One Thirty Six-Man Down

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Jordan's pov
"You guys plan on coming down anytime soon?" We were on the phone with Sam now, while on our third round of the ferris wheel going. It was pretty dark out now, the bright neon lights catching my eye every few seconds. I couldn't believe how much there was of life, and i've only seen so much. "Yeah we'll be back on the next one, then we're making a run for it." Colby responded, before they continued their conversation. I didn't listen though, i was too busy admiring the way the lights flickered among the borders of the game stands. Or the rides that had lights that seemed to spiral. My favorite was the one ride called The Twister. It had red and blue bright lights that didn't go as fast as the others. Instead it slowly faded from the first color to the next, and when they intersected they made a warm purple color. It was only for a half second that they met, but the more you looked at the more it became visible. "Hey, you ready?" Colby asked, as he reaches down to hold my hands in his. "Yeah, wanna go over what we're doing again? I wasn't really paying attention." I said, making him smile a little at my slight embarrassment. "I know, because i asked you a question earlier and you didn't even respond." He chuckled, making my eyes widen. "Are you serious? What did you ask?" He laughed a little, before shaking his head. "I'm joking, i never said anything. I just wanted to see how you would react." I rolled my eyes, shoving him a little, but it only fueled his laughter. "You asshole." I smiled, just as he wrapped his arms around me to kiss the top of my head. "I'm sorry baby." "Oh whatever, you so enjoyed that." I laughed, making him. "Only a little." I laughed, before kissing his cheek as our ride came to an end. "Wow not even a full kiss, i said i was sorry!" He exclaimed, as the guy working the ride rolled his eyes at us while he opened the door. I shushed him quickly, clamping my hand over his mouth. Looking around, i tried to feel the energy of anyone around us, i felt Brennen, who was getting off of his cart too, before the girl he was with walked away. I didn't feel anything after a while, until i heard a strong gust of wind, a higher pitched one, one that wouldn't really be heard in the middle of spring. I threw myself over Colby, bringing him down too as we dodged tranquilizer darts that flew straight into the other side of the cart. "Holy shit." Colby muttered, as we slowly leaned back up. I looked at it closely, before deciding on taking one with me, shoving it in a pouch on my leg. We saw Brennen fall limp to the floor, making my eyes widen. "It's only a tranquilizer right?" Colby asked shakily, as we slowly walked towards him. "Yeah, hurry let's get him." We slugged him over to behind the closest stand, before i ripped the dart out of his arm. "What do we do with him? We can't run with him." I thought for a moment, before quickly teleporting him out and into Colbys car. "Problem solved." I said, shaking off my weak spots. "Okay, let's go then?" I nodded, and we called Sam once again, just to be sure he was near us. Soon, we saw his head pop out from around a popcorn stand, before throwing a thumbs up at us. "Ready?" Colby asked, tucking his phone away. I scoffed at him, shaking my head. "I'll race you." His eyebrows raised, before he smiled. "You sure? I don't wanna make you feel bad after you lose." My mouth dropped open, before i nodded. "Oh you are so on." He laughed, before we got into a running position. "One, two, three." I took off, leaving him behind. It wasn't long until i heard the numerous running trailing behind me, and something told me it wasn't just my friends. The park was way clearer than before, so it was easier to run through. I turned to look behind me, my adrenaline pumping through me. I was so happy in this exact moment, i didn't realize i was about to run straight into someone. And when i did, it wasn't like a bump into him. It was more like i ran up to go tackle him, which wasn't the case, i was just not paying attention in the moment. I groaned when i hit the floor, and i heard the guy i bumped into groan too. I guess i rammed into him hard. I started laughing then, mostly at myself for being so childish. "I am so sorry." I laughed, standing back up. Colby caught up to me, looking at me weirdly as i pulled the other dude up on his feet, who was holding his face. "Did you charge at me or something?" The guy asked in a painful laugh, as he held his nose. I covered my face in embarrassment, as i shook my head. "No sorry, i was running and wasn't paying attention to where i was going. My bad dude." I pat him on the back, and felt Colby tense up, making me tense up a little. I turned to him, his face softening in a sorry look. "Well who were you running from? You got quite a push." The guy chuckled, looking up at Colby and i finally. "Well we cant really-" "Duck." I cut Colby off, he ducked on his own, but i had to yank the stranger down for his own sake, making him groan again as he flopped on the floor like a dead fish. God, he was one of those guys wasn't he? The ones that would say "where?" When someone else said "duck." Those people give me the same vibe as someone who can't read a non-digital clock. "Them." I mumbled, rolling over to pull Colby up. "Hey man sorry about the nose, but we gotta go." I didn't let him respond, i couldn't really. Because our friends where running towards us quickly, like a big flock of birds. "Lets go." I pulled Colbys hand with me as we ran out into the parking lot. I didn't want to waste time, so i slid over the cars that where driving, some honked, some cheered us on, which i found kind of humorous.

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