💛Thank you, Father. - Marcus Volturi💛

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Requested ~ I hope you enjoy love! 💜

Imagine : War has come to your front door. The Romanians have managed to create a newborn Army without the Volturi knowing. So your mate has to be in the war, but not with you. Due to you carrying his child. When the group finally arrives back, will your mate be in that number?


The moon light shined down onto the white baby bouncer causing it to appear to be glowing in the dark nursery

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The moon light shined down onto the white baby bouncer causing it to appear to be glowing in the dark nursery. All things were put in place, as you awaited the arrival of your mate. He'd gone off to war, and you anticipated his return. Eagerly waiting, and watching. Hoping he'd be back before your due date. Your round, bruised, and pale stomach stuck out pretty far, blocking the view of your feet. So you knew you were due any day now. Turning on the christmas gold lights that decorated the room; you sat down in the rocking chair and opened up your journal, and began to write in it.

Dear Me,
Hello again. My stomach has grown some more, and the bruises are not too bad, but they are still there. You'd think with me already being a hybrid, I could take this, but boy was I wrong. Haha. Anyways, he has yet to return
....I know, my heart hurts at the absence of his touch and voice. But I have faith he shall return. Hopefully before our son is due. Father tells me everything should be fine, and that my mate is a skilled fighter. I chose to listen and believe my father, you know, because of the old saying, "your parents are always right." Yes yes, I know, silly. Anyways, the nursery is all set and ready to go. I hope little (y/s/n) likes it. I know he'll grow up fast, like the Cullen child, and I, but I still want to cherish every moment of him being small. Oh, someone has called for me. I must go.
Until next time,
Goodbye. ~

You closed your journal as you hear someone tell you to meet Marcus in his office. You get up, and quickly make your way there.

You could hear many voices as you made your way through the corridor.
Many small groups were stationed together, talking and catching up. You felt your whole body come to life. 'They returned back from the war!' You thought to yourself. You reach your father's office and knock. Once you hear his small voice say, "come in" you open the door and make your way to sit down in front of his desk.

"My dear child, I have no idea how to say this, but...-" you held your breath as your father looked at you with pitiful eyes. He took your hands in his own and rubbed them to try and soothe you in a way, and prepare you for what he was about to say next.

"(M/N) didn't make it. He...was killed in battle." Your heart clenched, and broke in that exact moment. Your tears spill over and rush down your face as if they were in a race. Your heart hurts, and your throat felt closed up. All this pain and shock must have triggered something, because next thing you know, your water breaks and you are being rushed to the medical room they had prepared for this moment.

..........................time skip.............................

You held (y/s/n) to your chest as a doctor cleaned his back of any remaining fluids and blood. Oh how this little boy resembled so much of his father. From the color of his small hairs, to the shape of his nose. You name it. A warm towel was placed over his butt to keep him warm, and to try and quiet his fussing. It worked, seeing as now all he did was stare up at you with so much wonder in his dark orbs. -"I promise to love, and cherish you for as long as I may live." You quietly promise the infant. Just looking at him made the ache in your heart feel numb.

The room door opens revealing your father, who walks in with quick steps. He sits in the chair next to your bed and gazes at your son.

His gaze shifts to you, "I'll help you raise him my child. Anything you need, just ask and I'll get it for you. Understand?" You smiled lovingly at your father as he spoke those words. You knew he'd be by your side through all of this.

"Thank you, Father."

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