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Imagine : Marcus has a daughter, who one day tells the whole Coven something.

Imagine : Marcus has a daughter, who one day tells the whole Coven something

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The browned haired, sad King sat watching his Daughter draw with half broken crayons. Her tiny tan hand held the crayon tightly, as she roughly scribbled on the scratch paper Jane had given her. Ismeralda kept her green eyes solely on the paper as her brown locks flowed all over her. The little six year old girl had softened the forever depressed king's hardened heart. For the first time in his life, he would be able to smile. If only Didyme were here to see their daughter. 

Ismeralda looked up at the vampire on trail. His eyes were different from daddy’s. Her little face scrunched up in confusion as she looked between her father and the man. Marcus caught on to his daughters new found interest in the vampire. He feared she’d mess with him, but knew that the vampire that stood before them was a vegan vampire. Ismeralda stood, and made her way to her father. Leaving all the crayons and paper to sit on the floor next to Jane. 

Making her way past the confused vampire, and her uncles. She stopped in front of her father's throne and lifted her hands up, indicating she wanted to be picked up.  A smile crossed the vampire’s face as he placed both hands on her sides and lifted her. A small, “weee” left little Ismeralda’s mouth as she giggled, and cuddled into her father. - “Daddy.” She whispered.

Marcus looked down into her green orbs, “Yes, il mio bambino?” He asked, watching her eyes dart back to the man on trail. - “Why are his eyes different from yours papa?” She asked. All vampire’s looked at the child. Scared on how Marcus was gonna respond to the child. She knew they were vampires, but her father never told her about any other meals they could consume. Only human blood. She took all the information in like a champ. She wasn’t scared or anything. Probably because she grew up watching Creepypasta with Jane and Alec. 

A warm smile crossed his face as he whispered, “Because my dear, he is a vegan vampire. Meaning they only drink animal blood.” Ismeralda’s eyes lit up at the sound of that. So she wouldn’t have to drink innocent human blood? - “Wait! If that’s an option then why don’t you do it daddy> Or anyone else in here?” She questione, her brow raised and her hand on her hip. 

   “Because my dear, it isn’t as good for any of us. We have had human blood for so long, that it would be so hard to switch. Plus if we drained animals. There wouldn’t be any dino nuggets for you.” Marcus explained, gently tickling the girl. Her laughter filled the room like a soft melody. 

               …...TIME SKIP……

Once the golden eyed vampire had left. Ismeralda got up from her father’s lap and made her way to the center of the throne room. All eyes were on her as she turned to face the kings. Aro had his hands together, and a smile on his face as he watched his niece look at all three of them. Even Caius held a soft look at the child. He loved his little painting buddy. 

   “I, Ismeralda Lynn Volturi, declare this day. That I, shall be turned at the age of eighteen into a vampire, but! I will live off of animal blood from that day until my last!” She spoke, chest puffed out in confidence. The kings all shared a look. Marcus smiled down at his daughter, stood, and made his way to her. - “..and as your father, I shall respect your choices.” He whispered causing her to smile in delight. He held her hand as he left the throne room in search of the kitchen. Knowing that after a good dinner, and nights sleep. She’d forget about this whole ordeal.  

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