🥶You Cheated On Them With...😱

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♤ Aro - Caius * After the whole deal with the Cullens and their hybrid daughter. You were furious, you felt as if something should have been done. Something more strict. You weren't the only one who felt this way though ~

♤ Caius - Felix * Felix wasn't an idiot. He knew the cost of messing with you in such an inappropriate manner, but when you stormed in his room one late night after Caius refused to let you leave the darn castle. Felix couldn't help but beckon to your every will ~

♤Marcus - Santiago * You couldn't find it in yourself to ever harm him, but one day while you were out in the gardens. Santiago came to you and was highly flirtatious, and convinced you into leaving to his chambers with him ~

♤ Jane - No one * Nope, no one even dared to make eye contact with you ~

♤Alec - Edward * Alec and you were having a hard time in dealing with your differences. You being a human, and him a vampire. He wanted to change you immediately, but you wanted to finish school. You went to Forks High School, and knew of the Cullens. So one day Edward came over and things went south ~

♤Demetri - Garret * After witnessing Demetri and Heidi in the action, you stormed out of Italy in search of your long time best friend, Garrett. When you told him what had happened, he suggest you do the same to Demetri ~

♤ Felix - Benjamin * It was a drunken mistake, and facing Felix the next day, seeing the Hurt in his eyes, and the sadness in his voice. Was enough to make you want to jump off a cliff.
You hurt the one man who wanted you more than just for your body ~

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