👫🏼🥀Savior - Caius Volturi🥀👫🏼

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Imagine : You are part of the tour, and Caius saves you from being apart of his covens meal because you are his mate.

Your eyes widened as you entered the old, ancient, beautiful castle that sat in the city of Volterra Italy. The tour guide, Heidi, spoke about the history of the castle as each person who joined your group followed close behind her, but not you. You took each moment to admire the many paintings, statues, and designs of the castle. Your eyes caught sight of a beautiful crown that had the words, "LONG LIVE THE QUEEN," It was golden, with emerald green stones in it. Taking your camera out, you took a quick snap of the Queens crown, and rushed back to your group, who had managed to make it to the end of the hall, where two huge doors stood. It seemed like none of them cared about you wandering off, probably because they were too caught up in the woman's beauty. You finally caught up after taking a few more pictures, and stood to the back, behind an upset couple.

     "I don't even know why we would waste our money on this useless tour," the gentleman grumbled, causing his lady to elbow him gently. He looked to be in his early or mid thirties, while she was a bit younger.

      "Oh stop the complaining Richard! And the tour was free. I thought you'd like it." She said, sounding a bit sad.

     "No, you thought you'd like it." was all he said as he walked an inch ahead of her.

The double doors opened, revealing a beautiful Throne Room, where three men sat on thrones, and people were all over the room. Of course, you were the last one in and when you saw the room, you were full on amazed. Moving around the group of people, you made your way to the front and took a few pictures. Not aiming at the men, feeling that would be a bit disrespectful. - "This place is magnificent," you breathed, turning your head to take a quick glance at each man: from your left to the right. Your eyes locked on the man on the far right. He had shoulder length blonde hair, very dark eyes, almost black looking, pale skin, and an angry look on his face. His eyes met yours and you immediately cast your gaze to the floor. You could still feel his eyes on you, heavy as the man in the middle, with the long raven hair, stood and advanced down the three steps. He walked with such a grace that it seemed almost inhumane to you.

     "Welcome dear ones! To our home, and the last stop of the tour." He began a speech, and you felt off with each word, and the way he said them. It was like a darker meaning behind everything he said. Looking around, you could tell the people in your group felt just as uncomfortable as you did.

     "Aro," came the voice of the blonde man. His voice was like silk, and sounded so beautiful to your ears. You caught his eyes once more as he stood, and came to stand next to the man he called Aro. The two began to exchange words, and all you could do was stand there. Somehow you felt like the words they spoke in a foriegn language in front of you, were about you. The man, Aro, turned and made his way toward the man who just sat there looking bored.

     "Marcus, what do you see?" He asked, reaching out his hand so Marcus could show him what he saw. You watched on, with a confused gaze and narrowed eyes, as Aro held onto the bored looking man's hand and just stood there.

It was silent for a few minutes, and the people in your group were getting antsy, and tired of waiting. Some even turned to leave, but two men blocked their exit. This made them, and you, worried, even more than you already were. 'Why wouldn't they let them leave?' you thought to yourself as you looked around, looking for a possible escape route in case they are on some funky stuff.

     "It seems it is so brother, congrats." Aro says, with his hands clasp together as he looks toward the blonde haired man, a creepy grin on his face as he does so. The blonde immediately looks back at you, a softer look in his eyes as he inches close. Though everything in you is screaming for you to move away, and even run away from him. All you did was stand there, as he approached you. His hand reached out, and gently stroked your cheeks. He held so much love in his eyes, and though you were confused and a bit uncomfortable, you leaned into his touch subconsciously.

     "I've waited many, many centuries for you mio amore."  he whispers softly, just for you to hear. Before you know it, he has you in his arms and is carrying you out of the throne room as screams fill the air.

/////////THREE YEARS LATER//////

You stood, facing the love of your life as the priest read your vows. Caius, watched your every facial expression as your eyes teared up. These past three years had been the best years of your life, and you couldn't wait to spend all of eternity with him. No matter what may come.

     "Do you, (your first, middle, last name.) take Caius Volturi as your husband?" The priest asked, looking at you with the kindest smile ever.

You nodded your head, giving a quick "I do," as he turned his attention to Caius.

     "Do you, Caius Volturi, take  (your first, middle, last name.) as your wife?" He asked. Your heart was beating out of your chest as you awaited Caius's response. Though you already knew what it would be, you were still nervous.

     "I do," He replied, causing tears to fall down your cheeks. A huge smile plastered on your face as he rubbed his thumb against each tear, to try and dry your face, but that wasn't enough. Every tear fell faster, and faster as the priest finished up to ceremonial speech.

     "Well then, by the power invested in me, I now pronounce you Husband and Wife, you may kiss your bride."

Caius gently cupped both of your cheeks, and brought your face toward his. Your lips connected and it was like fireworks exploded in the background, as the two of you melted in one another's touch. Soon, the kiss ended, due to you needing air, and the sound of clapping and whistles filled the air as you looked toward the crowd to see all the guest cheering the two of you on...~

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