Chapter Seventy- Meanings

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Jordan's pov
  My eyes go wide, and i think fast. I look around and see Brennen too focused on trapping me to even notice his best friend could fall to his death at any second. I throw my arms outwards quickly and harshly. Maybe too harshly seeing Brennen flip over before hitting face first on the roof. His vines go dead and he looks up at me pissed off, i take the chance to notice the blood stream going down his forehead, along with a badly busted lip. Poor guy probably hasn't lost a fight before. I rip the vines off quickly, throwing Brennen down again, knocking him unconscious and stumble to Colby. He grunts as his hand holds on for his dear life, knuckles white and all. I grab onto his forearm, gripping tightly as his eyes move from the floor to mine. "Don't look down," i repeat as i hold my tight grip. He closes his eyes, his hands getting sweaty making me nervous by the second. "Don't let go." He pleas at me, looking back into my eyes. My other arm sags down, and holds onto him, the burning in my shoulder increasing. I whimper at the constant pull and nag of my shoulder, this is going to suck getting out. "I got you, don't worry." I reply after a little while, i try and think of an idea that could not get Colby hurt, but also not get me killed. Fuck, i can't think of any. "Where have you been all this time?" What the fuck? Who starts conversation mid crisis? I'm too panicked to think or even take my eyes away from our glued arms that i refused to let go. "Not the time Brock." I say quickly. Fuck fuck fuck what could i do. "Any ideas on how i can get you up without hurting you?" I ask looking around my scenery, everyone's either in bad pain or knocked out like a dead lightbulb. "You can kiss me," he suggests making me roll my eyes. "If only you knew what i knew Brock." I say making him furrow his eyebrows. "What do you kno-" I shut him out with an idea, my eyes lighting up. "Hold that thought." I say cutting him off. I scoot back and release my bad arm to grab some magnets out of my pocket, and stick them to my shoe, but i needed to turn the shits on, and it was the arm wrapped around Colby. I scoot back to my earlier position, and the metal underneath me shifts dramatically. I scream slightly and tighten my grip on Colby who's breathing is picking up, and i hold onto the broken edge. I shut my eyes in fear of letting go, of losing him. "It's okay, we're okay." He whispers to me reassuring. But what if it wasn't okay? My mind was going so fast i couldn't catch up. But i nod, and look down to the boy i've grown to love for. "You see that button on my sleeve?" I say looking at the dark red on poking out, all i need is for it to turn on and i can pull us back up. He nods quickly, pointing to it with his finger. "That one?" I nod in response, but he looks at me weird. "I stuck magnets to the bottom of my shoes so i could stick to the metal." I answer his unsaid question. He smirkes at me, shaking his head slightly. "Nerd," i gasp rolling my eyes playfully. "I'm saving your ass right now remember that." I snap back making him laugh. He about to push the button when he looks at me again, his face softer than before. "I missed you." The words burned into my chest, i was confused. How could someone, miss someone else yet act completely different? He cheated, didn't he? So why was he acting all caring? I keep my face straight and look away from him and to my arms, biting the inside of my cheek. "Let's talk about that when we're on the same level, literally." I smile slightly and his face falls, breaking my heart a little. He pushed the button, my feet lifting me upright and locking me in place. I sigh out of relief and pull Colby up slowly. "Here gimmie your other hand." I say quietly holding my other arm out. He shakes his head no, i look at him like he has two heads. "Please Colby i don't know how long i could hold you up and these things won't stick forever." I looked between him and my arm held out but he never went from it. "If you want your arm ripped out sure but i'm not doing that to you, i hurt you enough on this trip." He looks at me sadly making me roll my eyes at him. "I don't care Colby! I'm not letting you fall please just take my hand." I'm begging now, but he doesn't budge, he just holds my gaze in his, and i feel like crying. I look around again, Kevin is twitching on the side, Brennen is out of it, Jake isn't even here anymore, i heard Mike