Melody P.3

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     "Ah, Santiago!" Aro called out to the guard who almost looked on edge

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     "Ah, Santiago!" Aro called out to the guard who almost looked on edge.

"Master Aro, Caius, and Marcus." He quickly bowed, practically shoving his hand into Aros as if he wanted to drag him off somewhere. Melody watched the interaction, and couldn't help but feel...jealous by the way Aro held Santiago's hand. Blinking, she shook her head. Why would she be jealous of Aro, there was no reason to be.

She scanned the man, taking in all his details. From his darker complexation, to his hair. The words from Willows Smiths song, Wait A Minute, played in her head as she looked at each braid. "I don't even care I'll run my hands through your hair you wanna run your fingers through mine but my dreads are too thick and that's alright." 

Aro's fake excitement was soon replaced by a blank, emotionless facial expression. "I see. Bring her in." His voice was low, deep, and scarier. It was amazing how this man could change his whole aura within seconds, but no matter what, it was all creepy. "Of course master," Santiago bowed and exited the room with the speed of lightning.

Aro looked at his guest, and his smile returned. "Let us discuss this another time. It appears some more urgent business has gotten in the way. Please, bring our guest to a room." Aro turned and sat down as Felix, Demetri, Alec, and Jane escorted the women out.

He was surprised that they didn't put up a fight, or attack. They remained calm and followed, each giving a look as if they were having a secret conversation.

As they were exiting, Santiago was entering with the female Aro asked him to bring in. Her hair was tied back, and she wore a knee length black dress. Golden eyes filled with such sadness and fear, that she almost resembled Marcus. Her heels caused an echo as she followed Santiago into the center.

"What a lovely surprise." Aro was truly caught off guard by her visit. No one has ever come on their own to the Volturi, so to see her was truly a surprise.

"What do you want?" Caius demanded, already bored of her presence, and annoyed by her silence. Irena flinched by his demanding tone, and took a step forward, taking in an unneeded breath.

"I have come to report a crime." Her words instantly caught the masters full attention. "The Cullens...they've done something...terrible." It was hard for Irena to speak the words, but she had to. Marcus could already see where this was going, and he closed his eyes. There was always something with this family.

Aro quickly stood and was in front of her in second. "Allow me, my dear?" He asked, eager to see what she was referring to. Irena placed her hand in his, and kept her eyes focused on their joined hands.

Aro looked in complete shock at what he was seeing. The child, the newborn, the wolf, the soft falling snow. Everything was perfectly clear. The Cullens had broken the law, once again. 

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