😭💍Why Does Love Always Feel Like A Battlefield - Jane Volturi 😭💍

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You knew your family was against you being mated to a Volturi member, but you didn't expect them to go this far! All around you were wolves: Jacob, Embry, Jared, Paul, Sam, Seth, Leah, Quill, and some other elders from their tribe. They all watched your every move as if you were some explosive ready to detonate. Your loving and compassionate father, Carlisle Cullen, stood before them explaining the reason for your stay.

"My family and I appreciate you all for this, and are truly in your debt," Your wonderful dad says, inclining his head to them.

You let out a groan as you looked toward one of the wolves, Jared. I'm not," you mumbled under your breath, knowing darn well they could hear you.

Jared was your ex, and you knew he'd do anything to keep you from being with a vampire, especially if it's one that drinks human blood. Scratch that, he'd keep you from anyone! He believed you were his imprint because he had a dream about you being together or something. You didn't understand, nor did you care enough to understand. All you wanted was to be in your mates arms, but no! Your family had to keep you from her!

"(Y/n), you are to stay close to a wolf at all times so Demetri cannot track your scent." Carlisle says, giving you a nod to make sure you were paying attention. Good thing Edward wasn't here, or he'd be telling your dad all you were thinking.

"Yeah, whatever." You replied, crossing your arms and glaring at each person who dared to look in your direction.

You knew from when the whole "Bella killed herself" stuff happened, Alice couldn't see past the wolves to know if she was alive or not, so you would use being here to your advantage. Poor Demetri though, he might be looking for you for a long time when it's time for him to come pick you up. Plus, your phone was taken by your amazing sister Rosalie. *note the sarcasm* So you couldn't just text either one and be like, "Hey! My family is hiding me from y'all due to my pick up day being on my 18th birthday, because they don't want me to go be with y'all!"


Four days had passed since you've been here with the wolves, and while they were nice and welcoming, you felt the pain in your chest grow even more. Emily had taken notice of it first, due to you always sleeping curled up on the couch. She would hold your hand and sing soft lullaby's to you, and apologize for everything. You really did like her, she gave you a motherly love that your mom gave you, speaking of motherly love, your dear mother, Esme, called Sams phone everyday to check in on you, but you never talked to her or any of them. At the moment, you were beyond pissed at them. They wouldn't do this to Edward, but they'd do it to you!

Everyone was busy, doing what they needed to do, so you took the time to slip away and go to the beach. This was rare, due to a wolf always being near you. You had asked Seth to be "your personal guard" just because you didn't want Jared nor any other to watch your every move. Plus, Seth gave you space, and you appreciated that.

You made your way quickly through the forest, trying your best not to alert anyone of you leaving. You hoped and prayed that none of the wolves that were on patrol would find you as force you to go back to that boring and dreadful house.

Once you reached the beach, you sighed in relief, glad you made it without alerting anyone of your movement. The feeling of the wind hitting against your legs brought a sense of comfort as you you sat down, close to where the waves would crash in, and just watched as the seagulls would swoop down and capture their meal. Tears rolled down your face as you looked down at the bracelet Jane had given you before you left Volterra. It had her name on it, and you couldn't help but place it close to your chest and let all your tears flow. You missed her so much, and wished you had money to just leave and board a plane to Italy, but sadly your brother Jasper thought of that and took your wallet as well. It hurt you so much that your own family were doing all this, and causing you all this pain out of the Jane of love. "If they truly loved me, they'd let me go," you whisper to yourself, closing your eyes tightly shut and just imagining yourself with Jane. Yes, you only had met her that day, but damn you were hoping to get to know her some more and actually fall in love with her ! Not be forced away from her and deal with the pain of losing your mate.

The sound of footsteps alerted you, and sent you in a panic, causing you to quickly hop to your feet, ready to take off.

"Wait! I promise I'm not trying to hurt you or drag you back!" Came a females voice, you turned and saw Leah with her hands up, and a sincere look in her eyes. Seth followed right behind her, a small smile covering his young face.

You watched them closely, as you relaxed and raised a brow, "How did you know I was here?" You asked, moving forward a few steps. Of course you knew how, they noticed you were gone and sent someone one out to find you.

"I caught your scent and before anyone else did, I followed after you. Seth must of seen me and followed as well," Leah answered, turning to look at her brother.

"What do you want?" You asked. Trying your best to not sound rude.

"I want to help," She replied, a tight lip smile forming on her face. You looked between Seth and her, confused as to why she would want to help you of all people.

"I know it's hard to believe, but I don't agree with them keeping you away from your mate. The person your heart longs for. I've seen the way you would curl up when the pain became too much, and I saw you looking down at your bracelet crying. I can't be the one to keep a mate from their mate. Especially since I've been kept from mine for so long," Leah explained, her eyes showing sadness as she looked down to collect her thoughts, and her emotions.

"Why...Leah, you can get in serious trouble for even thinking about going against Sams orders." You said, moving forward to place a hand on her shoulder. Her dark eyes met your (e/c) ones, a small smile formed on her face as she placed her hand upon yours "I know I can, and possibly get kicked out the pack for doing this, but I don't care. You deserve to be with your mate." She said, fully smiling at you. Immediately you bring the talker girl into a hug and begin to thank her repeatedly.

"I agree, I'm willing to help as well!" Seth says moving forward, wrapping his arm over your shoulder and pulling both you and Leah into him. You all share a laugh as you pull away and look down. Could this possibly mean they'd take you to Italy?

"So...what's the plan?" You ask, sitting back down, both of them following suit. Once situated, Leah looked at you

  "My car will be fixed on Monday. So, I'll come pick you up and tell Sam I'm taking you to get some feminine products. Seth will meet us at the gas station by Walmart, and from there we'll head to the airport. Luckily you'll be with us, so Alice won't see you leaving. All you need to do is do what you always do, look sad and angry and don't bring any attention to yourself. Tomorrow I'll order us some tickets and send you a message once I get them," she explained, sounding so calm about everything.

"Wait, wait, you two are coming as well?" I asked, shock clearly in my facial expression.
I mean, they're shifters and the Volturi are vampires. They can't possibly want to be near them.

"Yes love, your 18th birthday isn't until Wednesday and we'll be leaving Monday.
So we do want to stick around to celebrate with you! Plus we wouldn't want Alice to see you going to Italy until it's too late and you're in your mates arms." Leah replied taking your hand and giving it a tight squeeze.

You felt your eyes burning from the tears that threatened to fall. You were so excited and overwhelmed. You'd be with Jane and they were going to help you!

(I hope you all liked it ! I wanted to put something up for Jane to show her some love ❤️)

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