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Rin was in her head. lovestruck all over again. Not only has her love for him grew deeper,but she was touched of his heartfelt apology yesterday.

And everyone could see it. Taking notice of how quiet she was. And seeing that Her mind was elsewhere,thinking of nothing but the events of last night.

Sasuke walked into the room,"Izuna let's go." He said non chalantley.

"Alright fine, gimme a second." He called out.

Sasukes eyes averted to Rin.

She was leaning on her palm, with a blissful look on her face. Sighing often and smiling randomly. While starring at nothing.

What's wrong with her? He thought

Karin had taken notice as she was combing Rins hair,since she requested to make her hair look as good as hers. "Hmph...did you get pass second base with him last night or what?"she whispered to her.

"What's second base?"Rin sighed.

Karin groaned,"oh come on?!"she heaved and leaned next to her head and whispered.

Rin eyes slightly widened,as a big gasp came from her mouth. She was instantly red,and fuming with embarrassment.

"K-Karin!!"she said flustered as she turned as red as a tomato.

Karin laughed at her reaction.

"What do you think they're talking about?"Izuna muttered to Sasuke as he zipped up his cloak.

Sasuke rolled his eyes looking away from them as they giggled and Rin making an obnoxious squeal of embarrassment, with Karin encouraging her reactions.

"It's just stupid girl talk."Sasuke said loud enough for them to hear.

"Oh..."Izuna had a confused look as Sasuke left the premises.

"Whats girl talk?"he asked walking out the door as well.

Sasuke wasn't happy about that at all. he tightened the gloves on his hand. That was a dirty trick.he thought. using romanticism to distract her from confrontation. It seemed the only good thing about this is that Rin was distracted enough to not do what she did last time to him. which was again so very humiliating for him.

Karin smiled to herself as she grabbed the corner of her glasses in attempt to make herself look smart.

"You may be called a god,but I hold the power to your love life!"she said confidently.

Rin put her hands in a prayer position and laughed,"Tell me! Tell me!"she urged.

Karin nodded crossing her arms as she slid down taking a seat on the ground,in a criss cross position.

"first off,we need to see what you have to work with."she said opening her eyes, and looking to her breasts.

"Check."she said.

Looking to her face, nice eyes...great thought.

"Seriously how about we dye that hair of yours."Karin said grabbing a strand and bringing it up to her view. Maybe a dramatic change will catch his eye.

Rin had a worried look as she grabbed another strand,"what? Why? Is my hair weird?"she asked.

Karin shrugged,"well if Madara hasn't gone past second base with you,maybe your not his type. Maybe he likes women with darker hair. Well given that he's an Uchiha and all...."she's trailed off as she noticed Rins had a sad look as she looked at her hair.

Karin bit her bottom lip. Okay maybe that's to harsh. She thought.

"I-I mean we actually don't know what he likes! He probably does love your hair! I mean I think it's gorgeous! It's bright and pretty and silky to the touch! I'm jealous!"she said giving her a smile.

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