Chapter Ninety Eight-Awakenings

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(this chapter switches povs)
Jordan's pov
  I walked straight ahead, now confident of what i was about to go through. And sure enough there was bullets flying towards me at the speed of light. I pushed Colby out of the way before leaning back, dodging the bullets swiftly. It pissed me off that i was being shot at, so naturally i waved my hands, pulling apart a tank. I quickly closed my hands into balls, crushing it and whoever was in it with ease. I heard movement, so i snapped behind me, holding my hand up in a shield around Colby and i before completely forcing it out, everything that came in contact with it burned into flames, or flying back. I turned to Colby, who had a shocked face written all over him. My eyes flared even more, a smile breaking out into me. "Ready?" I asked, turning to the entrance. "I'll just let you go first." He said, teleporting to the door and opening it for me. I smiled as i walked through, navigating my way down the empty hallways until i got to my friends. Once i got to them i felt a sharp pulling in my arm, making me jerk angrily to whoever was holding me. "What the hell are you doing here?" Jake asked, i noticed him and some of the other group were up against the wall instead of in the middle of the hallway unlike me. Before i responded i held my hand up, making a forcefield, blocking the dozens of bullets that flew to my body. I kept my burning gaze on Jake, who was still holding my arm. "Move." I said sternly, his body slamming into the wall. "Let her have some fun Jake." Colby insisted, taking his hand off my arm and patting i'm on the shoulder. I walked away, straight into the cafeteria where no bullet was released when i stood straight in the middle. "Well isn't it good to be home?" I whispered to myself, rubbing my hands together. I held a full circular forcefield around myself as hundreds of bullets shot at me from every direction. It wasn't long until they all ran out in sync, but still trying to fire at me. I snapped myself invisible, taking the forcefield down with my hands and walked up to some guys as the all looked around for me. "Someone wasn't counting bullets." I said, turning myself visible. One charged at me, going to take me out before i hip tossed him, then lifted his body with my hand up, and threw him into several other guards who grunted in pain. I walked back in the center of the room, holding my hands up. "C'mon, i want to have some fun!" I yelled with a smile. I looked over to the crew, hinting for them to come over and join, and they did. Mike was the first to come up, pulling me out of the way of a flying bullet. I looked over at Reggie, remembering all our training lessons we went through. "Reggie wanna show them something?" His eyes widened with a smile as he nodded, hopping into the air. I made stepping stools for him as he hopped upwards, taking down the people getting ready to shoot from the second story railing. "Xepher get you and Griffin to the office now." I yelled just as i threw a guard in the air, a bullet flying through his skull from Colby. Everyone else closed in on a circle so no one was behind us, taking down whoever came at us. I shielded Xepher as she flew by with Griffin, but i didn't notice a gunshot going off in my direction. I held my cast up in split second defense, a hole right where it hit. "Asshole." I whispered, throwing him up into the ceiling before slamming him down again. "I'm going down the left hall right now." Aryia said just as he ran out of bullets, tossing his gun to the side. I jumped in front of him just as people started shooting, making a shield that didn't cover us fully with only one hand. "Go hurry!" I yelled after him. He ran, just as i was knocked off my feet, flipping on the ground in a groan. I threw my hands out, forcing myself back as the people in front of me flew. I heard another stray shot, along with a groan. I turn over quickly, seeing Aryia with a bullet straight in his thigh. "Someone get to Aryia." I yelled, taking out the guys that shot him. "On it." Kat said, running to him and huddling in the corner of the room. "Jake wanna help them out?" I asked throwing my legs around someone's neck, throwing myself down so they fell with me in a crash. "Got you." He responded, just then he mumbled something, making a stack of chairs head to Aryia and Kat that made a barricade around them as Kat helped his wound. "There's less guards coming than before!" Reggie yelled, tossing his gun just to have another pop up in his hands. Brennen set his hands on the floor, vines crawling up to a group of guards, wrapping around them tightly and quickly. The more i kept going, the more my energy was running low. I knew everyone was right when they said i needed to take it easy, but it didn't work like that for me. If it was my time to go, i would just have to accept that. "You good Jet?" Sam asked next to me, standing in front of me to shoot out a couple of guys. "Always." I responded, blasting people from down the hall. "We should spread out now, there's definitely more scattered and we still need to get what we need." Jake yelled over the gunshots, looking over to us. "Sam and Colby you're up, if you need anything we're just a yell away." They nodded, just as they teleported to the end of the hall.

Colbys pov
  "Okay, choose your fait." I crossed my arms over my chest in a smile. I let my gaze wonder back to Jordan, seeing her wrap her arms around someone's shoulder, twisting them from behind as she shot another dude without even looking. There was no way i wasn't still in love with her. I just wish i could keep her safer. "I'll take the bigger one." Sam said smugly. I raised my eyebrows, my mouth opening slightly. "You sure brother? I could take the bigger one." He shook his head. Stubborn ass. "Okay, then switch rooms with me." I honestly didn't know which room was which, but i wasn't complaining on who i got. We were in this together, always. "How do you know who's in who?" He asked, gosh give me a break Sam. "J told me." Yeah i was completely lying through my teeth. But what matter is that he believed it, and we kept each other's gaze before walking in. "Never normal is really taking a spotlight here." I smiled at my best friend, nodding. Who knows what would happen after i walked through these doors. What matter is that we had each other. And a crazy family, but what we wouldn't never be is normal. We left each others sight, and right as i looked up i saw someone that was just like us, they were simply the same. Not normal. But they were chained up against the wall like a monster. But that's not who we were. It made me think of how big of assholes we were to Jordan when she first came around. Treating her like a neglected pet that couldn't leave her own room. "Hey." I said, sitting down in front of the man everyone here portrayed as a threat. I noticed the chains weren't even metal, but silicone or some really hard plastic. "Leave." He said, his eyes meeting mine. "I just want to help." I wasn't lying, anyone with a brain could see that i meant no harm to him.

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