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Rin's P.O.V.
I walked back in. I was upset now. My perfectly good mood was now ruined. I let out a sigh of annoyance as I sat back down.

"Since when did I have to sit out."Izuna said as he slouched. He was annoyed to.

"Since always."Sasuke said bitterly. I frowned. Great now everyone's upset.

Karin walked over and sat on the other side of Sasuke.

"Well. Since we're not doing anything, why don't we go to the bedroom and-"

"KARIN!"Izuna and me both said at the same time.

Sasuke rolled his eyes as he moved over away from Karin.

"What? It's the perfect opportunity."Karin said sticking her tongue out at both of us.

"Well,I say we go out anyway. Find out intel for ourselves!"I said proudly.

"OOORRR, we can check out this this huge city. And go shopping for sexy clothes!" Karin said with enthusiasm.

"We can go for barbecue?!"Izuna said excitedly.

"We can go for a makeup!!"I squealed.

Karin gave a weird look to Rin,"uh makeups not just one thing?"she said hiding a laugh.

"Well what are we waiting here for? Let's go-"Izuna started to say but was cut off.

"Absolutely not."Sasuke said.

Everyone paused and looked to him.

"Madara said to wait here."

Izuna scoffed,"and since when have you listened to my brother."he said confidently.

"Always, you stupid moron."Sasuke said getting up. Izunas smile dropped.

"Hey where you going?!"Karin said as Sasuke got up to leave.

He didn't answer as he made his way to the hallway.

"Well now you've done it Izuna."Karin annoyingly said.

Izuna raised his hand and stuck his middle finger to Sasuke,"that's right leave!"he said quietly.

I giggled as did Karin laughed as well.

Izuna sat back down,"so now we're gonna sit here all day and be bored....and now that I think about it, we don't even have any money."he sadly said.

I nodded,"yeah your right...I forgot about that." I replied.

"Well I'm gonna go spend some time with my man."Karin said as she stood up,and walked to where Sasuke had went.

I laughed to myself,"her man?"I giggled.

Izuna smiled,"Sasuke would be smart to just go with it."he replied.

I sighed and stretched," she's a great girl! I love her so much already..."I said.

"Oh yeah?"Izuna happily responded as he sat up.

"Are you guys friends now?"he asked.

"The bestest friends ever! And turns out she didn't like me at first because she thought I liked Sasuke. Can you believe that!" I explained.

"No way,really? Did you tell her-" I finished his sentence.

"That he was my cousin? I did."I said.

Izuna lightly laughed,"well I'm glad your friends." He said. I returned his smile.

"Me to."I replied as I laid on the couch now. Izuna now feeling so confident that his plan actually worked,had a smile to himself.

It was silent now. I wonder where Madara was now. And was I just gonna lay here till they came back? When were they coming back?

"Ugh..How dare they leave us out of this."I groaned frustrated.

"Yeah,your telling me..."he said unmotivated.

"God! Would you leave me alone!"

I suddenly heard Sasukes voice.

"I just wanna talk about our- I mean everyone's future!"

Karin's voice.

I turned on my side,"maybe we should talk Sasuke up to Karin. I think he'd be happy with her." I said to Izuna.

"I think she can do better. Sasukes just another emo kid with unstable emotions."Izuna said casually as he put his hands behind his head.

"Unstable emotions?"I whispered to myself getting a bit confused.

Izuna laughed at his own words.

"Come on. You know how much of a shut in he is. He's always in a bad mood. He doesn't talk, he's boring to hang out with. I have a list that could go on."he explained.

"Well obviously Karin likes that."I replied.

Izuna sighed,"yeah maybe."

I crossed my arms and slouched...

Izuna was laying there,starring at the ceiling. He was bored just like I was.

Sasuke was getting harassed by Karin.

The sound of a clock was ticking in the quiet room.

Izuna's P.O.V.

The sound of silence had me thinking. About what had drove us all over here...and of course, ever since finding out I couldn't let it go. Rins third eye.

Where did it come from?

What was the long story?

I was skeptical to ask. And last time I did she looked uncomfortable. But why did she?  Wasn't she comfortable talking to me?The more I thought about it, the more I began to feel sad and threatened.

Was she confiding about it with someone else?

I took a deep breath. I wanted to ask again. My mouth slight opened.


No...I won't ask...not now at least. I thought. Lowering myself back on the ground. Looking at the ceiling again. My mood was beginning to go back down,like it always was..she doesn't want to talk to me anymore...

But I don't understand why.

I shook my head to myself. I can't go into these thoughts. I can't go to that dark place again....Truthfully,it was hard not to. ever since getting a chance of life again. Reuniting with my family...

Getting a smile I looked at Rin again,"hey."I said.

She turned her head to me,"yeah?"she responded.

"You know you can tell me anything right?"I stated. Even though I felt like she knew this already, I just had to tell her again.

Maybe I'm not important enough to her...

She looked a bit confused but quickly returned my smile."I know." She answered.

I nodded.

But I felt my smile fading.

I don't know if I'm being crazy or not...but that look in her eye was telling me something.

Is she hiding something from me?

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