Chapter Thirty-Heaven Hill

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Colbys pov
   I sit at the edge of the hill. Our hill. Heaven hill. That small moment she opened up to me gave me hope, but now it was nearly 1am and i was thinking about going home. Why would she come? She hates me. I sighed and stood up, wiping a single tear from my cheek as i turned around, keeping my head down and throwing my beanie on. I saw in the corner of my eye a girl with light blue hair walk in the moonlight. It can't be Jordan, she has brown hair. I shook my head and walked past her, but then i felt that feeling. That warmth i felt when i first met her, when i was near her, when i was at Target. It was her. "You just gonna leave me hanging here, beanie boy?" I heard that voice i loved. The girl that inspired me to never give up. The girl that brought me up when i was down, my escape to reality. My Jordan. "Jet?" I whispered, keeping my back to her. She teleported in front of me and touched my cheek. "The one and only." She smiled looking into my eyes. I couldn't help myself but touch her hair. Her dark brown hair was now a type of teal and blue. It looked beautiful on her. Everything about her was just... perfect. "I'm digging the look Jet, i see you're matching me now." I pointed to my hair and she chuckled, a tear leaving her flawless face. "What's wrong Jet?" I asked grabbing her face. "I really should be hating you right now, but i miss you so much. I hate you for that ya know." She poked my chest, "you're making me soft." She laughed weakly as tears streamed her face. I pulled her into a hug and sighed placing my chin on her head. "I've missed you too, J. More than you'll ever know." She hugged my tight and pulled away ever so slightly. "Then why'd you break your promise with me? You hurt me Colby." Her voice cracked making my heart shatter. "I would never break a promise with you, i was just trying to get my mind off of you leaving. That girl, is Emily, she means nothing to me, okay?" Tears left my face as i thought about the dark times i was in. "I've been left before Jordan, i didn't want to lose you too." I couldn't help the sob from coming out of my throat making Jordan pulled me into a tight hug, soothing me. Usually, i wouldn't let myself break down or look vulnerable around girls or even people. They usually used it against me or for fame. But this was different. Jordan didn't care if i had a lot of followers or subscribers, or that girls i didn't even know would drool over me. Instead of being jealous or taking advantage of that she pushed me farther on my career. Supporting me and helping me along the way. "I would never leave you forever, Colbs. I just needed time to myself is all, i can't promise i'll come back forever. But know i'll never leave you permanently, i promise." She smiled and i saw her eyes sparkle in the light as she grabbed my hand and locked pinky's, not breaking eye contact with me. "Promise." I whispered and cupped her face. I leaned down and she slowly leaned up, until our faces were a breath away. "Can i kiss you right now?" I asked holding her. "Of course, nerd." She responded smashing her lips with mine. I smiled into the kiss as i picked her up and slowly laid her on the grass, hovering her. Not breaking the kiss, i savored it. "I'm so sorry." Jordan said between kisses. "It's okay, love." I responded kissing her jaw making her gasp and  hold the back of my hair. Her skin was soft, warm to the touch even with the chilly breeze. Delicate almost. I didn't want to go too far. Not today, and i knew she didn't know what sex meant. So instead of taking advantage of her i kissed back up her cheeks to all over her face. She giggled girly making me smile. "You make me so happy Jordan." I looked back up at her and she questionably creased my cheek. "You lost weight. Why am i just noticing? Was it because of me?" She asked innocently. I couldn't lie, so instead i slightly nodded and looked down. "Look Jordan don't think-" She cut me off by kissing me, slightly rougher than before, but passionate and leaning upward. "Don't apologize for my mistakes." She whispered pushing me down without even touching me. She was the most powerful woman i've ever met. She was strong and sweet. Never let anyone tell her how to live her life. Yet she was put through hell and back. Then memory of when i first took her here flashed throughout me. She wasn't scared when i burst through her room, why? "I'm sorry for doing this to you." She gasped between kisses. "Don't even apologize baby, i understand completely. I'm just happy your back." I cupped her face with my hands and she smiled and kissed my lips again, a slow passionate kiss that lasted forever, or at least i wish it did. I pushed her off slightly to look into her eyes. "Do you remember the