💔The Horrible Truth - Demetri V💔

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(Imagine- Requested by @pinkwitch269- Trans/witch Reader x Demetri Volturi.)
-WARNING- Vampires doing what vampires do.
Also, a quick A/N. I do apologize for not posting in a while. I have been struggling to even put this imagine together....so sorry if it's not as good as you expect it to be, and I have been having a lot going on mentally. I love you all, and appreciate your support. As for now, this will be my last imagine. I have moved on from Twilight (yes, we broke up..lol) and have started to explore more in the writing field. Yes, I do plan to come back to Twilight Imagines and Fanfictions. Yes, I will still be active on Wattpad, but not active in posting anything Twilight related....which is why a lot of you are here...haha, and that's okay! Like I said, I appreciate all your support, and the many votes, and uplifting comments you all have blessed me with.

You sat quietly in your room, reading over the latest news. It seemed more and more tourists seemed to go missing in your home town of Volterra Italy. It stressed you out to the core, seeing as your powers were limited to seeing what was behind this. You hated all forms of evil, you were what your cousins said, "The Good Witch" Always following the rules, never disobeying your parents, teachers, ect. You didn't mind being called such things, nor being teased about it, it made you glad that you stood out from the rest of your fellow witches and warlocks. You didn't judge them for what they did, but you did wish they would choose a better path than they had. You hated seeing people in pain, and the more you read about the missing tourist, the more your heart grew heavy for the friends and families that might never see them again.

Deciding that you have had enough with all the sad and gloomy reading, you place the newspaper down and walk over to your phone. You had one message, and the name of the person who sent it, caused butterflies to ignite in your stomach. Unlocking the phone, you immediately read the message and respond.

From Demetri to (Y/N) - "Come over Mio amore?"

From You to Demetri - "I'll be over in an hour."

Placing your phone down, you took your spell book and looked into it for a transportation spell, and bookmarked it, before running off to your restroom to get dressed. Placing a pair of black leggings, and a sweater on, you brushed your teeth, put on deodorant, and perfume and rushed back to your spell book.

Reading over the spell quickly, you got in position. Your mind became fuzzy, and body as light as a feather as you began to feel the world shifting around you. You didn't know where in the Castle you'd land, but as long as you were there, that's all that mattered.

The uneasy feeling, and shifting around you stopped as you felt your body relax. But soon your eyes snapped open to the sound of screaming, and crying. Looking around, you realized you landed in the throne room, where the managers of the Castle stayed, putting on a show for the group of tourists that came to visit. Well, that's what your faithful boyfriend of three years told you, during the many times you visited him at his job slash workplace.

It was like you were invisible to the eye, as the many people...were being...bitten? And killed by those who worked here. Turning to your left, you could see Demetri hovering over a girl, who looked to be no older than 16. His mouth was at her throat, and soon her screaming died down as her body went limp. He was quick to toss her body to a pile of ever growing dead people. Men, women, and children filled that pile one by one as the vampire's feasted upon the innocent humans. There was no reluctance in their movements either, it was like it was fun to them. To kill someone, and drain them dry. You had never witnessed anything so horrific in all your years alive.

You watched Demetri high five one of his...work buddy's, as he moved to the side to grab a washcloth and wipe his face a bit. Taking his phone out of his pocket, he looked down, messaging somebody. You could feel your phone vibrate against your body as it sat in the pocket of your sweater. You knew instantly that you were the person he messaged, and you were grateful that your phone was on vibrate or else he would know you were here. Instead of looking at the message, you ignored it and shook your head. Tears threatened to fall as you watched him laugh at the scene of a young man, with his child clinging tightly to him, begging for their lives as a huge vampire advanced toward them. You turned your eyes away before you could witness the child be killed. The screaming of both the father and child clouded your ears.

The massacre ended, and the men and women smiled wickedly at one another. "Get this place cleaned up." Ordered one of the men, who sat down and crossed his leg over his other one.

Feeling disgusted, and angry, you used the spell from earlier and transported back to your home. Landing in your bathroom, where you broke down immediately. The gods have finally given an answer to what has happened to all those tourists, and you didn't know how to stomach it. Feeling the knot that formed in your stomach loosen, you lift the toilet seat and let out all your nerves. Tears fell down your face as the scene from earlier replayed over, and over in your head. Flushing the toilet, you stood to turn the light off, and turned back around to sit in the bathtub. The light from the small roof window coming in, allowing you to still be able to see. Soon though, the heaviness from all the tears caused your eyes to want to fall, so you allowed them too, and from there you drifted off into the dark abyss they call sleep.


The sound of knocking at your front door caused you to wake. Confusion clear in your facial expression as you looked around to see you were in a restroom. It didn't take long though, for the horrors of earlier to replay in your mind. You never believed vampires existed, let alone did you ever seem to believe your boyfriend was one. The knocking echoed throughout the house again, causing you to roll out of the bathtub and stand.

Slowly, you made your way to the front door. Your heartbeat beating harsh against your chest with every move you took. Finally, you reach the door and look through the peephole. Your heart drops into the pit of your stomach, as you become frozen in place.


As if sensing you, Demetri smiled his famous smile. "(Y/N), love, I know you're by the door, open up! It is quite cold out here." He joked.

Against her better judgement, she hesitantly unlocked the door, opened it, and stood back. Demetri went to greet his girlfriend, but was stopped when he saw the way she was looking at him. Her skin was sickly pale, her eyes puffy and red, her lips were a bit chapped.

     "My dear...you look like you've seen a ghost, are you alright?" Demetri asked, worry clear in his voice. Though he was a bit upset she bailed on him, and didn't even text him to let him know she wouldn't be showing up, he was more concerned for her health, seeing as she wasn't in the best of shape.

     "No...well, I mean, I guess you could say that." you replied, looking past Demetri and noticing the sun was setting and the night sky was becoming more clearer. "How long have I been asleep?" you ask yourself, not bothered by the look Demetri was giving you.

     "Well, I got worried about you. You never showed up, and when I texted you, you never replied. I thought something bad had happened to you." He said, hurt flashing through his eyes as he looked down at the woman he loved more than anything in the world.

A frown covers your face as you lock eyes with Demetri, "Oh, don't worry. I didn't end up like those tourists at your job today." You replied, instantly regretting your words as soon as Demetri looked at you with wide eyes, and a surprised look upon his face.

     "Wha- You were there...?" He asked, but it sounded more as a statement. His voice was stern as he looked at you with an unreadable expression. It was silent between the two of you for what seemed like an hour, but was probably only a few minutes. "I wanted to tell you..." He finally whispered, looking down. Shame was written all over his face as he refused to meet your gaze.

You scuffed, crossing your arms. "Lie again. You wanted to keep me in the dark for as long as possible. You didn't want me to find out about how you help kill innocent men, women, and children! I saw how you were in that room. The evil, the joy it brought you. And...and when your...your friend went to kill the father..you just laughed!" You found it hard to speak, the events of earlier flashed before your eyes once again, causing you to shudder and step back from Demetri.

     "My love..please-"

     "No. I know why you didn't want me to know. You wanted to kill me when you grew tired of me, didn't you?" You asked, face full of tears as you watched Demetri struggle to find the words. All he did was hold his mouth open and shake his head slightly. As if he were a broken record.

Shaking your head, you stepped back a bit more, and grabbed the door handle. "Goodbye Demetrius." The door closed, leaving Demetri behind it, his heart breaking in process......~

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