One Thirty Nine-Bloody Hands

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Jordan's pov
We loaded up, well, i should probably be more specific. The people that didn't have much power in them loaded up. I just stood there most of the time, because Reggie protested that i 'didn't need a gun.' Don't need a gun my ass. It's not like i didn't have one before, but why can't i have another? Reggie was just using that as an excuse to be a bitch, i just know it. "Stay behind me?" Colby asked, as we were the last ones to enter the building. "I guess." I grumbled, looking away. He lifted my chin towards him for a second, kissing me softly, trying to tell me that it was going to be okay, that we could go home after this. But when was the last time where we went home peacefully? "I love you, always." He said, scrunching his face slightly at me for a moment. "I love you." I responded back, a small smile tilting the corner of my lips up. "Promise you'll tell me when you need me?" I asked, his hand moving down from my shoulder to my hand, before interlocking pinkies. "I promise." He whispered. I nodded, but if you were to tell me i made a promise with Colby just a month or two ago, i would probably laugh in your face. We both knew we trusted each other now, me a little more than him maybe, but i didn't mind it. It's a good feeling knowing you can rely on someone when you needed to. That feeling when know someone's there to catch you when you fall. It's like you aren't scared to fail.
   Going in the building at first was creepy, the thick metal door creaked, and we almost immediately split up. The lights were dim, and some even flickered, but it was better than it being pitch black. The building was so much bigger on the inside, it was almost like a huge metal maze. Every door had a room in it, and almost no hall was endless. We entered the first room, it being checkered walled up and down, hurting my eyes by the looks of it. Some of these rooms were definitely.. odd. For sure. And i wasn't sure anyone knew why.
   We made it all the way in, when the door snapped closed, making my head turn sharply. Colby turned the light on, before walking over to me. "Who's in here?" He asked loudly, making it echo against the walls. The room was fairly large, so there was no guessing if there was someone in here or not. I closed my eyes, and let the energy surround me take over, until i landed on a specific one, not Colbys, but someone near. Pointing to the area, Colby walked over to the couch near, looking back at me for a moment. I nodded, as he pulled the couch out. But there was no one there. "What the..." I trailed off, as Colby slumped on the couch. "We can wait them out if anything." He said, as i walked to the empty area. "Wait-" I'm cut off by a slash, and Colby's groan as he rolled off the couch. I forced the couch away, and whoever was hiding in it against the wall to rush to Colby. "Are you okay?" I asked, looking at the cut that almost completely went down his thigh, and even cut through his pants to his skin. He nodded, but closed his eyes shut. I immediately went to place my hand over it, to give him any sort of help, when i'm hit across my face, and slamming my head back against the wall. I groaned as the guy went down to Colby, who tried his best to get up to fight him, when the guys foot stomped on his throat, strangling him.
   Stumbling up to my feet, i shook off the throbbing in my head so i could fight back. "J-" Colby coaked, shaking his head slightly at me, while he tried to pry the dudes foot off of him. I held the back of my head, feeling the fresh blood break through and onto my fingertips. "It's me you want, right?" I asked, making the guys eyes shoot up to me. He didn't answer, but you could see the eager in his eyes, while his jaw clenched with his fists. "Let's see if you can handle it." I said, putting my fists up. I could've easily blasted him in the fucking head, but that was no fun. And either way, he hurt Colby, i wasn't going to just kill him.
   He stopped off Colby as he gasped for air, and i walked over to glide him out of the way, before grabbing his hand over mine to put pressure on his wound. "Don't let go of this." I mumbled, our both now bloody hands holding eachothers. "Don't do this." He pleaded, holding the side of my face. "I have to." I didn't stop then, i let go of his hand, and his hand slowly went off my face as i snapped back around. The guy i was facing was huge, probably could beat Colbys ass to the brim. But not mine, he already got a hit out of me. "I fucking hate you i hope you know that." I chuckled, as i held my fists up. "Ona zhdala" ("Shes been waiting") he chuckled back. I stood straight up for a moment, realizing what he just said. "Colby." I said, my back still towards him. He hummed back in response with slight pain, which was fine with me. "They're Russian. Spread the word." "How do you know?" He asked, but not in an offensive way, more of a confused one. "Because i speak it." I admitted, getting back into position. I don't think Colby knew i knew Russian, oh well, now he does. "Davay posmotrim, smozhet li ona dostat' menya." ("Lets see if she can get me.") I responded back. His eyes widened, before he grinned at me. He took a step or two back, before he gave me the 'bring it on' motion with his hands. Is it worth risking my life because i'm pissed off? No, definitely not. Oh well, fuck it. Take chances, right?

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