Chapter Eighty One-The sad one that doesnt get to be

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(this chapter changes povs)
Jordan's pov
  I glance down at the watch Colby gave me, realizing it was almost five am and i wasn't even yawning. Was this place allowed to give me some sort of melatonin? I press the nurse button a couple of times before laying back down. Holy fuck, i just realized how big of a bill this would be. All the medication, treatment, even me staying here was all going to cost more than me. I'm pretty sure i could connect to David's card though, considering he was my legal guardian before i turned eighteen. Nicoles came in, the same cheery smile as always. "Hey girl," i smiled, wigging my fingers at her. "What are you doing up young lady." She scolded me, checking my vitals as usual. "I was wondering if i could get some sort of sleeping pill, i'm wide awake and it's like five am." I complained, sighing dramatically. She laughed at me, but nodded. "I'll be right back with that," she said walking out of the room. I peered at the screen, this time it didn't have my heart rate on it, but a document of how i was doing. I couldn't help but motion my hand slightly, making the monitor slide facing me. I grabbed the mouse, and scrolled through the pages. Some read notes from doctors, or when i had visitors at what times. Until i came across a separate page, this consisted of options to choose from. One was labeled Parent/Guardian on it, i clicked, leading me to the status of David. His full name plastered on it, with his current condition across. Residence: 7215 Westgrove. I scrunched my face, what a cheap lie. Significant other: Emily Rose Write-Girlfriend. She also had her own document attached to David's, linking all her stuff with his. I got out of his profile quickly, not wanting to find something i wasn't meant to. When i scrolled through mine, i found something that caught my eye. It was an option to request a birth certificate. I've never seen my own, ever. Maybe it'll link me to where my parents ended up being buried, or any family members i could get to know with. Right as i went to click it, i hear familiar light tapping on the floor. I shoved everything back in place, laying flat on my back with a totally not suspicious smile on my face. "Okay so i brought two- girl what did you do?" "What! Nothing?" I was completely and utterly lying, without a doubt. But i was naturally good at it, i just hoped if i could do some sort of reverse psychology maybe it would work. Yeah it didn't. "Did you get out of bed again? I told you, you could get yourself seriously hurt. The longer you're impatient the longer you'll have to stay here." "When will i be able to be released?" I asked, disregarding the question she asked. See, somewhat reverse psychology. "Next 24 hours maybe." She said, getting her needle ready. My eyes lit up, finally i would be out of here and walking again. "But if you keep forcing yourself you won't get any better. So 24 hours if you stay out and let yourself heal. 72 hours if you fail to, we need your weight to go somewhat higher than 87lbs, and your blood sugars kinda low. Other than that you could get a cast on your way out and you'll be good to go." She smiled down at me, as excitement shot out of my eyes. "Consider me glued to this bed then." I smiled, as Nicoles slowly put in sleeping meds in my vain. "I'll see you in the morning, Jordan." She smiled to me. My thoughts were fading, going into my first stage of sleep, the peaceful kind. I knew that once i was asleep it wouldn't be for long, i couldn't run from my own mind. But i could try. "My friends call me Jet." I mumbled, before disappearing in my own images. It was calm at first, like always. I was happy, back to normal you could say. Today was one of the few days i got a memory as a dream. At least i think it's a memory, because every time i'm in them i'm a child. Today i was being scolded at by my mother, for simply not cleaning my room. I was a child for sure, but when i looked at my mom i couldn't see much. Her image was fuzzy to me, unlike how my other dreams usually are. I reached out to grab her, before everything around me starting moving faster than i could process. It scared me, i felt like i was having a nightmare. An anxiety attack maybe? I stop at the rooftop of the same day of my accident. The words leaving my mouth before i could do anything about it. I felt like i was watching me say things to Colby. Like i didn't have control over it, like i was floating out of my own body, watching me. He didn't say anything, his gaze flat and emotionless. Not how it was in real life, but usually how it was in my imagination. Next thing i see is myself crashing into the top of the car, assholes never put anything to break my fall so the crashing of the metal scared me. I climb in, i'm already getting yelled at by David. I start to count to myself, making sure i was on time for the crash that was about to come. "We're two seconds off time." I mumble, just as the car flips and tumbles. I snap awake, groaning in pain. Why was this so hard? I lift up my wrist slowly, attempting to read the time. 7:57AM. Fucking shit. I groan, throwing a pillow over my face.

Colbys pov
"Dude if you don't get out of bed i'm eating all your almonds." Sams attempt number fifty-seven of trying to get me out of bed was still failing. "Go ahead, it's not like i do any good here anyways." I hated myself right now. I just wanted to have my girl back, but she wouldn't listen to a word i said. I needed her, and she couldn't even make eye contact with me. But i didn't blame her, it just hit me that actions come with consequences. I hated mine. "You realize how selfish you sound right now, right?" I sit up quickly, shooting daggers at Sam. Who does he think he is? "What's your problem dude?" I asked, throwing my pillow at him. He caught it, throwing it to the floor loudly, oh shit, he was really serious about this. "Jordan is over there still crying about your guys' breakup. Aryia told me she's completely broken because of YOU. You know i'm with you with everything, Sam and Colby versus the world always. But what you did was so fucked up, you're just adding fuel to the fire now by acting like this." I scoffed, not believing what he had said at first. "Why would she cry over i guy like me?" "Because you idiot! She still cares about you so much. You were the first person she's given her heart to in so long, now she barley talks to anyone. You don't get to be sad here, and Jordan doesn't even act sad around you or me, doesnt that say something? You had your time to be sad the day after you cheated, now, get the fuck up, get the fuck out of bed, and get dressed. We have a meeting to attend to in three hours and you need to get yourself together before we go." I stand up with him, as i drag myself to my restroom before stopping slowly. We finished all our meetings with our manager for social media this week, was there an email i missed? "Sam what kind of meeting?" I asked, slowly turning around as i threw my shirt over my head. He sighed, and placed a a hand on my shoulder. "She's getting released in about a day, Jake wanted to go over living situations at the hospital." My eyes widened. Jake and i agreed that since Emily had taken over the other apartment that Jordan would have to live somewhere else. "Oh my," i sighed, closing my eyes. "Sam, she's going to hate me more than she already does." "You don't know that brother, we'll figure it out either way. If anything we could kick Emily out of that apartment and move Jordan in there, that's if she doesn't want to stay at your place."

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