Chapter Thirteen- Jet

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Jordan's pov
Sam guided me to the car, and for the first time in what seems like forever, i felt natural sunlight on me. My smile grows big as i look up and walk. It's so beautiful. I keep my head up looking at the trees outside and i hear the birds chirping. I admired the bright blue sky over my head; maybe a little too much that i ran into someone's back, causing an "oomph" sound to come from my lips as i fall back. That was like rock hard. Before i hit head first into the ground i feel strong arms catch me in an instant. I feel dizzy from falling so fast that i couldn't recognize who caught me. "Jordan...jjoorrddaann?" A deep voice called out to me. I got enough strength to focus and see that Colby caught me. Meaning i ran into him. I got steadied and Colby had his hands on my waist. I feel something that in me that i know i felt before but i don't remember when. Almost like a happy feeling but towards him. It's probably nothing. I was still in a gaze with Colby as i looked away and pushed his arms off of me a little harsh. I stubble back and groan as i hold my head. "Are you okay?" Colbys voice sounded 10x louder as it echoed through my ears. I groan once again and nod my head. "Yea i'm good, sorry 'bout that." He chuckled, sending that same feeling throughout me. "Water under the bridge, you sure you're still up for this though?" "y-yea i'll be good, just took in everything too fast." "I get it, just be  more careful shortcake." He then winked and got into the car. Shortcake? I thought to myself. I shook my head as i climbed into the passengers seat, everyone piled into the red car, all matching outfits. Colby was driving, So Sam, Kat, and Tara where in the back. As he was driving everyone was making small talk. As for me i was stuck in my own thoughts. You don't belong here. Why are you even here? I bet they'll just abandon you on the side of the road. Or better yet you'll just die in a tragic accident that they 'didn't know about'. It was so much. I couldn't process anything going on. i rubbed my temples and slightly groaned...I was hearing muffled voices, like if i could hear them but i was stuck. Stuck in a trance with my own thoughts. Then my vision started getting blurry. I tried moving but my arms wouldn't work. I then heard one voice, so clear it was like he was right next to me. It was David. "Did you miss me babygirl? You know you can't get rid of me. I'm stuck inside your head. You can't  escape. You're stuck, as long as i'm still here Sky's, you're with me. I'll make sure of it." I felt my eyes roll back as David kept talking to me. "You're mine, you always will be..." I screamed as he held onto my wrist as i got a painful flashback.
I was 10 when i first killed a man. I was being dragged along the old tile. I already knew where i was going. To get tortured. I disobeyed is what i did. I refused to kill a small puppy. The men holding me where 10x my size and i struggled against their grip. "DAVID!" i screamed. I hollered, and i strangled but it was no use. i was going to die. My eyes roll back without my permission as i let out a piercing scream, loud enough to hear throughout the whole building. I gain focus of my eyesight to see the walls and floor was cracked and the men that were holding me to the floor, blood pouring out of their mouth. I killed them. I'm a murderer. David appeared to my sight as i cried. What did i just do? He comforted me saying i didn't do anything wrong. Deep down i know i did. Killing became not a big deal after that. It became more often. Wether  it was a group of workers or a small fly. It became easier. Til this day i'm guilty of killing those men. Because i know i didn't mean to. I was a child.
-End flashback

