🖤Zombie Reader X Volturi🖤

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"Are you sure this is a good idea (y/n)?" My friend asks as we follow a tourist group into an old ancient castle. I rolled my eyes as I look my friend square in the eyes.
"Of course it is! Don't you trust me?" I asked knowing the answer.
She let's out an exaggerated sigh as we catch up with the group. We walked for about a minute before the group jolted to a stop, and the tour guide...Heidi? Began to speak on something.
"This is an old painting of Volterra's wise Kings, and their beloved wives.
I gaze up at the painting admiring the structure of each of their faces.
I gently reach my hand up to let the very tip of my fingers graze the fine painting. Something about these people seemed to catch me off guard.
They seemed too beautiful to be human. Skin far too pale, structure well to kept. Their eyes were red?
No, they couldn't have been. Narrowing my eyes as I move an inch closer. My suspicion was answered. These people did have red eyes!
"(Y/N) come on!" Aliyah calls for me. Breaking me out of my trian of thought. Taking one last look at the painting. I rushed to catch up with my group.

A few minutes have passed, and I was getting quite bored. I look to see Aliyah smiling away as she gazes at all the paintings, sculpts, and velvet walls we pass by. As long as she was enjoying her time. I was okay with it all. We reached two huge doors, and the lady turns to us with a very unusual smile gracing her pale features. Looking closely I can see her appearance resembles the king's, and wives who were in the painting. Her eyes glowed a dark crimson red as well! Oh no, oh no no no no.
The two doors open all of sudden, and two men move out of the way to allow the group to go in.
I reach over to grab Aliyah's hand and try to drag her out of this place, but when I do. I see shes already the first person in the room.
I push my way to the front to get to her, but as soon as my hand entwined with hers. The two huge doors. Were shut.

These vampires wasted no time in tearing into their meal. I held Aliyah's hand as I pushed her behind me and backed up into a dark corner.
The smell of blood started to get to me. The idea of tearing into the flesh of one of these humans started to mesmerize me. Chewing on the skin, and eating the meat the rested withing. Tearing their hearts out and enjoying every squirt of blood that went down my throat.

No, I need to protect my friend.

It became so hard as the screams continued to fly throughout the room. Blood, blood, blood, and more blood.
We were the only two left, and all of them knew it. One of the men with black raven haired. Seized all movements, of himself, and his family? As he noticed me. He looked at me with interesting eyes. He was that darn king from the painting.
I could feel it. My inner beast was showing, and I was about to lose control over it.

(This is your zombie side)

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

(This is your zombie side)

"Ah, what do we have here?" He questions as he steps forward.
On que I immediately step back. Pushing Aliyah while doing so. She ended up falling with a shout of my name.
"(Y/N) Dang it!" She cries as she falls, and ends up cutting her arm pretty much open on the flooring.
I turn towards her, and completely forget who I am. The last thing I remember, was Aliyah looking at me with so much fear in her eyes.

My eyes slowly open, and sting and as they adjust to the lighting in the room.
"Ah look my dear brothers, she's finally awake !" Came a very familiar Male voice. I rush to get up, and see that I'm still in the Thrine room.
I'm looking around at all the red eyed vamps as I hunch down in defense mode.
"No need to be so scared dear. We won't hurt you. We just, want to understand what exactly that you are." The man explains while crossing one leg over the other, and offering me a semi warm smile. My mind immediately rushes to Aliyah.
"Where's Aliyah?! What have you monsters done with her?!" I demand as I look the man straight in his eyes.
He gives me a pitied look as he goes to speak, but the blonde nexts to him pipes up.
"Before you go calling someone a monster. You might want to take a look in a mirror, girl." He hisses out as I look to my side, and ironically theres a mirror. I stared in horror at my bloodied figure. My once white spaghetti strap, was now covered in blood, and bits of skin.
"No, no no no no!!" I cry as I look behind me, and see the chewed up body of my best friend. Her guts pouring out of her stomach, and her heart ripped out of her chest. I drop to my knees as I cup her face and cry.
Her words from earlier that day replaying in my head.

"Are you sure this is a good idea (y/n)?"

Twilight Imagines (Volturi)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang