Home - Kings X Reader

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Imagine: Different scenarios of being the sibling of each King, and you return from War..

Requested by a reader. I hope you enjoy <3

Marcus —-

You moved through the crowd of vampires, removing your contacts in the process. Those blasted things were irritating. All eyes were on you, watching as you stopped in the center of the room, and bowed your head in the presence of the Kings.

The three brothers shared a look of equal shock as Marcus rose to his feet. "(Y/N)." He breathed, a smile coating his face. His eyes were glued to your frame, afraid if he looked away for even a second, you'd disappear.

You had been gone for so long, and he couldn't believe you were finally home. Looking up, you smiled. "Hello brother. It is so lovely to see you again, after all these years." Your words flowed around the room, causing the many others to smile at the reunion between you and Marcus.

The two siblings came together and hugged one another, glad to be in each other's arms.

Aro —-

Aro sat thinking quietly to himself. All trials for the day had been done and dealt with, and no one seemed to have anything new to share with the man. His eyes looked around his study, and landed on a portrait of two people. Didyme, and (Y/N). He missed both dearly. One killed at his own hands, the other, disappeared after joining the army many centuries ago when they were humans.

Their place was at home, not in political issues. Especially not on the battlefield, but try as he did, Aro could not get the young one to stay put. Believing it was their destiny to fight for their country. Aro sighed, remembering the fight the two of you had, leading to you running off despite his wishes.

A knock interrupted Aros' train of thought, and caused him to feel annoyed. "Come in." He called out, standing as the doors to his study were opened.

Santiago came in, giving a quick bow before gesturing towards the door. "Master Aro, someone has come to see you." With a raised brow, Aro motioned for Santiago to bring the person in.

You stepped inside the room, eyes scanning the place before they landed on your brother. Your eyes widened as you rushed forward. "BROTHER!" You cried out, clinging onto the shocked vampire.

Aro held onto you, but pushed you back to look you in the face. "(Y/N)?" He questioned, still not believing his eyes.

You chuckled, and kissed his cheek. "Yup! Long time no see Brother. I must say, the last time I saw you...you were human." You hummed, moving to take a seat in his chair he occupied earlier.

Aro frowned, his mind catching up with him, noting your new appearance as well. "I'd have to say the same for you too, sister/brother."

Smirking, you kick your feet up and shoot the guard away. "Come, let us talk."

Caius —

Caius stood waiting for you at the airport. He kept to himself, not wanting to draw attention towards him, but it became harder as he saw many men and women apart of Italy's Military come into view.

You weren't his biological sibling. You were someone he grew close to and adopted as his brother/sister. You didn't mind though. Caius was the only family you had, and you were thankful to have him in your life.

He was so focused on the group of people that he didn't see you sneak up behind him.

"Caius !!" You shouted, jumping up into his arms and holding onto your brother.

Caius smiled into the hug, and gripped you a little tighter, but careful not to hurt you since you were still human. "Ah, you're finally home."

You grinned, patting his shoulder. "Yup, now let's go get me some burgers, loaded fries, ice cream, sushi...mhmm, lets go to a Buffet so I can at and tell you everything!" 

Twilight Imagines (Volturi)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt