back and close her door. Poor lady, i hate her working here with crazy people left and right. Her pure soul doesn't belong here. I sprint to the closest guard i could find at the end of the hall. Without me having to speak he points to a door at the end of the hall. "Third door on your right, Sky's." He keeps a straight face and i pat him on the shoulder. "Thanks bud" i jog over to the hall, counting the doors as i go before finding the third door. I open it to see Emily getting her last touches on her makeup. Preppy bitch. "You made it!" David squeals and drags me to a seat. I roll my eyes as i'm forced to sit down and i lift my feet to dangle off the chair. I listen in on David giving some Emily the last minute details on her "job". She pins on a microphone on the inside of her shirt, throwing on an undershirt then a button up flannel. "Yeah yeah i got it, in and out." She waves him off and he nods taking a step back. "You look good." He smiles at her and she hugs him "you did pick the outfit out." She laughs clinging onto him. I roll my eyes and look away from the horror show, hoping to spare some eyesight. "Oh here." David hands her the phone they use, it's a same old phone but the number is linked to David's phone, so every message she receives , David gets too. Emily does have her own phone but they use this one for situations like this. Not the worst idea, until someone finds out she just so happens to carry two phones with her all the time. "Do you need anything else?" He asks cracking open a soda can, "actually i might need one thing." She walks over to me and yanks my arm. "Dude what the hell?" I scream and push her off of me, standing up immediately. She tried to rip my bracelet off my hand. The one Sammy gave to me, one of the few things i had from them. "I'll need your bracelet." She smiles mischievously looking at me. "What the fuck? No?" I back away crossing my arms. She rolls her eyes holding her hand out. "Look maybe they'll believe me if i have some sort of proof from you, okay?" I shake my head, holding my wrist. "I don't care, this is mine." I snap holding my hand out making David stand up. "Don't you dare do your zapping thing at her." He points to me. "Or what? She's taking the one thing that's keeping me fucking sane in this hell hole!" I snap and hold my ground. "Look you choose, the bracelet or your hand." David says as i lean back into a guard that holds me in place. I shake my head, a single tear falling off my face. "I fucking hate you, petty bitch." I snap taking my bracelet off and holding it out to her. Just as she's about to take it i hold it up, catching her eye. "I want proof it got to them, if not i won't hesitate to rip your limbs off until you're nothing but chunks of body parts." I feel my eyes flash for a split second as fear washed over her. I tuck away the little bit of evil in me and she nods, holding her hand out. I drop the bracelet in her hand and shake off the guy holding me. David nods and sits back down, typing at his computer. "I'm taking you to your set up house not too far from what they call the Krac house. You'll follow the car that exits the building to the place. You'll know what to do then." David looks at Emily then to me for a second before turning on the poor teleporter they invented, because they don't have any powers. She stands on the platform big enough for a whole group of people before a glass covers around the machine. "Going out on three." David smiles before flipping multiple switches. "One." He chantes flipping another switch. "Two." Emily chants in the glass as she straps on her goggles. "Three." I whisper, and just before David pushes the button on the device, i flick my hand to the side knocking Emily to the ground. She falls with an 'oof' then gets zapped into air. She poops up on the small screen in front of us, groaning as she got up and flipped off the camera. I chuckle, covering my mouth with laughter. "Seriously?" David laughs as he looks at me. I crack up and stand up walking out the door. "See ya whimp i'm hungry." I say walking out of the room and down to the cafeteria.

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