Chapter Fifty Seven-Mistakes

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(im sorry for this in advance)
Colbys pov
The rest of the night was just drinks and drinks. White Claws over and over. I couldn't seem to stop, i didn't want to. The alcohol burned my throat to the touch, as it grew raw. I wanted it to go away, the pain. I just wanted to forget, i wanted Jet with me more than ever right now. It's so weird how someone can completely forget about someone else once they leave your life. But the second they come back in, it's like you have to be with them, you have to keep them safe. Even if it's ten plus years later. It feels like your life depends on it. And even IF i didn't feel anything romantically for J, i would still feel the need to protect her. Just because i couldn't last time. That's how it was for a while, until i actually started feeling something. It was so high of an emotion to me that i could've gone crazy if i didn't complete that mission correctly.Right now would be an understatement to say i was sad, i was breaking on the inside. And was supposed to be the best night of our lives, and in a way it was. I already knew my camera roll was filled with pictures of everyone, i couldn't even think of my instagram and snapchat stories. I could barley think straight and i lost count of how many beers i've had in the last three hours. I guess after we figured out our Emily situation we all just let go. Let loose for a little while before we would have to go back to our work lives. I stumble to the kitchen, chuckling as i bumped into people here and there. Right now i needed something harder than beer. I needed some vodka. Just straight plain vodka to completely let go. I grab a solo cup and pull out a big glass bottle, trying to open the damn thing was like hell. I saw a pair of hands grab the bottle out of my hand, and open it with ease. Damn am i that wasted right now? I look over to the girl with the glass bottle in her hands and noticed she was pouring herself a cup before me. She looked up at me before filling my cup and leaned against the counter, handing the bottle over to a random person that was walking by. "Don't you think you had too much to drink?" The girl spoke. I look over at her and furrow my eyebrows, she was unfamiliar, i haven't seen her around. "I know how to handle my alcohol." I said kinda rudely as i drank from my cup. "Then put the cup down." She smiled lifting an eyebrow and sipping her drink. I scoff and drop the cup on the floor, watching as it splashed over the kitchen tile. She gasped a laugh out, covering her mouth with wide eyes. I smiled with her, chuckling even as i watched her reaction. She looked up for a split second as she flipped her cup upside down on the floor, spilling the poisonous liquid on the ground, dropping the cup after. We fist bumped in laughter, grabbing each other for support for we were heavily wasted. Kevin was headed towards the kitchen and her head snapped up, her eyes widening. She giggled, covering her mouth and grabbed my hand, dragging me away from the spill we made. "C'mon hurry." She scurried to the other side of the kitchen and hopped on the counter, me leaning against it. Kevin's eyes lit up as he saw us and walked over. "Yo Serena, you know where the whiskey is?" He asked curiously as his eyes immediately shot to me and the girl- Serena's hands still linked. We both shook each other off quickly and she nodded with a straight face, pointing to the cabinet across the kitchen, right across the spill. He nodded slowly before catching my gaze again and turning around. Right as he started walking away she tapped my shoulder and pointed to the floor Kevin was about to walk on, our solo cups scattered away. I covered my mouth in realization. She didn't lead him to the drinks, she lead him to a wet floor. He jogged over to the cabinets, and right as he went to reach for the handle, he slips. He slips so quickly anyone could've missed it if they looked at the wrong time. He fell with a loud thud that caused everyone to stop what they were doing at to look over in 'ooo'. Serena burst into laughter right after me, unable to control our drunk, idiotic minds. Kevin snapped his head towards us, the only ones crying of laughter. He gets up to come get us but fails miserably and falls back over, almost face planting. Serena cracks up even louder than the last time and i'm dying by her side. Kevin starts laughing too before jumping around the mess to get us. We look at each other with wide eyes before booking it to the stairs. I grab her hand quickly and scurry up the stairs, heading to my room. Right as she enters i slam it behind her, her back pressed against the door. I hear Kevin stomping up the stairs, his footsteps getting heavier the closer he was to my door. Serena giggles not so quietly and i shush her, covering her mouth with my hand as i roll my eyes. She looks around before pressing her ear against the door for a second. She looks back at me and nods , letting me know he's not up here anymore. "Assholes" we hear him mumble making us chuckle. I nod and slowly uncover her mouth, both of us giggling slightly now. I now notice that her eyes are aqua colored, a shine that goes right through them like the sea. Her hair was in curls, two front red strands sticking out to the rest of her hair. She looks at me curiously, and i can't figure out why. My head was fuzzy, and all i was thinking about was the feeling of her on me. I knew it was wrong, and i knew i would regret it in the morning, but i couldn't get it out of my head. She was just standing here, looking at me as i was looking back. "I never got your name," she whispers softly as her lips curl up in a small smile. Our faces were inches away, i could basically feel her breathing on me. "Colby." I respond, my voice was gritty and dark, probably from all the drinks. She smiles and steps closer to me, a step that i didn't know was possible with how close we were. "Well nice to meet you, Colby." She blinked slowly before leaning in a connecting our lips. Every part of me knew it was wrong, but i couldn't help but kiss back. I couldn't even comprehend what was happening with all the alcohol i've taken. But i just went with it, letting my emotions take over. Not even thinking of the consequences of doing this.

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