Chapter Fifty Six-Poor Fred

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Jordan's pov
"So he agreed?" I ask crossing my arms in front of David. He nods and pulls up the footage from the tv like a security camera. I watch as the most important man in my life just agreed to do a deal with the devil. I felt myself losing control, slipping up even the slightest. Tears brinked my eyes in sadness turning into anger. The monster in me wanted out, now. "Pinche madre." (mother fucker) I mumble under my breath before taking a split second decision. I snapped my body around and connect my right fist with the hard cold wall. The concrete crumbled against my hand, cracking the wall. I pulled away just to see my old wounds open up, and new ones break my skin open. I dust off the extra dirt from my hand. "Fuck," i yelled as i cleaned up my hand from the ruble. It hurt, but it relived the mental pain i was having right now. Was this healthy? To be hurting myself... in a way? I wasn't sure. I walked out the room quickly and to a small water fountain, the cold water brushing against my knuckles. I hiss in slight pain as i try to process what the fuck just happened. Agreeing to her stupid deal was just a step closer to him cheating. Was he really going to give Emily 'what she wanted?' She doesn't even want him! I'm not saying he would cheat, but if she were to show proof she knew where i was and use it against him, maybe. I don't know what i'll do then, he's all i have really, and she's simply doing a dumb job to get money for God knows what. She could've easily gotten a job at some sandwich place that are literally at every corner. That would be a pretty cool thing to do, just get paid for cleaning and cooking. Yeah, i would definitely work at a deli if i was living a normal life. But who knows how much Emily's getting paid for working for David, maybe even more that they're dating. That still messes with me. I don't understand how it was so blinding to me, like how she suddenly came into everyone's lives and just knew everything. Not to mention no one said a thing to her about it. Maybe because she's the pretty little perfect girl everyone likes in teen stories. I hate her so much i just want to drive my nails into her skin until- before i contained myself my opposite wrist went crashing into the wall next to the water fountain, leaving a deeper hole than the last time. "Shit!" I yelled and went back to the water fountain. I have to learn to stop losing control, not for Colby, not for Mary or even Reggie and Cassie, for me. For my family. I snap my body around, feeling like someone was standing behind me. I push David kinda hard in shock as he slammed against the wall on the opposite side as me. The guards on each corner both jerk forward a little, waiting on any command by David to come at me. I held my hands in defense and focused on my energy. If they came at me first, it would just be self defense. Even if i did shove David into the wall. He slowly stands straight again and walks over to me, backing me up into the wall. If there's anyone i'm even slightly intimidated by, it's him. He probably already has a chip in me right now and i don't even know. I gulp down and exhale the breath i didn't know i was holding. I felt like i was shrinking, him towering over me i was actually scared. And i'm pretty sure you could smell it off of me. "You need to channel that energy into something other than punching walls." He snapped out angrily as he grabbed my wrist and yanked me down the hall. I try to pry his grip off my hand but i'm useless with my own hands. I couldn't possibly used any more power on him unless i wanted a bullet through my head or a taser in my gut. Right now if prefer neither. I'm taken to a room labeled Training Only in bold letters on the front door. I'm finally released when i hear the door snap locked and i groan. "What are we doing now?" I drag my feet to the center of the room where David stood. "I wasn't going to start your training today, but you almost took down a whole concrete based wall so i assumed you'd rather have something else to punch." He walked over to some double doors and pulled out a life size mannequin, a punching bag. Thee hooks attach the person and locks it into a stand as sturdy as metal so the mannequin standing tall. It's appearance was supposed to be a broad, built person, and in a way it was. It was just super unrealistic. David pointed to the person, circling it several times as he spoke. "This, is Fred." "Fred looks pretty fragile." I say in his mid sentence. He glares at me before he continues. "I want you to pretend Fred did something you hated to you, you guys where best friends then-" I cut him off with a punch to 'Fred's' head, making it fly backwards. "Oh poor Fred." David frowns as he jogs to get the decapitated head on the floor. I mean, he wanted me to hit it right? That's were this was going? I roll my eyes and sit on the floor as i wait for David to tape the head of the mannequin back on with duck tap. I stand back up and keep a good three feet distance with the doll before looking at key points in the body. If i go for the chest my hand might go through, but if i do arms it's probably not going to be any exciting. "So as i was saying, this is Fred-" I cut him off by bringing my hand up and blasting the doll with a forcefield, it flew back hitting the wall loudly. "You just love cutting me off don't you," David shook his head and set Fred back up right. I walked over to see a burn hole through its gut, little fire flares coming out. "Well this is definitely a start." David shook his head and dropped the mannequin to the floor.

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