👭🏼👫Sibling Protection - Caius Volturi 💏

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Requested ~ hope you enjoy love 💜
Imagine: You are the younger sister of Alec and Jane, and slowly you start to fall in love with the ruthless blonde King. Will he return the feelings?

 Will he return the feelings?

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Jane to you ^^

Alec to both you and Jane ^^

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Alec to both you and Jane ^^

Alec to both you and Jane ^^

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You to Jane ^^

You tried not to allow your stalking gaze be noticable,as you watched your love interest sit and do nothing.
To say you were head over heels for the king,would be an understatement.
You fell hard, and kept falling as the years went on. But he never even spared a passing glance in your direction. No one did to be honest. The only reason you were here was because you where Alec and Jane's younger sister. Nothing special to the guard, just...a vampire. You felt a elbow nudge your side. Turning you see Jane giving you a pointed look, and you lower your head, not trying to gain Aros or anyone's attention. You felt embarrassed that you were caught gawking at the married king.

Little did you know, that all these years you thought your gaze and presence went unnoticed, Caius saw every bit of it. It's just, he was way better at the stalking game than you. So at times when you would finally be out of arms reach of your siblings, he'd watch from a short distance as you would go on about your business. Throughout the years he'd fallen in love with you, and knew you was his true mate. But truth be told, the ruthless king feared what your sister and brother would do to him. I mean, they could destroy the whole Coven if they wanted. Imagine the beating they'd give him if they found out that the man they served was mated to their sister. Plus Jane didn't like any men looking at you. She wanted to protect you from everyone, and everything. Alec saw you as his responsibility. Ever since you three were human, Alec made sure you two were cleaned and feed. He took the role of being a brother very seriously.
One day though, when the elite guards were sent out for a mission, Caius used this opportunity to finally approach you.
You sat in the multi-colored garden. The baby blue gown you wore, spread out around you as you sat in the dirt and picked flowers. You wanted to make flower crowns for both you and Jane.You already had made something for Alec. A nice handcrafted wooden box with his name in crafted in it.Once it was fully cleaned and smoothed out, you left it on his desk as a surprise. When he returns, you'll paint it with him. If he wants to of course. The ribbon on your dress swayed with the wind. A smile graced your face as you finally finished the last crown. You made one of roses for Jane, and one for you. One of daisy's for Jane and one for you. Aro never assigned you work, missions, or anything. You never understood why. Even the weakest of all the guards were assigned something. So why not you? You shrugged off the questions and continued looking down at the flower Crowns with pride.

"Jane's gonna love these! Oh I can't wait for my dear brother and sister to return." You spoke aloud to yourself. Not knowing that someone stood behind you, looking at you with kind eyes. You go to pick the box up, and stand. Holding the box in one arm, you fix your dress with the free one. Turning you nearly drop the box at the sight of the man you've spent your entire immortal existence admiring.

"Master Caius, is there...ugh, um...anything you need?" You stutter out, trying to avoid eye contact. Caius allows a smirk to grow on his face. Stepping forward, he grabs the box out of your hands, - "My dear, why don't I take this for you and we take a little walk?" The man of your dreams spoke, in the smoothest voice ever. You gulped, and nodded frantically.

You follow blindly ad he guides you to a pond area, where a bench sat. Taking your hand in his, he brings you over and sits you down. If you were human, you'd be a hot mess by now.

"My dear, you do look rather lovely in that gown. " Caius said, still holding your hand. He held a sincere smile. To which you returned. -"Thank you, master..-"

"Please, just Caius is fine. You no longer need to call me Master, understand?" Caius said, placing his fingers under your chin, and stroking softly. You almost melted in his touch.

Blinking a few times, you finished with, "Jane gave me this dress as a gift." This caused Caius to nod. He knew of the many gifts your brother and sister brought you. No problem though, he'd just have to make up for all the time wasted. He is brought out of his thoughts by the sound of a female calling for you. He silently curses to himself as he realizes who's voice it is.

"I'm guessing they are back from their mission. I must go and great my siblings." You say, standing up getting ready to go and greet them. Caius stops you though, and stands up as well. He holds onto your hand as he brings you close.

"Same time tomorrow?" He asked with a cheeky grin. Your unbeating heart flutters as you feel as if you are dreaming. You nod your head, and Caius leans down to place a kiss to your cheek. In within moments he is gone, just as Jane enters to see you awestruck, with your hand upon your cheek where his lips once were.

"Are you daydreaming again?" Jane joked as she poked you. You looked at your older sister, and brought her into a hug....~

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