Chapter One Hundred Eight-Ridiculous

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"Jesus woman! How many shoes do you need you only have two feet!" Kevin yelled, just as we slumped into the bench near another store. We were all loaded with bags, even Cassie. I felt like my arms were about to fall off any second. "Just one more store?" She begged, pointing behind her with a smile. Kevin and i groaned, but waved her away, unable to deny her. Hell, we probably wouldn't even deny Jake if he asked. "Have you lost feeling in your arms yet or is it just me?" I asked, setting down most of the bags for some sort of release. "Dude, i'm telling you i have a lot of strength and my arms freaking hurt, i think that says something." We laughed, earning some glares from the older women sitting near us. I pulled my phone out to kill some time, knowing Cassie might be another half hour in that store. My lock screen was still set to a picture of me and Jordan, reminding me all over again, and re opening my wound. "That's cute." Kevin said over my shoulder, making me jerk in shock. "Dude you don't just look over peoples shoulder like that, i could've had a heart attack." I half joked, holding my heart. He waved me off, rolling his eyes as he offered me a piece of his pretzel. "You have any more pictures of you two?" He asked, his face stuffed. I nodded, biting down on the chunk i had before going into my camera roll. We had one on one of her first few days of being at the trap house, just a few days after i managed to take her chains off her. It's crazy how different she looked here, rather than the most recent picture i have in my head of her. "She looks so young there, and it hasn't even been that long." Kevin commented, as i nodded in agreement. I pulled another one up, one with her blue hair that i adored. "When did she dye her hair?" He asked, zooming into Jordan. "This was before all that happened with David, this was the day he took her. Turns out she had blue hair for a little while." I said, covering my mouth as i spoke. "Oh dang, blue is definitely a look." "That's what i said!" We laughed, before i shut my phone off. "At least she can rest now, without the need to stop anyone. She can finally rest." I added, Kevin nodding with me. Cassie walked out of the store sooner than we thought, our eyes widening in surprise. "Ready?" She asked, helping us with her bags. "Where's the nail place at?" I asked as we walked back to the car, getting a few weird looks from all the bags we were holding. "Actually not that far, it's by the Ralph's on Weyburn Avenue." "Oh the one by the 7-11?" Kevin asked in excitement. "Yep, and yes you guys can get slurpies." Kevin and i cheered as we piled into the car, with me being surrounded by bags in the back seat. The ride to the actual place was quiet, almost like we were too afraid to talk about anything. What was there to talk about? We were all in our own little worlds, and everyone knew when i got to the actual 'date' i had no one would show up. I guess i needed it though, as closure maybe. But mostly because some part of me knew she was going to show up. Not sure how though, if it's been confirmed multiple times that she's gone. I guess it would be something to process over time. "And we're here!" Kevin pumped the air, as we cheered into the 7-11. LA was always so extra, they couldn't even make the 7-11 into the usual gas station, it looked so fancy, like a high class slurpie spot. I wasn't complaining though, because they were bomb. "Definitely worth the line." Kevin moaned, already half way done with his. "Mhm" Cassie and i agreed with our own cups. We walked into the nail salon, the whole place smelling like chemicals and nail polish, basically burning my nostrils off. Cassie went to talk to the lady, while Kevin and i waited by the seating area, taking a seat. Kevin, being the strong ass he is, plopped onto the fragile chair, crushing it completely as he fell to the floor. My eyes widened, as i tried to hold in my laughter from Kevin's look. The whole place went dead quiet, as his mouth dropped open like he didn't expect that to happen. Cassie shot glares at us, making it even harder to hold my laugh in as the lady working there shook her head in disbelief. "I can uh, i can pay for that." Kevin said nervously, as Cassie marched over to us, fuming in embarrassment. I feel like this is how my mom felt with me and my brother when we would act up in public as kids. "What the hell is wrong with you guys? How old are you? Five?" I snickered at her, her eyes snapping to mine, my smile wiping away. "Kevin's big ass crushed it like a twig!" I defended, directing to him. "At least i HAVE a big ass." I gasped, holding my heart in shock. Cassie groaned, yanking Kevin up and grabbing my wrist. He stumbled up, and my arm felt like it was about to fall off from her death grip. Kevin gave the lady around fifty bucks for the chair, as she shook her head at us as we walked by, taking seats in the chairs they had. "You guys are ridiculous." Cassie muttered, shaking her head. I snorted, unable to control myself. "Did you see the way he fell?" I asked, making Kevin cover his mouth from laughter. Cassie smirked out a giggle as she shook her head, "you looked like a doofus with your mouth all open." We laughed out, getting some looks from around the room. "It's not my fault i have an incredibly big ass." Kevin defended, as he flipped his imaginary hair. "Uh it kind of is dude, you basically threw yourself on that poor chair." I said, shaking my head. "Oh whatever, you're just jealous."

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