Happy Accidents-Felix Volturi x OC

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Imagine sleeping with a strange men, weeks later you find out you're pregnant. 

TW! Cheating and pregnancy 


I honestly don't know what this is butttt I wanted to post, and since I had written this two years ago I thought it would work...lmao. Anyways, I hope you enjoy it! Love Y"all.


The football game was playing in the living room, and the loud cheers of tipsy men filled the house as Aria stared down at her shaking legs. She found herself sitting on the toilet, awaiting her timer to go off.

"Yaaaa!! Go Patriots!" Her boyfriend, Mark, yells from the living room as his favorite team scores. The beeping of her phone going off, three minutes after she had done her business, brings her out of her thoughts.

She stood up, and slowly made her way to the counter. Dismissing the alarm, she looks over at the other side of the sink at the pregnancy test that laid perfectly still holding her fate on its tiny screen. With a shaky hand, she picks it up and looks down at it.

The tears welled up in her eyes, threatening to fall and blur her vision. 'This is impossible,' she began repeating to herself like a ritual chant. A banging at the door caused her to jump and drop the test.

"Aria! Hurry it up in there, the snake is about to let its venom out!" Ricky, a friend of Marks, calls out from the other side of the door. Quickly taking the test and wrapping it in toilet paper, she throws it away and washes her hands.

"Hold on, I'm coming out," she replies with as much strength as she could mutter up. Upon opening the door she gives Ricky a small smile as he quickly rushes in. Walking past the living room she sees Mark with a huge smile, eating some popcorn as the man on TV begins to speak about the players moves. Without much thought, she rushed to her bedroom and pulled out a simple outfit.

With her shoes on and tied, she rushes out to her car with her keys in hand, Mark too distracted to realize. Starting up the engine, she puts the car in reverse and heads onto the main road to leave the neighborhood.

Aria's mind was way too clouded, and loud to put music on. She couldn't help but feel sick to her stomach, and horrible about herself. How could this be happening to her? All she knew was that she needed to be completely sure that this was in fact what it was before she went telling a soul.

Arriving at the nearest dollar store, Aria pulls out a five dollar bill and places it in her back pocket, and gets out of her vehicle. With quick steps, she walks in and heads straight to the medicine aisle. Taking four packs of the one dollar pregnancy test, she rushes over to the cashier.

"Ms. Mable! How are you?" The cashier asked the elder lady as she placed her word puzzle and bag of mints on the counter. The older woman gave the young teen a smile, and took out her wallet.

"I am perfectly fine, blessed to be exact! God has let me live to see my great granddaughter!" She says giving a small praise to the lord.

The words granddaughter made Aria think of her mom and dad. How would they react to this news? Would they be disappointed in her? Or supportive? These thoughts ran through her mind causing her to shake in her spot. Aria doubted her mom would care, she'd probably use this as another example of how much better Bella was. She noticed the conversation between the two ladies stopped and the lady walked off. Stepping forward, she placed the test down and immediately reached in her back pocket to pull out the five dollar bill, and set it on the counter in a quick motion. The cashier felt off about the young girl, but ranged up her stuff and placed it in a bag for her.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 10 ⏰

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