Volturi Guards x Cloning Reader.

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The four guards sat in a booth at a small diner on the side of the highway, discussing their next move on this new threat arising from a very troubling coven. Jane next to her brother, and the other two in front of them. They each had a beverage on the table to avoid suspicion, and Jane had put in an order of fried cheese sticks.

     "Master Aro made it perfectly clear, we are not to attack, just keep an eye on them and report anything we find." Demetri stated, shooting his friend's idea down. There were only four of them, and ten of members of that coven. They had no idea what they were up against. The gifts they bore were still unknown to the guards, but Felix has reasons to believe that one of them has the ability to clone herself. Aro found that highly interesting.

     "Maybe we don't attack them," Alec speaks up, casting a quick look outside as a vehicle pulls up. The others frown, following his gaze. A female leaves the vehicle, and looks around before disappearing into the woods. They noticed the bracelet she wore, and saw the gem attached to it. The crest of her Coven was made known.

     "Looks like someone's a little too far from her Covens protection." Jane muses, a small smirk forming. 

     "What now? We go and kill her, and hope to kill them off one by one?" Felix asked, looking between the three vampires. "Aro, like you said, wants us to figure out what they are up to, not kill them without reason." He growled in a low voice, not wanting to alert the people to their conversation.

Jane fixed her glare to the man, and leaned forward. "Not kill, question." She says, getting up while pulling out a twenty out, and setting it on the table. The table shocked under her force, causing the tea from Alec's cup to fly out, and hit the table. He frowned at the sight, but ignored it. 

    "Let's go."


You moved along the narrow path of the woods, humming softly to yourself. You kept a close eye on your surroundings, and admired nature from afar, not bothering the creatures of the woods. You stop by a tree, and an uneasiness comes over you. Looking around, you frown, and hide behind the tree as the sound of footsteps grow closer. You focus, and disappear, blinding in with your surroundings.

A male walks up, stopping, and looking around while sniffing. "She was here," He says to the others that join him. He wore a necklace, a 'V' crest hung from it. A low growl left your lips. You knew someone was spying on your Coven.

     "We need to find her. We'll take her back to Aro, and he can see what her Coven is up to." The smaller, female one snarls. Frowning, you focus and clone yourself. Your eyes watch your double move from behind the tree, and in front of them. Each member of the Volturi watches, and they encamp your double.

     "What do you want?" You speak through her.

     "We have come to question you." Jane says, stepping forward to speak for her group. She looked at you with no respect, and looked as if she knew no matter what, they were gonna win.

Your double smirked. "Why do the Volturi wish to question me? Have I broken your Master's rules, that they send their most trusted dogs to take me in?"

It was silent, you watched Jane look you up and down, a smirk coating her lips. "Pain," She whispers, waiting. A deep glare takes hold of her face, and she looks at her companions. "Get her," She demands, turning on her heel to walk back and watch from a distance with her brother as Demetri and Felix slowly walk toward your double.

You smirk, feeling yourself expand from both sides, two more of you walk out from behind the trees and stand beside your double. Felix's eyes go wide, and he remembers. There was a vampire with a cloning ability in the Coven. He takes a step back, and looks around. Nudging Demetri, he looks at the three females in front of them.

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