💗Savior - Alec Volturi💗

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  "Bye Ms.Swan! Thank you for coming to see me." The Librarian calls out to me as I walk out and places my recently bought book into my purple bag. 

     "Bye Mary, you're welcome. I enjoyed your company!"  I tell her back. 

While walking down the empty roads. It was dark out, past 9 and I  felt a bit uneasy being alone. Especially with knowing of the existence of Vampires and Werewolves. My footsteps caused an echo to surround me as I walked down the alley to head to the main road, where my vehicle was parked. 


The sound of something running past me caused me to turn around quickly. My heart was pounding against my chest as I felt someone watching me. With quick steps I turn around and try to run to my vehicle. You know how when you're dreaming, and you're trying to run but it seems like you can't run fast enough? Well that's how I felt at the moment. 

Finally, I get in my car and reach into my bag to get my keys out to start . My hands were shaking so bad that I was finding it hard to find the right key. Just as I get it, my door is torn off and a hand grabs hold of my arm and yanks me out. 


I scream trying to get free of the person's grip.   "Hold still won't ya! It'll only hurt a bit." The voice says, causing me to strip and look at them. It was a female, red headed female. No, no, no. Victoria ! 

    "Please don't kill me. Please don't !" I cry out, still trying to get free. 
She smirks at me, and laughs, tightening her grip on my arm. 
  "Oh trust me, I don't plan to kill you." She laughs out. Confused, I looked around trying to figure out what she meant. Was she just trying to scare me? So she can freak my sister, Bella out ? Her eyes turned darker and her smirk became sinister. My heartbeat quickened as I saw her fangs become noticable. 
    "No!! Please, I don't want to - no!! Somebody help me!" I started screaming and crying. Kicking and hitting, but it was no use. She grabbed my neck and bit down. 

Fire ranked through my body as I tried to open my eyes. They felt sealed shut, and my whole entire body felt paralyzed. My throat burned with a burning sensation that felt like I had hot coal in my mouth. 

    "Your heart has stopped. You are awake, we know it. Try and open your eyes." Someone said, placing a hand on my shoulder. It was a struggle but I managed to open my eyes and turn to see a boy, with dark hair and red eyes staring down on me. He looked familiar, I know I've seen him from somewhere. 


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    "Who...who are you?" I spoke, feeling taken back by my voice. It sounded so silk and nice, like a sweet melody in the wind. I sat up, and was standing in half a second. "Dang, what has happened to me?" I ask looking down at myself. To see my hair was past my elbows, and was darker and shinier. Not greasy shiny either. It was soft and so perfect. 

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