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Izuna paced a few feet in front of the broken down shack.his thoughts were processing, he was trying to find a way to make the situation better.

"Damn it.."he muttered.

"I expected way to much from him."

"I should've seen this coming."

He scolded himself thoroughly critiquing his actions. Trying to see what he could've done to prevent this.

I do this all the time!Izuna grew frustrated with himself.

He looked in the direction of his older brother.

He raised his hands and clenched them tightly, Sometimes I could just strangle you!he thought angrily.

But then that frustration subsided.his hands lowered. I know it isn't your fault...I least your not all to blame.

It's just the way father raised us..


He sighed as he sank to the ground,taking a seat on his bottom.

I know your not like used to be but...

After Rin.

You changed.

He used to ignore her,acted as if she didn't have a will of her treated her like father did to mother.

You used to hit her when she tried to speak.just like father did.

It's all that he taught you to do.

(Izuna-4 Yrs. Old/Madara-6 Yrs. Old)

"You see Madara."

"Your not useless like your younger brother."Tajima said as he glared daggers at Izuna who cried where he stood. Madara stood in front of him,shielding him with blood dripping from his brow and a swelling black eye.

"You have that power that I possessed...even at such a young age.

"Yet you act like this."

"What is it."

"Is it your mothers doing."

"NO!"Madara shouted rather quickly.he had seen enough of his father bullying his mother.

"She had nothing to do with this!"he spat.

Izuna held onto the fabric from his shirt from behind. Nowhere was safe.

Only his brother kept him out of harms way.

"I just.."Madara took a shaky breath.

I'm sorry for this Izuna.he thought.

"I'm tired of training with someone so weak."

"I'm only protecting him for mothers sake. What will happen if he dies. How much of a pain do you think she'll be then."he heaved out.

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