Chapter Ninety Six-Selfish

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Jordan's pov
  I double checked everything, he had no cuts on his face, his hair was slightly fried but that was all, and his hands were hot to the touch. So what was wrong? I sat on the floor, thinking hard before jolting to my feet. "Oh my God." I gasped, my fingers pressing hard to his neck. I searched for a heartbeat, realizing i couldn't read his energy as strong as before. Panicking, i checked his wrist too, and i couldn't feel anything. "Please don't die." I whimpered, as i thought of what to do. I pressed my fingers against his temple, but his brain was resisting my help. His power was going against mine and he was winning. I pulled away, stumbling to grab ahold of myself. I started to panic at the thought of the man that was the love of my life, another dead body on my list. I couldn't help but think that David was right, that all i do is lead on caos. "Jesus Jordan this isn't about you." I told myself, staring at the lifeless boy in front of me. And i refused to let the one man i loved die because of my poor choices. "Okay think, what medical procedure can i do to-" I lightbulb went off in my head, and the only possible thing i could do came to my instincts. CPR. I lay the heel of one hand in the middle of his chest, wrapping my other hand over it tightly as i began to press around two inches deep, pumping in and out until i got to thirty. When i did, i started to give him rescue breaths. I held his nose shut, pressing my lips around his as i forced air in twice before starting compressions again. "Please don't break anything." I repeated as i continued to press into his chest, slowly giving up hope. I got the thirty again, doing more rescue breaths before going back at the compressions. "Colby please." I whispered, my voice cracking. I finished my compressions, leaning over to give him air before i broke into sobs. My world closing down on me by the second. I forced myself up, if i'm going to lose anything in life, it will never be the ones i love. I forced more air into him, but he still didn't move. "Don't leave me, you're not aloud to leave me here remember? You said you'd look after me." I stroked his hair away from his face, leaning up to kiss his cheek as tears streamed down from my face to his. "I won't give up on you." I whispered, starting more compressions on him. Before i leaned up to give him air i hovered my hand over his heart, using my energy to try and reach him, hoping his body didn't fight me back. It did, and it hurt like hell, i felt like i was on fire the more i tried. But i refused to give up. I went as far as my ability let me, trying to get some sort of blood flow going. After a while, his heartbeat was slow, so slow you could count it by the second. But something was better than nothing, and it gave me excitement. I leaned up to him, pushing more air into him the first time, feeling his heart rate pick up somewhat faster. I leaned my lips into his again, pressing more air, until the the unexpected happened. I felt him force his lips back, pulling away to force them back into mine. I completely melted into him, my hand leaving his face and wrapping around his neck. For once in so long, i got to kiss the one person that meant the most to me more than anyone. He grabbed my hair, forcing me closer than i already was as i move over to sit on his lap, sitting up with me. I pulled away, both of us breathing heavily as i looked into the same beautiful blue eyes i always saw. But this time, the amount of lust in them, the amount of love was radiating off of him, it was so much, and for once i wasn't complaining about the overwhelming amount of emotion. "I thought i lost you." I whispered, stroking his hair. He smiled, shaking his head softly. "You can't get rid of me that easily." Before i could respond, he smashed his lips into mine again, fisting my hair so i opened up to him, slipping his tongue into my mouth. He slowly, turned his body over with mine, so i was laying underneath him, his hands roaming my thighs. With a light squeeze in my legs he groaned into the kiss, shivers going down my body. Never in my life have i felt so passionate about a certain someone, it's always been Colby. And it always will be. As if we couldn't get anything closer, i wrapped my legs around him, his body slipping down, his lips leaving my mouth and to my neck. I pulled his hair lightly as he moaned into my neck, kissing lightly before sucking right beneath my ear, a moan of my own slipping my breath. He trailed kisses all along my jawline, going back up to my lips where i once again completely melted under him. He groaned quietly as someone knocked on the door. "They can wait." His voice came out raspy, in need for more, making me fall a little more in love with him. We continued to not break the kiss, him holding my face and me holding the back of his head as he did most of the work. The knocking continued, making me groan this time as i pushed away. He looked down at me confused, with an almost sad look on him. I swear i couldn't keep my eyes off him, his lips swollen. "The door." I whispered, making him roll his eyes. He helped me up, by me sitting on his lap. "One second!" I yelled to the door before looking back at Colby. Before i got up, he grabbed my