day i first took you here?" I asked softly looking into her eyes. "How could i forget, first time i left the house." She giggled and looked down, sitting cris cross. "Can i ask you something?" I wanted to bring up that moment, just for clarification. She looked up at me and hummed in response. Her deep chocolate eyes sparking that basically make me melt. "That day... you helped me when i was mad, why weren't you scared? You didn't even give me a reaction when i burst through your room." She looked down for a minute before looking back at me, her eyes softer now. "Colby," she whispered and grabbed my hand that was fiddling with the grass. "I'm not scared of you, i never was. I've seen way worse, heard way worse" she shivered a bit and closed her eyes for a split second before making eye contact with me. "Ive seen girls get their skin ripped to the bone, i've seen people get electrocuted to death, ive heard.. unexplainable things in that horrible place." A tear left her eye and i gripped her hand tighter. No girl should go through that, especially someone at a young age. But she continued. "I've killed people Colby, but i know you already know that part." She smiled and winked at me remarking the first day i officially met her. I remember thinking she was so badass to take on so many people. I chuckled at her and looked into her eyes once more. "Jordan, you're the biggest badass i've ever met. You took on and will to this day take on twenty men by hand. I still don't know how you did it, you're so goddam strong. I don't understand how you put up in that place for so long, yet you're still the most beautiful, craziest, inspiring girl i've ever met. I bet you don't know what this means but damn are you sexy too." I groaned by accident at that and she just giggled. "I don't care what anyone thinks, you're the one for me, you're my match. No one else mattered, you do. You helped me when i had no one else. And i'm really thankful for that." I saw tears fill her eyes and i kissed her one more time before reaching in my pocket. I grabbed her hand, mid kiss and placed the small black box from my pocket placing it in her hand. She pulled away and looked at me to it in confusion. Before she could say anything i smiled cheeky and whispered to her, despite the fact we were the only ones here. "Happy Eighteen, lovely." I smiled and the biggest smile on her face appeared. "How did you-" I cut her off mid sentence "Jake told me a while back, you never actually brought it up, but i never forgot. Now c'mon open it!" I smiled and motioned to the box. She shook her head playfully and carefully opened the box. Inside was a silver chain , with the word "Promise" written in cursive. Along with a dark black beaded jet stone bracelet, that had the date we met carved in it. 6.18.19 which was exactly six months from now. Crazy how everything felt like it went by in a month. She smiled hugely and hugged me tightly. "It's perfect, thank you so much." She whispered and tackled me with kisses. I chuckled and hugged her. "Anything for you." She handed me the necklace for me to put on her and a greatly did. Slightly touching her soft skin. "I wanna tell you something." I whispered to her after i snapped the chain on her. She turned around facing me with concern. "Everything okay?" Almost like she could read my emotions, i would have to ask about that later. But was slightly nervous about telling her something. Yet she was still kind enough to ask me if everything was okay. "Of course, it's just.. the traphouse. We're moving out." She slightly gasped but kept her chill. "How come? Was it because of me? Colby i really didn't mean to-" I grabbed her wrists and pulled her closer to me, making her mouth snap shut. "It's not your fault Jordan, i promise, okay? It's just that Elliot is going to be living with another team that works with the A.P.P, since the headquarters doesn't know where any of our teams are located, and it'll cause caos if they knew...It'll be easier just to move out. But everything will be okay, okay? Me, Jake, Tara, Kat and Sam will be living in the same place. And Xepher and Griffin together. As for the rest of them they're planning on moving into a different house." Her breathing was back to normal and she looked at me weird. "So why were you so nervous to tell me? Doesn't seem that big of a deal, besides about James, i'm not sure but there is something about that kid... i don't know im probably just overthinking it." I sighed and connected my other hand with hers and looking down at them and rubbing my thumb against our locked hands. "Yea probably, i'm sure if it's important it'll come up. But the thing is... we aren't just moving out, i wanted to know if... maybe, i don't know, you'd wanna move in with me?"

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