Chapter Forty-Four-Memory Stings

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Jordan's pov
I'm dragged out of the chair and out the room. I tried to release the hard grip on my wrist with the little body strength i had in me and of course i couldn't get out of it. I'm thrown into a chair in a different room, i can't feel much with my whole body numb and in pain. My gut stings when i move and on top of that i can't see shit. Tears leave my eyes without my permission when i feel a pinch on my back. It didn't take me long to realize i had just gotten my clothes ripped off, or not really clothes more like hospital gown type of thing. I set of hands starts clipping clothes onto to me, the feeling of leather rubbing against my skin gives me flashbacks of when we found Elliot at that broken chipotle. I wish i could go back, and just wished i wasn't as dumb as i was. If im being honest, i don't have hope for me. I feel as if i'm going to be trapped here forever, and that's fine. As long as they leave my friends alone. If David let's them live in peace maybe it won't be that bad; knowing that i'm not putting all my friends at risk by just living. I feel a hand check my pulse on my neck before inserting a needle into it. I gasped and tried to move away, when a completely different person holds me down. My brain feels swimmy and the lights flash around me. Fuck it. I think as i let myself sleep for once. I'm shocked awake, it barley felt like a minute that i got to sleep. My head pounded and i kept my eyes closed. I was just drifting back off when another shock hit my body, jolting me wide awake as it was stronger than the last one. I groaned and rolled my eyes for a second. "Fuck my life duddde," laughing a little, i lifted my arms in the air, slamming them back down when i almost fell out of my chair , hearing a clink of chain links then from realizing my fucking fingers had wires on them. I looked around me, seeing i'm in a light pink painted room, with yellow flowers here and there. I snap my head back at my hands and see little clips hanging from them, i followed the little wire all the way to the floor, and back up to a computer screen facing away from me. I looked around the room, making sure to catch any double sided mirrors or motion sensors. I take a 360 with my body in the cranky chair, none. Weird. I see an alarm above the door labeled 'EXIT' with a camera in the corner of the wall. Bingo! I look closely at the other corners and start to count the ones facing my face. "One.. two.. three?" I couldn't tell if the last one i counted was in view of my face but i shrugged it off. I look into the camera closest to me and shoot daggers at whoever's looking back at me. "Motherfucker," i spit out turning my head back. Damn did i want to see what was on that glowing screen just a foot away from me. I get up to walk over there when i'm yanked back to my seat, i yelp as my ass hits the chair, echoing off the walls. This room gave me serious childhood trauma vibes and i did not like it. I straighten up in my seat and look at my hands, the chains are pretty long, but are they long enough to reach? I extend my arms out to the danky machine, stretching my arms to its max. The long sleeve leather bodysuit i was wearing made a squeaky sound as i moved more than i should've in this. I was almost there when i tipped it ever so slightly then the door burst open, slamming against the wall. I turn my head and groan throwing my arms back, rolling my eyes at David as he proceeded to walk to the computer and take a seat next to it. He didn't say much but click here and here with his mouse. I laid my head on the desk, not looking at him or even trying to fall asleep. I was thinking. I looked at my hands, isn't it weird that i still had my jewelry that was given to me? Did he choose to not take it or is he just that much of an airhead? I touched every little piece of jewelry i had, closing my eyes when i remembered where i got it from. It filled my body with warmth knowing i was being cared for that much in such little time. In such little time i found myself in a group of people i known nothing about. And yes i screwed up, once, twice, three times and even more than that. But the point is that every single time i fucked up, or that i did something i was specifically told not to do, they forgave me. They never hit me, or called me names, or even starved me for a few days to 'learn my lesson.' Instead they comforted me, they gave me privacy when i asked for it, they bought me shit i didn't know existed. They gave me hope for a better life. They were- no they are my family. They cared if i didn't like the way carrots tasted cooked, or if i didn't want to be pushed around a lot. Before i knew it i was crying, tears leaving my eyes with no consent and my emotions spilling out. "Hey i need you to face me." David's voice ring in my ears but i didn't listen, whatever the fuck he wanted could wait. After i didn't answer he proceeded to try and pull my arm to get my attention. "Can you leave me the FUCK alone? For one goddam second could you let me be?" My voice was cracking and the walls shook slightly as little parts of the ceiling came down on the table. David curses under his breath, slamming his fist on the table. I look up at him weirdly, man this guys was a weirdo. His eyes shot to mine, yanking my arm towards him.

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