jaw, pulling me into one more intense kiss that i loved, but pulled away before it was too long. He frowned as i stood up, and fixed my hair into a ponytail, shaking my head playfully at him. I quickly flashed to the door, opening it to Sam, who quickly looked at me wide eyed. "Hey Sammy." I smiled, opening the door slightly more. "Hey, you guys still coming over? Everyone's getting here a little late due to traffic but i was just checking in because it's been half an hour." Half an hour? Was it really that long? I nodded, swinging the door open enough to point to Colby. "I wasn't the one taking forever to get ready." I said, smiling at Sam who walked into the apartment suspiciously. "Uh huh, and what happened to your hair Colby? Oh! And your window!?" God Sam was a detective. "I was messing with my old things when Colby wanted to try one out." I started. "And i ended up flying out the window, breaking it, and the taser burnt some of my hair off." We weren't lying about that part, but i wasn't planning on telling him that Colby literally died right next to me, that was too much. Sam nodded, picking up the burnt disk on the floor, but as he got up, his eyes quickly landed on me. But not directly on my eyes. "And what happened to your neck?" He asked pointing to the hickey i could've got not too long ago. I squinted my eyes, acting dumb for a second. "What do you mean?" I covered my neck, walking to the mirror slowly. In his eye, i had no clue what was on me. But in reality, i was just stalling to get the hickey off by extracting the energy. When i got to the mirror, i prayed when i lifted my hand it was gone. And when i did, i turned back to Sam with a fake confused look. "There's nothing on my neck Sam." I said, pointing to it. Colby chuckled, covering his mouth. Sam looked at my neck again, his face turning a light shade of red. "My bad, thought i saw something." I nodded, smiling as he walked towards the door. "Well i guess come by when you're ready, Jakes coming over in a little so i'll text you when he's here." He looked at Colby, who nodded as he stood up, fixing his hair. "Well thanks for checking up." I pat his shoulder, forgetting my built up energy was in my hand, making him jolt. "Sorry, staticky." I said with a laugh. He chuckled softly, before making his way out, shutting the door behind him. Colby and i both sighed in relief as i went to go plug my nose. "Next time, just open the door." I said walking over to Colby. He smiled, wrapping his arm around my waist. "Guess i was just having a little fun, my bad." I smiled, but wrapped my arm around him. "Are you okay? Really? I was so scared for you." I looked up at him, who shrugged. "I feel fine, i have a lot of energy, but i'm not hurt." "But nothings broken right?" I trailed my hand up and down his arms, noticing the slightest tense he got. "I feel like you're using that as an excuse to touch me." He smirked at me, before leading me to his room. "I'm just asking because i didn't know if what happened hurt you physically." He sighed, laying down on the bed before lifting his tight fitted shirt on, i'm guessing his suit, but i didn't see Sam wear one. "See? I'm fine." He smiled, but i still felt weird about it. Did i technically bring someone from the dead? He sighed, before grabbing my hand and placing it over his heart. "I'm still here." He whispered, his voice soft. I trailed my hand until it was right on his ribs, checking to see if any where tender to the touch. "Does this hurt?" I asked, keeping my eyes on my hands. "Nope." He said. "Just my hands burn but that's from the thing." I helped him pull his shirt down, before taking his hand in mine. "What are you doing?" He asked quietly. "Fixing you." I let go, grabbing the other hand that was still hot. "What was it like?" I asked, using some of my own energy to fix him. "What was what like?" "Dying. You did technically die." He sighed, but didn't answer me right away. "It's hard to put it in words. I don't remember it happening really. It was just darkness. Pitch black and nothing." I thought about one of the test runs i was put under as a kid. Only sixteen at the time and never seen the light of day. The serums they were using weren't working, instead it drained me to my core, to where i couldn't eat or keep my eyes open. So they threw me in a massive gallon tank, filled to the brim with water. "Only you could get yourself out." I was told. But i never did. I think i died for a second in there. Yet the memory of being dead is fuzzy. It's just, nothing. "I get what you mean." I sighed, releasing his hand before grabbing a tissue on his nightstand and wiping the blood that trailed down my ears. "You want to get going? We could wait at Sams until everyone's there." Colby asked, sitting up from his bed. I didn't say anything but nod, walking out the door. I wouldn't say i wasn't happy kissing Colby, because i was beyond happy. But as he wrapped his arm around me, i couldn't get the thought of him breaking my promises scared me, angered me even. I know how selfish it sounds to get mad over a promise, but promises were one of the only things i had in life, something not even David broke. "You okay?" He asked once we got to Sams door. I nodded, smiling at him. "Just happy you're okay."

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