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It was silent.

My expression didn't change.I expected for this to happen.I never talked to Madara this way..He seemed to be in a little shock as he didn't move and his eyes were slightly widened.

Izuna's mouth was slightly open.

"There was no need for what you did to Karin."I simply stated.

Madara's glare turned into what looked like aggression.

Gaining back his composure.

"Whatever the reason was!"I said.

"Rin."Obito muttered.

"She came to OUR team!to help us with who knows what!"

"And you repay her by treating her like that!"

"You don't do that to your-"

In one swift movement my upper arm was grabbed in a rough way.I wasn't surprised.but whatever the consequence was..I could take it.for Karin.

I kept telling myself not be afraid.But his actions caused a chain reaction from everyone.

"Madara wait!"Izuna slightly raised his voice.

Sasukes hand shot to his swords handle,as he was suddenly now behind Madara.

"Sasuke stop!"Obito ordered.but there was paranoia in his voice.

I didn't think I would actually get him angry..but there was a small chance I thought I was going to.

Karins eyes were wide.what in the?!she thought.this woman who I barley know is sticking up for me?!and now for all I know she's gonna get hurt!or worse!killed!she narrowed her eyes,what the hell was she thinking!

"W-wait-"she muttered still not recovered fully.

"Obito."Madara spat not breaking eye contact with me.

"Keep Sasuke on a leash."

"You know what you did was wrong."I said.I wasn't going to lie to myself..his glare was giving me chills.

"What makes you think you have a say in what I do."he replied.

"Madara,It's only natural that I ask you to do this!it'll be better for us all,especially Karin."

I took a deep breath and gave him a tender stare,"look,when you said you loved m-"I started to say but he cut me off.


I flinched at the sudden rage in his heart seemed to stop right then in that moment.those words hurt.

"That isn't nonsense-"I said softly.

He refused to let me speak now.

"Keep your foolish fantasies to yourself!"

"If you think I've changed your completely out of your mind!"

"Get this through your head!"he brought me closer to him.

Our faces centimeters apart.He towered over me,and for once I couldn't..see if he meant these harsh words toward me or not.

"I'm still the same as I was back then!"

"Nothing is going to be diffrent!"

A small quiet gasp escaped my mouth.what he said went through my eyes watered once could he say that...

He said he loved me?didn't he?what does he mean by nothing is going to be different.

Did it mean...

Brother please!"Izuna shouted as he walked to us,grabbing Madara's arm.

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