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"Rin?"Karin called out waving her hand in front of her face.

Rin gasped as she shook her head,"I'm sorry? What we're you saying?!"she quickly said.

Karin had a concerned look,"you zoned out there. Are you feeling okay?"she asked.

Rin smiled, and nodded.

"Yeah I'm fine! I was just trying to think about theta you said about the look."she explained.

Karin let out a small laughed and waved her off.

"Well just practice while I finish your hair. anyway it took me months to master it."she said.

Rin nodded lightly smiling now.

It got quiet. And as Karin separated her hair into three parts, she began to wonder. Why did Rin like Madara anyway. He was a prick. And had a major god complex...well...he was deemed a god...and had the power of one. So maybe he's excused for that. But still. He just was the opposite of her.

She squinted her eyes,glancing at Rin for a quick second. Then focusing back to her hair.

"So...why him?"she asked.

Rin let out a small laugh."what do you mean?"she said. Karin knew she had answered her question with a question,to maybe avoid talking about this.

"I mean...Madara. Why him?"she asked again.

Rin swallowed. And nervously smiled. "Uhm..."she murmured.

It's not that she couldn't think of the reasons. She had many. She just didn't know where to start. She didn't wanna say anything from when they first met.

Rin took a breath. She needed to relax. This was just a simple question.

"I know it may not seem like it. But Madara has good intentions...but he doesn't know how to show it."Rin said softly.

"He's caring and kind underneath his act of superiority. He loves his brother so much...and he hasn't told me this, but I can see it. He thinks of Sasuke and Obito as his brothers to. He cares for us..and me.."she explained. But saying that..

The past came quietly in the back of her head.

He had almost killed everyone during the war.

His brothers.

Me.she thought.

"Really? He such an ass to me."Karin commented with a frown.

Rin got a sad look,"I know I'm sorry. I keep telling him to stop..."

"I'm not justifying it, but I think he's that way because he has to be. You can't trust anyone in this world of shinobi."Rin explained.

Karin nodded.

"I see..."she said.

Rin smiled as she tilted her head slightly,"don't worry Karin. I trust you. Izuna to."

"I'm sure you'll have your boyfriend, Obito and Madara on board pretty soon."she said.

Karin let out a laugh.

"Yeah well... I don't really care about their trust but Sasukes. And I guess yours to...and defiantly Izuna's."she responded.

Karin sighed as she grabbed the hair tie from her wrist and wrapped it around the end of Rins braid.

"I owe that much to him. He was the only one that was kind to me when your Sensei forced me to come here."she commented.

Rin looked to Karin. Her lips parting.

That's right...she thought. Their time together had made her forget why she was here in the first place. Was Sensei rough with her? Did they even ask her to come here?

"Karin."Rin said in all seriousness.

She looked at her.

"You don't have to be here, if you don't wanna be."she said.

Karin's eyes slightly widened.

"You can leave right now. I'll tell Madara that you want nothing to do with us. And I'll make sure they'll keep you out of our affairs."she added.

Karin let out a slow breath. It's not that she despised being here. After being forced to heal these people in the beginning, she planned on turning away from being a shinobi. She had planned to live a normal life. When she did, she was taken hostage again by these people. And had immediately began to think of ways to escape them.

But it was before she met Izuna.

That day when Obito took her, she was dropped before Izuna. And like the idiot he was, he untied her. She ran away immediately after hitting him. But it didn't take him long to catch her. He only grabbed her hand and begged for her to listen to him. Which was his idea of being rough.

Karin let out a quiet sigh . Izuna convinced her to come. And apologized profusely about what his sensei kidnapping her.

Karin shook her head,"'s not that I don't wanna be here. At first I didn't have choice."

"Until I was brought to Izuna. We were alone when he did this....he explained why the Uchiha needed me. And how much of a blessing it would be if I could heal and look out for you."she explained.

"In the end he let go of my hand. And said if I didn't want to come with him, then he would let me go and help me escape you guys. Even if it meant getting him in trouble with Obito."Karin said. She was touched by what Izuna did for her.

Karin proceeded to pull strands to make her braid fuller than it already was.

She sighed,"I came because I was asked to. And I agreed."Karin stated.

Relief flowed through Rin. She would be devastated if Karin went through what she did. And would be sad to see her go if she did want to leave.

"I see..."Rin replied with a warm smile.

Thank you Izuna. She thought. What would I do without him...

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