🤍 The Foster Moms - Part Four 🤍

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Part Four-
The social worker came, and agreed to allow the Cullens to foster the boy until he found a loving and safe home. Since it was summer, all the Cullens, except for Nessie, would be working. So Olivia and Nessie were given the responsibility to be his "foster Parents." Carlisle said it would be a good bonding activity for them, and they couldn't have been any happier. The girls stood up all night reading books on parenting and learning how to properly change a baby.

A small cry caused both girls to look toward the crib, which rested neatly up against the wall in Nessie's bedroom. Within seconds, Olivia and Nessie were up to check on the little guy.

   "He's so precious when he sleeps," Olivia sighs, picking him up.

   "Oh sweet baby Jesus! But not so precious when he poops," Renesmee coughs, covering her nose. Rolling her eyes, Olivia takes Zander to the restroom to bathe and change him. With a soft smile, she undressed the now awake baby, and took his diaper off. Taking some whips, she begins to clean up his bottom. Nessie walks in, and gets his bath ready.
   "Good thing this baby bath is still here from when I was a baby! Super useful now!" She says to herself. Filling the baby tub up, she makes sure the water is at the perfect temperature, and turns to collect her son from Olivia. Placing the chunky boy in the water, a laugh leaves his lips as the bubbles form around him. Smiling, Olivia bends down next to Nessie to help clean their son.

   "He is so cute! Aren't you little one, yeah you are!" Reneesme begins to baby talk the boy. Olivia rolls her eyes, and dries both her hands to go pick up her phone.


  "Hey Olivia! How's everything?" Demetri asked from the other line, pacing the floor of the halls.

  "Oh hey dad! Everything is fine! Guess what!" She says, her voice filled with so much excitement as she sits down on the bed.

Confused, Demetri stops pacing and replies, "What?"

   "You're gonna be a grandpa!" Olivia says, but stops upon realizing what she just says. They are not supposed to know about the baby being here.


  "Nothing! Don't worry about it. I love you so much much!"

Olivia quickly hangs up the phone and rushes back into the restroom to see Nessie drying off little Zander. Nessie's smile and Zanders giggles cause Olivia to lean against the doorframe and watch the two bond. She felt like she was watching her actual child get along well with her friend. She didn't realize she'd stood there for a long time, till Reneesme held Zander, who was now fully clothed and yawning a bit.

  "Say hi mommy!" Nessie says in the same baby voice, taking Zanders hand and mimicking a wave with it.

Olivia laughs, "You need help," shaking her head, she turns to guid the duo out to the kitchen to feed little Zander.

Getting down stairs, Olivia is greeted by the joyful looks of the Cullens, who sat doing their own thing.Emmett was watching the football game, Rosalie was doing some drawing, Alice was sewing a onesie, Jasper held a novel in his hands, Esme was speaking quietly to Carlisle about something. Olivia smiled at the family as they made their way to the kitchen. A high chair sat unbothered next to a counter and a bib already ready for the child.

   "There you go baby! Now, time to feed you. What are you hungry for?" Reneesme asked the baby, as she moved over to the cabinets to take out some baby food. Carlisle, through the help of Zanders ex-parents, found out he was only eight months old. Edward was with him when they met with the social worker and his ex-parents. Olivia remembered exactly what Nessie's dad told her went through the parents head as they held the meeting. Things like, "Glad he's off our hands now," - "Looks like he'll be living the rich life with this doctor! Maybe we should contact him later on and get him to send us money!" Olivia was highly disgusted by the humans thoughts toward her son!

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