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Madara suddenly pulled back.

His gaze averting to the side. Obito came to a halt as he immediately knew Madara was aware of his presence.

He quickly retracted his hand.

Rin however wasn't composed at all like Madara was.

EMBARRASSING!She thought. Rin felt her face getting hot. Oh gosh! Did he just walk in on us?!I then pulled Madara to me,hiding behind his body.

Oh gosh! What will sensei think of me!

Madara saw that keen expression through his eye. His body language as well. A small and hidden smirk came to his face.

Your no better than Sasuke. He thought.

"Rin...give me a second."he said as he dropped his hands from her body.

She didn't need to be told twice.

"r-right."she whispered.

She peeked from the side, looking to Obito who had a hidden expression.

She then felt as she did something wrong. His eyes held disappointment. Or was she just imagining it?

This is to embarrassing!she thought. She stepped away from Madara and gave Obito an apologetic bow,then left without a word. Once she was out of sight her feet slowed down.

Her expression slowly turned into one of the biggest smile she had ever gotten. Her eyes glimmered with something she felt for him for a long time...but it hit her just as hard as the day that she fell for him.

"Izuna...I have to tell him!"a giggle escaped her mouth as she rushed ahead again.

But then she took a moment.

Obitos look. He wore a mask but his eye said everything. Was I just over reacting? Was I just imagining that...

Obito made a fist with his hand. His fingernails digging into his skin through his glove.

"What are you doing."Obito whisper yelled, leaving a small echo to bounce off the walls and throughout the cave.

Madara took a deep breath. Clearly he was annoyed yet satisfied how he knew his colleague was going to react. He turned around to see Obito standing with a distraught and rageful look in his eye.

"I don't understand." He muttered.

"What are you trying to do?...Is that what you want from her now." He asked hastily.

Madara crossed his arms. He raised his fingers placing it on his forehead." All you cause me is headaches..." he said.

"Before you start assuming-"

"Don't give me the, it takes two crap. You came on to her." He said cutting him off.

"She responded the same." Madara answered lowering his hand away from his face.

Obito felt an urge of sadness and anger. He looked at Madara.

This situation was pure frustration.

"She's the ways of men. you can't just..he trailed off. He didn't want to think of anything like that.

Madara didn't know what to say to that. Because it was true. He was unable to deny that fact. But...

"If this is about what we agreed to back then...I'm not going to go through with it."

Madara looked to Obito.

That agreement...

"Your alot of things Madara, but you were never a man that didn't keep his word."he said.

"What do you think will happen..."Madara looked to the exit of the cave. Where Rin had walked out. He knew where this was going to go. And he didn't want to hear it. Mainly because every word that was to come out of his mouth was going to be correct.

"That your just going to get your way with her? Have sex. You know better than I do, that sex leads to children."

"And you know what she thinks about that? About her having your children! She thinks that your going to be there. She's going to expect you to be a father That you'll stay,and raise a family. And your attention will be on nothing but her and that child."

"You and I both know that you'll never be the father she wants you to be."he said.

Although he didn't want to agree he couldn't help doing so. He couldn't deny any of that. Madara didn't really think about that part though. His stomach turned at the thought of him being a father. He would mess up that kids life just like his father did to him. he didn't even know how to be one.

"Well then. Say she did have my child...thus me completing the agreement, that you came up with in the first place." Madara emphasized that part.

"You said you would step in the fathers role as condition for me being the specimen. So really I'm not the one that isn't holding my end of the deal."Madara said with guilt in the back of his head.

Obito shut his eyes. He was growing frustrated even more than he already was.

"That was before she fell in love with you..."he simply said.

"It was before you drove your hand through her chest."he muttered as he slightly opened his eye. He couldn't once believe that he thought of Madara as his brother.

Madaras heart now had a stabbing pain. It only triggered his anger.

Obito looked at him angrily," if you don't plan to stay by her side, then the agreement is off. You don't have to give her a child."

"There's three more Uchiha's who can."he said turning and walked to the exit of the cave.

Madaras fingers seemed to twitch.

His breathing seemed as if it stopped. He his head. Images that made his heart shatter and get blinded by rage.

"What are you suggesting..."he said tautly.

Obito stopped.

He looked to the floor. Obito didn't have to answer that. Madara knew it already. But just to rub salt in that wound...

"Your not the only specimen...Madara."



"And just recently to my knowledge, Shisui."

Madara reached up brushing his hair back with his fingers. Patronizing...he almost got a reaction from me. A deadly one at that to.

"Fine. Fair point Obito..."He returned to his natural stance. A fine counter. He knew it was wrong to use this as an advantage but...Obito left him no choice.


"Does she want to have anyone else's child?"he asked.

Omg RIP sorry for the rlly rlly late update.ik this is only one chap but I'm editing others with rlly little time . Uhm anyways quick reminder. Uhhh guys plz be mindful of ur comments u make on my story. Like I'm rlly sensitive :( and when I see a criticizing comment or like a mean one ab my oc (Rin) like It makes me wanna delete this whole app and die in a hole. So plz don't. Also I will not hesitate to block the account making those plz guys b nice to me. Also thanks for being patient w me and stuff. Rlly appreciate it☹️☹️

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