By your side I'll stay - Jane Volturi X Reader

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Aged up Jane

The crisp winter winds whistled, flowing through the small town of Chardon Ohio, bringing a blanket of snow with them, a lovely Sunday surprise to all the dads who try to get their family out of the house on time for Church. Only God could hear the angered driven words coming from their mouth that day as they began shoveling the snow out of their drive-ways.

Jane kept herself perched up on a window sill, her full body able to sit comfortably, as she peered out the window, smiling softly at all the falling snowflakes. Being a vampire, she was able to see every detail on a snowflake, and began sketching them down. The soft ticking of the clock on the wall in the room was the only noise disturbing her from enjoying such a peaceful moment.

A loud sigh fell from the lips of another source of noise, but the noise coming from them brought joy to Jane's un-beating heart. Looking over, the century old vampire began to stare down in awe at the sleeping human to whom she fell in love with, many, many years ago. A love story that was hard to explain to the vampire's Jane lived with, and one that made Jane suffer more than she has ever had. She found it to be a humorous joke. She, Jane, feasted on humans, delighted in their torture, and loved scaring the life out of them, but here she was, in love with one.

Not only that, but this mere, helpless human to whom Jane devoted her life to, always seemed to slip through her fingertips. You see, Jane met (Y/N) when she was still human, and became close friends with you. You were her only friend, and not long after becoming her friend, you befriended Alec. The three of you were inseparable, and Jane grew strongly attached to you, her friendly feeling soon blossomed into love.

Sadly, Jane couldn't save you from the massacre of the village, and spent the next century mourning your death. She thought her only chance at happiness was stolen from her the moment she was freed from the hell of that place, until she had to travel with Aro to deal with some troublesome Coven in Europe a couple centuries later, and found you.

Jane thought she was seeing a ghost, and couldn't help but stop and stare at you through the window, watching as you rocked back and forth on an old rocking chair, sewing a dress. You owned your own shop, and made a living by making and selling clothing. Jane felt as if her heart was complete. You didn't look a day older than the last time she saw you, when the two of you were only sixteen. She'll never forget how she walked into that shop, mouth agape, and eyes wide, and how your voice filled the small building like a soft melody...


"Welcome, how may I help you madam?" You greeted the small blonde, rising to your feet, and placing your hands behind your back. By her attire, you could only guess she was a woman of high importance, and since business was low around this time, you did not want to miss the opportunity of good business. So standing tall, you waited patiently for the woman to speak.

The fireplace crackled, and the flames danced around the logs, filling the building with warmth, and light. It was quite stuffy inside, but you didn't complain. Europe had terrible weather this time of the year, so when Winter came, it was hard to find warmth. Luckily though, you were able to supply your business, and home with the necessities to keep warm during the winter.

Jane finally snapped out of her gaze, and cleared her throat. "Apologies. I just happened by your shop, and couldn't help but be amazed by the embroidery displayed upon this lovely velvet dress." Jane spoke up, motioning toward the closest item near her, and using it as an excuse for her odd behavior.

Your silence was confusing to the vampire, causing Jane to knit her brows together. You looked as if you were trying to hold back a laugh, by the way your lips were pressed firmly together in a line, and how your cheeks were painted in a red hue. Jane finally gave the item a good look though, and wanted to slap herself. The dress was a forest green, plain dress, not velvet, and most certainly did not have anything embroidered into it.

Twilight Imagines (Volturi)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora