🤧Sick Reader X Demetri🤒

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I gazed at a lovely bird that sat perched on a tree outside my hospital room window. Such a delicate creature, so soft, perfect, and beautiful. Free to go anywhere, and do anything. My smile flattered as I looked at my broken state.

"Your days are limited. You could possibly make it to your eighteenth birthday, but there are no promises. If I were you, I'd get my affairs in order."

I could feel the tears began to fall, but I immediately wiped them away.
No, I will not live my last few days pitying myself.

Knock! Knock!

"Come in." I called out.
The door opened to reveal none other than my best friend, and mate. Demetri Volturi. He walked in, with a bouquet of roses, and some chocolates.
"Hey there sugar, you come here often?" I joke as I sit up to offer him a seat at the end of my bed. He lets out a laugh, and sits down next to me.
"As a matter of fact, I do. To see my beautiful mate." He says leaning in, placing a kiss to my lips.
I leaned in more, and placed my hand on his cheek.
"You know, I hate seeing you like this." He says pulling away, but not taking his eyes off me.
"I know, but. Things will get better. I promise. Before you know it, I'll be right back at the castle driving everyone insane." I laughed as a memory popped up.

Running through the halls as I chased down a human girl. She was actually fooled by my fake red eyes, that she thought I was a real vampire. Her name was Katy. She was a new worker for the Volturi. So I thought I'd play with her for a while. That was until she ran into the Throne room.
"Masters! Please, have mercy and keep that girl away from me. I don't want to die, please not today." She begged at the foot of my Dad's throne. Uncle Caius did not look happy at the girls sudden appearing.
"Now, now Katy. Whatever do you mean?" My Dad asked grabbing her hand, looking through her thoughts.
"Uh-oh." I said to myself as I quickly covered my mouth.
"(Y/N), please. Come in here." My Dad calls out in a Stern voice.
I slowly walk in while holding in my laughter as each vampire looked at me with amusement at my costume.
Red eye contacts, red lip stick, fake blood, and a black dress with flats.
"Seems as if you've been real busy today young lady. Tell me, did you finished your studies. Before you had the brilliant idea to cause such chaos?" He questioned as he looked at me with an disappointed look. I looked down, as I thought of my excuse.
"Yes daddy, I did. You see, I began learning of our families history. How mom and you became a vampire. Then I got to thinking. Maybe I should look more like my parents, so I got these contacts, and borrowed some of Jane's make up. So, I was on my way to come show you how beautiful I became, but Ms.Katy saw me and ran away. I thought we were playing tag, so I chased her. I'm sorry I didn't know a full grown women was terrified of a child. Probably why she hasn't gotten married either."
Gasp erupted in the room, along with laughing as my dad rolled his eyes and sent the lady off. Picking me up, he sat me in his lap and began telling me all about how I was going to have twice the work load.....


"I know love, I know. I just wish you would come home and let me change you. " Demetri says as he strokes my hand. I looked at him.
Remembering when my dad first found out about my sickness.

I made my way to the Throne room as fast as my weak legs would take me. I couldn't stop coughing up blood, and my lungs were hurting.
No nine year old should be dealing with this. Maybe a runny nose or cough, or maybe even a fever, but not this.
Walking in, my dad's eyes immediately find my pale, weak state, with blood running down my face.
"Mio Amore, what has happened?" My dad says as he rushes to me, and bends down to my level.
"I don't feel good daddy. I can't stop coughing up blood, and my lungs hurt." I whimpered as I felt nausea rush in.
"Felix, go have Gianna contact Carisle for me." Daddy says as he picks me up, and carries me over to his throne to sit me in his lap.

"Daddy, am I dying?" I looked up at him as he strokes my hair back.
The Doctor dude had showed up an hour ago, and started running test after test on me. I was so tired, but dad said if I stayed awake and was a big girl. Then he'd take me to the movies Saturday night to watch Frozen two.
"No my love, your just sick is all. A common cold. It comes and goes. You can rest now. I promise you'll be better in the morning."


If only that promise could have came true. I woke up that next day with more pain, and more blood lose. That's when I found out I had Cancer.
My mom and dad were crushed. The thought of losing their daughter at young age ,without being able to turn her. Really devastated them. That's why I always stayed positive when it came to getting check ups. I knew if I showed any pain, sadnes or self pity. They would feel bad.
I wish more than anything that it was "just a common cold" , but it wasn't.

"I love you Demetri, I promise. I will get better "


To the Parent/Guardian of (Y/N) Volturi.
We are sorry to inform you that your child has pasted away due to complications with her kidney.
(Y/N) was pronounced dead at exactly 9:45 pm. She left a note by her bed saying the following:

To my beautiful family, and boyfriend.
I want you to all know that I love you all with all my heart. I hope you can all remember the good times with me, and not just that I was some fragile sick girl. No, I want you to remember the prankster, the jokester, the girl I used to be. Not who I became. I knew from the very beginning that my time here was short. I just wish I could have stayed a bit longer to say my goodbyes in person.
But for now, just know. I'll always be with you all.
(Y/N) Volturi.


"I love you too (Y/N), but I wish you could've kept your promise."


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