❤️😈🥴Tiktok Sounds🥴😈❤️

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Aro -
You were meant to be mine
I'm all that you need
You carved open my heart
Can't just leave me to bleed!
Open the open the door, please
Veronica, open the door
Veronica, can we not fight anymore, please?
Can we not fight anymore?
Veronica, sure, you're scared
I've been there, I can set you free!
Veronica, don't make me come in there!
I'm gonna count to three!
Two! Fuck it!

Caius -
So perhaps you have simply forgot what you signed
... Oh, honestly?
Did you not read the colony policy?
That defines you as company property?
That waivers your say in autonomy?
The conglomerate's got you in lock and key
We put the dollar back into idolatry
If you're upset, you can rent an apology
We are a family forged in bureaucracy
No "I" in "team, " but there's "con" in "economy"

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