🌹💛Beauty and the beast - Caius Volturi💛🌹

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Hope you enjoy love 💙


"Love is a complicated commitment to someone who may or may not break you in the end

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"Love is a complicated commitment to someone who may or may not break you in the end."
~ Dominique_gvo

(I literally just made that up for this 😂🙃)

♧My brown eyes scanned over the book within my hands. A smile formed upon my face as I finished the last chapter of, "100 days of Sunlight." The smell of fresh coffee filled the night air as I sat quietly, and patiently on the front porch awaiting for my cousin, Bella. I recently came up here to Forks, Washington from Colorado to see my dear cousin. Let me just say, I arrived at the worst time possible for the girl. It appears she fell in love with some strange pale boy who ended up breaking her heart in the end, Charlie's words, not my own. Oh well, love comes and goes. Nothing good last forever. Setting the book down on the table, I reach for my coffee to take a sip as I lean back into the chair and look up at the sky. Stars filled the dark heavens as my eyes twinkled in delight. I found joy in the smallest of things. However, my peaceful moment was interrupted by the sound of an engine coming close to the house. Bella's raggedy old redish orange truck pulled up and out came two figures: Bella and Jacob.
I guess she moved on pretty quick.
My eyes narrowed as I look to see her hair appeared to be....wet? Maybe they went swimming or something. Shrugging my shoulders I stand to greet the two.

"Hello Bells." I greet her with a smile, "Jacob." I nod his way, not caring much of his presence.
Bella's eyes grew wide as she looked at me. A smile broke through her face as she jumped into my arms.

"Alexia ! I missed you so much." She cried out squeezing me tightly. For a smaller, fragile girl. She sure did have a good grip. Pushing her away gently I smile at her and move her brown locks out from her face. She looked to be....stressed? Sad? Upset?
I couldn't put my finger on it, but I knew that she really needed that hug. Her shoulders were pretty tense and her eyes were dark. No sleep, I'm guessing. That dude really did do a number on her. In all my life I've never known Bella to care to be in a relationship. We walk in, my hand in Bella's, Jacob walks over to Bella's truck angrily with a huff. I look at Bella confused as we enter the house.
"Don't worry about him." She tells me quietly. Pushing up into my side.
We walked in, and as soon as we do, "Bella!!?" A females voice proclaims looking at Bella with a appalled look.
The sudden appearing of this woman caused my heart to race and my body to tense in defense mood.

"A-Alice!?" Bella nearly yells trying to gain her senses back from the sudden outburst of the girl. I look between the two confused as to how they knew each other, and how this girl got in. Bella hugs Alice, only to be pushed off of her, as she looks taken back. "I'm sorry, I just..just can't believe you're here." Bella explains trying to some what apologize for immediately hugging her.

"Will you mind explaining to me how you're alive? "

"What?" Bella asked looking nervous. My eyes narrow as I try to understand what's going on. What does she mean, still alive?

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