still stuck to the damn pole, Aryia is barley waking up but is still stuck to the floor, and Cassie is knocked out. That leaves, Kat and Tara who are probably with the others. That leaves... holy shit. I gasp loudly and look around quickly. "Sam," i whisper to Colby, his eyes widen with mine as if we read each other's minds. "Sam!" I yell looking around. "Sam?" Colby says in worry. I curse under my breath and turn my body as much as i can, seeing the brown haired boy laying on the ground. I sigh out of relief and turn back, nodding to Colby. He exhales the breath he was holding out of fear too, and we go back to shouting. "Oh my GOD what?" Sam yells from behind us. Colby and i chuckle as he struggles to get up, groaning in the process. "You have a meaty kick ma'am," he points at me with one hand on his head. "Yeah yeah can you help me now?" I speed up the process and point to our locked arms. "Let me guess, she pushed you out of anger." Sam said more than asked at Colby. He just laughs as Sam grabs his other arm and helps us yank up Colby. We pull and grunt, and eventually he's thrown back up. Sam immediately lays back down after helping Colby up, making him fall on top of me. This probably would've been awkward, and maybe it was for a second. But i was too happy that he wasn't hurt. I wrap my arms around his neck, latching on like i'm scared to let go. Like i'm scared to lose him. He wraps his arms around me, as he's still on half my body. "You scared the shit out of me." I breathe out, not letting myself cry. He scoffs playfully and rolls his eyes. "You pushed me!" He yells, his face inches from mine. I pull him into another tight hug, and close my eyes, savoring the moment. "I guess you could say we're somewhat even." I smile before hearing someone talk faintly into my ear. I stand up, bringing Colby with me and dusting myself off. "You're really heavy," i comment at Colby making him gasp dramatically. "Am not!" He points at me. "Are too!" I yell back. "It's just baby fat.." i hear him mumble under his breath as i chuckle, turning away. "Come again?" I ask tapping my earpiece repeatedly. The noise get cut off by a loud noise and a bright beaming light searching around us. "Did you call the cops?" I ask turning to Colby, his eyes go wide as he shakes his head. "It's probably just the program, they knew we were coming." I can't go to jail! What will they do with me? "Come in leech!" I yell pressing the buttons on my sleeve. "Whaaaat?" David groans. Gosh i did not want to know what they were doing. But i needed a ride out of here and fast. If i went with Colby, they would be dead in minutes, or possibly turn me in. Not to mention the fact that he thinks we're still dating. "I'm pulling in near you, you can just jump off the building and we'll catch you." David said shorty after. "Yeah okay hurry up there's people here." I respond before walking near the edge of the rooftop. I'm stopped by that familiar risk grabbing, pulling me back. "You have got to learn to stop touching me." I snap at him removing his wrist form mine. I look up at him, his face covered in sadness and regret. "Stay." He says lowly. I shake my head point to my bullet. "I don't wanna bleed out," i say with a straight face. "You know we can help you, you mean something to us." He responds, obviously annoyed at my stubbornness. "If i meant something to you, you wouldn't have shot me. You wouldn't have done what you did and you wouldn't have gotten your friends to take me down." My voice came out harsh, and my voice cracked of anger. He pulls my hand up, looking at my fingers before his eyes land on my ring. "Does this mean anything to you?" He asked out of pure sadness. I pull my hand away and look deep into his eyes with my watery ones. "It meant the world to me, just like how much i thought i meant to you." I let a tear or two escape my eyes as i look away from him. His face was absolutely shocking, like he didn't think i would find out. I hear the car driving past and i was about to take a leap of faith before looking back at Colby. "I know you weren't going to tell me, because if you were, you wouldn't have still called me baby." Was the last thing i said before letting myself fall off the building, and right as i fell i heard callings, specifically Colby. But right as i land on the truck, the door opens. And i swoop in, pretending like my heart wasn't just ripped out and thrown back into me all over again.

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