Chapter Twelve-Silent Madness

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Jordan's pov
   Three weeks. Three weeks until my 18th birthday. Another year without my family, and with people that don't care about my well being. Jakes voice boomed throughout the house. "HOUSE MEETING EVERYONE IN 5!" I was confused. Was i part of this too? "YES JORDAN YOU TOO" Jake screamed. I groaned and combed through my hair and headed downstairs. Almost everyone was already here and not just the roommates were joining us. It was everyone. Some flashed smiles at me but i ignored them and sat on the floor. "You good girl?" Kat asked, worry in her tone. I nodded, not making eye contact and looking at the floor. Once everyone was down Jake stood in front  of all of us and starting talking about some mission they needed to do. He opened a file. "Elliot Mires, 7 year old boy that almost blew up and airplane has run away from home, parents are in medical condition. Strengths: Bending and melting metal Weaknesses: Has a minor epilepsy but takes medication and... cake. Hm i'm starting to like this kid already." Everyone chuckled. "So what are we going to do with him when we find him?" Colby asked and Sam nodded. "Yea like do we turn him into social services or the A.P.P?" "We have to keep him here for a few weeks, then the app will know what to do. He was last located at a Chipotle and there's only three in our area so i shouldn't be that hard. Now that we have things cleared up i need to know who's coming. Soo.. any volunteers?" Everyone stood quite. "I say we take the newbie." Corey said. Wait , what? i'm 90% sure i'm the newbie so why would they even dare to trust me on something like this? "Corey, sweet innocent corey... no." Jake said in a girly voice and everyone laughed. "Oh c'mon! she's the youngest one here so she's obviously better at kids than us. She has like a thousand things she can use if things go bad, and i think it would be a good opportunity for her to see the real world." This was actually kinda interesting, maybe it won't be that bad. "No, and no." Jake pointed to me and Corey. "You're not going, end of discussion." Jake was loosing his temper now. "Fine then, if you don't let her go, i'll take her myself." Colby then chimed in. Oh what the fuck. It was going fine. I glared at both of them and got up. "Whatever, you guys obviously don't trust me. Not a surprise, i don't care anymore." With that i vanished from the game room to the kitchen, grabbing myself a cup of water. I let the water flow down my throat slowly, as i haven't eaten or drank anything in 2 days. I finish the water and i jump to the touch of someone grabbing my shoulder. I quickly grab their wrist and twist there arm behind their back making them hiss in pain. I look to see that it was Sam. "Oh shoot, you scared me." I let go of my grip and he turns to face me dusting his shirt off. "No big deal, i should've said something." "Okay? what do you want?" I ask coldly. "I just wanted to let you know you should probably eat before you head out with us. Colby and I have noticed you haven't been yourself, or eating anything so i grabbed you a granola bar and Colby put your suit is on your bed." i shook my head. "Jake said i wasn't going?" "Yea but Colby said he'd take you so i couldn't leave him hanging." I groaned and put my glass in the sink. "Okay whatever i'll go now." i said as i headed to the stairs. "Oh wait!" Sam shouted. "Yes?" i asked rudely. He tossed me a nature valley bar and smiled. "Go get ready newbie." With that he's gone and i slightly smiled, and make my way to my room. I look on my bed to see an all black outfit with pockets on the pants and jacket. It's almost like a leathery material but comfy. It was nice. I look to see a note next to it. What's up with notes here? I open it to see, Hopefully it's the right size, i'm sorry for whatever i did and i hope you ate the bar sam gave you. ~Brock I sigh and put the outfit on. Right as i finish tightening the belt on my waist i hear a knock at my door. "Yes?" i ask kinda rudely. "It's Tara. Can i come in?" "And Kat!" "Sure." is all i say for them to burst into my room. "Woah girl." Tara says. Do i look bad? "No girl, you look HOT!" Tara says. Oh yea i forgot she can do that. "Yea girl that defines like every curve in your body." Kat chimes in. i have curves? I don't even know what that is. "Anyway we came to see how you were doing sense you've been acting kinda strange lately, so is everything okay?" "Everything's fine. I'm fine." I snap back. I see them jump back a little at my tone. "Sorry, didn't mean it for it to be that harsh." "It's okay, we get it. Well we also wanted to tell you that Colby, Sam, Kat, me and you are going. I mostly wanted to go for food afterwards but i guess i'll help." Tara explains. I couldn't help but giggle at her. "SHE LAUGHS!" Corey yells as he walks into my room. "Stop being a bitch Corey." Kat says in a playful way. Corey holds his heart and fake pouts. "Fine then, i guess i'll just go." He fake cries. "See ya newbie, and meanies." He walks out and i turn my finger, making the door shut.  Kat and Tara and I burst out laughing. "SORRY COREY!" Kat yells. "Well we better get going and get dressed, Sam will hand you the things you need when we get there so don't worry about that. If you need anything just holla!" Tara screams the last part as i nod and they head out. I decided to go get some more water so i don't pass out on this mission thing. When i reach the hallway, Colby pins me to the wall next to my door, as our rooms are close to each other, i glare at him. "Look okay i'm sorry for whatever i did i honestly don't know can you please tell me so i-" I cut him off by shoving him off of me, well not actually touching him. "What's your problem? Why couldn't you just ask me?" I was pretty annoyed now. "Well i tried and you ignore me for everything! I try doing the smallest things and you push me away!" He yelled, i scoff and turn to the stairs as he appears infront of me again and pins me back to the wall, only this time, he has a gun pointed at my chest. "Look if this is what it's going to take for you to talk to me then so be it." I look at him coldly into his eyes that are now slightly clouded. "Do it." I say bluntly. "What?" he askes, taken back by my words as his face softened a bit. "You heard me, do it. Pull the trigger Colby, maybe that'll get me to listen." I think he was trying to scare me because i heard a click in the gun but i never left eye contact. "What? scared to hurt a little girl?" I fake pout. He does a deep chuckle and shakes his head a bit. "You know, it's kinda cute when you're mad." I look down to the gun then back to his eyes, now with a hint of lust and raise an eyebrow. "Why thank you, now if you don't mind taking this off of me i gotta-" now he cut ME off. "I don't think so princess. Not until you tell me what's wrong." Princess? Oh heck no. Man how do i get out of this situation? well this isn't the first time a guy has done this. I batted my eyes and looked intensely into his. Right as he was locked onto me i grabbed the wrist holding the gun and flipped the gun so it's pointing to him. "What was that, Brock?" He chuckled and put his arms up in defense. "You're good. You gotta teach me how to do that some day." I rolled my eyes playfully. "In your dreams pretty boy." I got my thumb and pressed slightly on the side of the gun as the magazine(aka the ammo) slid right out. As is turned the safety on. "You should also maybe learn how to work these before you point them everywhere." I handed the two pieces to him and walked away. "Wait, you think i'm pretty?" I turned around and shrugged with a half smile. "Don't threaten me with a gun, Brock. You don't know what i'm capable of." "I would like to know though, if you talked to me like you used to." I groaned slightly and shook my head remembering they just want me for there own use and they don't even care. "Nah i don't think so." His small smile fell as he watched me walk down the stairs. He then followed, "i know something's up, but i'll figure it out J, one way or another." I kept walking forward to the kitchen ignoring him... letting my thoughts consume me.

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