Jordan's pov
I snapped back into reality, as i choked and jumped out of my seat. leaning out the car door spewing out blood. I look up to see everyone out of the car and next to me. We aren't driving anymore. We were on the side of the road. "Jordan what the HELL WAS THAT?!" Colby screamed. I shook my head and leaned down to cough more blood up. A slightly smaller figure than me pulled my hair back, i assumed it was Tara and it was. She was calming me down and i finished choking and leaned my head in my hands. Wiping tears that left my eyes. What happened? "What happened?!" Tara screams. "what happened was you looked so out of it so i might've peaked into your mind and i almost couldn't get out! Then you started seizing up and rolling your eyes back and you screamed bloody murder! I almost got trapped inside your head! Are you okay?! That was so intense." Tara sounded like she just went through hell and back, and in a way, she did. She jumped out the car and walked around me the side of the road. "Jordan what the fuck was that?" Colby asked once again. "I honestly don't really know. I was sitting then everything was like clouded with this darkness and next thing i knew David was next to me and was saying things to me and- and- then i had a flashback that's when i started seizing up and next thing i know i'm coughing up blood." I answer honestly. "Oh my God..." Sam trailed off holding Katrina and stepping aside. He knows something. Colby then embraced me into a bear hug. I was taken back, but something told me to hug back, so i did. He let out a happy sigh and leaned away, and examined my face. "Are you okay?" I nodded weakly and cleared my throat. "Yea i'm good, let's go find this Elliot kid before i pass out." His eyes were getting a little glossy and i wasn't sure why. "Are you okay? your eyes are glossy." He looked away then back at me, a single tear leaving his flawless eye. "o-of course just don't like the thought of you dying is all. i don't wanna lose someone i grown a bond for, even if you don't feel the same way." I sighed and wiped the tear off his face. "I'm not going anywhere pretty boy. Now let's get this show on the road." I smiled at him and he returned it. He turned his head and cleared his throat. "Let's get going guys, before it gets dark out" everyone nodded and climbed in the car. Once we arrived at the nearest Chipotle and parked in an alley next to it, i immediately felt uneasy about this. "I don't know about you guys, but i'm getting a really bad negative energy from this place." Kats voice was unsteady, making that pit in my stomach grow. "Yea me too, let's just go." Everyone agreed and hopped out the car. When i went to get out Colby put his hand on my shoulder. "Are you sure you're okay? You feeling good?" I was getting a bit annoyed right now. "I'm fine Colby, can you please let me go now?" He nodded and let me go. "If you feel bad about anything, and i mean anything. You tell me right away, okay?" He held my gaze as i looked back at him stone cold. "yep" i nodded as i hopped out the car. Sam handed me a couple of things. "So this is a-" I got over excited and cut him off. "It's a Glock 19! It's been forever sense i held one!" I squealed a little and spun it in my hand. In the corner of my eye i saw Colby smiling at me but i ignored it. "How in the world do you know what this is?" Sam asked as i rolled my eyes in response. "Trained by spy's Sammy, duh, just because i'm a girl doesn't mean i'm clueless." He chuckled and nodded. "True true, just find it funny that you know what this is but not a phone. Anyway i have other things for you.. just in case you run out of bullets in that thingy which will be highly unlikely, i have a spear point pocket knife." He held out a gorgeous matte black, 8 inch knife, with a tag at the bottom to attach to anything. I gasped. "Jeez this is beautiful, do i get to keep this stuff after this?" I asked "I'm pretty sure i'll have to double check in with Jakey though." Sam responded as he reached into is bag once again. "The last thing i have for you is yours to keep..." He held out a shiny bracelet that was breathtaking to my eyes. It was a clearish coral color that glistened in the light and even looked powerful. It was in small ball form and on a string. It was beautiful. "This is a Agate stone, it is used for mental strength, we thought it would help best with controlling your gift because everything you use is used in your head more than your body." He carefully took it out of the package and slid it onto my wrist. This is offaly generous of them. Maybe i should rethink the whole hating me thing. What about the "i'll make you" thing? i wouldn't want anyone getting hurt. I'll have to talk to Jake about that. Right as we were walking around to the building i got pulled back by a familiar pair of arms but it still startled me so i let out a small gasp. When i made sure it was him i rolled my eyes. "Goddamit Colby! You scared me!" I whisper shouted. "Oopsie haha." he chuckled "I wanted to give you something." He held out a small band ring that was shiny black with a strip of silver onto it. Why would he be giving this to me? "What's that for?" "It's a ring , it's made out of what's called a Jet stone. It's used for protection , it also helps negative influences like how you said David keeps getting in your head, it's supposed to help, not completely but dull it down." I held my gaze with him, taking in every word he was saying. "It also connects you with the Earth, so it might enhance your gift a little bit more." he looked down for a second then back at me with a small smile. "So.. what do you think?" He asked still looking into my eyes. I did the only think reasonable really. I gave him a bear hug. It took him a second to realize what was happening but when it did he gave me huge hug back and sighed in relief. "I was hoping you'd like it." He muffled into my hair. I giggled and pulled away. "Of course i do, thank you." I smiled, he then slipped the breath taking ring on my finger. "Consider it a promise ring, I promise to never leave your side, and i know someone did something to you, so i promise to get you back. Even if it means you'll hate me all over again, i won't leave." I smiled and nodded as he looked behind my shoulder. "Let's go Jet!" He marched with a fist in the air. I giggled and ran after him. "Jet?" "Yep, it's your new nickname, her used to it... Jet." He chuckled and we went inside the building.

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