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No ones P.O.V.
It was quiet inside the dark hideout.the only sound that was heard was the drops of a water hitting the stone below.

Obito was gathering supplies,as well as Madara.picking up mostly wardrobe,since they were covered in nothing but old, blood stained clothes.

Grabbing weapons,ninja tools,Kunais,and shuriken Obito walked down one of the walkways,turning into a room.

I can't help but feel a little worried.I know Sasuke,Rin and Izuna are together,but there on their own..I have to hurry and get back to them.


Wait a minute...This looks familiar?

This was...he thought to himself.

He already knew where to look.on the far left side corner,were two sets of masks.

He walked over to it,taking in a subtle breath.

The yellow mask with a black pattern and a spare orange mask.

The one that Konan woman broke before.

I had a spare?I'd forgotten all about it.

And this place.he thought.

This is where we brought the akuatski members and recruited them...this is where our attire is.

He blinked a couple times.

"..they're dead."he said to himself looking at the barrel next to him.

He stepped to it,removing the lid.

Have I forgotten about them that easily?he thought.

A bunch of cloaks were clouds and black brought memories of them all.

Deidara who was always blabbering about his was nonsense...Hidan always being incredibly stupid...Sasori..who was one of the first to engage Rin with respect.

And Kakazu?

He kept to himself.

I was so wrapped up in the situation we were in.

That I forgot about my comrades.he thought.

But he barley smiled,I didn't even think of them like that...not until Rin showed me what it was to take care of your team.taking ahold of one of the cloaks,he thought,I didn't even have time to send a prayer to the gods.

He looked down,disappointed in himself.

I'm selfish And irresponsible when it came to them.I should've done better...they could've been here with us.

It was my fault they died..

Silence filled the room.

And it killed Obito.he closed his eyes his negative emotions began to attack and blame him.putting him at fault for his past decisions.





"I'm truly sorry."he muttered as he raised his arm,and flipped the cloak behind him.

He put his arm in the sleeve smoothly as he turned around putting in the other.

He angered himself now.again I'm feeling regret!he reached behind and took hold of a mask,picking random of the two.

I'll do anything,and everything to protect what I have now.he thought as he zippered it up.

Your deaths won't be for nothing.

"I like her..she's...kind to me."Sasoris voice was heard in his mind.of the past,the private conversations they had.

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