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Rins P.O.V.
"Obito, open the nearest portal you have to the land of iron. Now." Madara said sternly as he walked towards the group. Everyone could tell something was wrong with him.

He was always in a bad mood but right now it was worse than usual.

Everyone but Obito looked at me, there faces asking what I did to make him this mad. I made eye contact with Sasuke, giving him a weary stare I opened my mouth...but quickly shut it. I actually shouldn't say anything now. I turned and looked back ahead as a portal began to swirl open in front of Madaras path.

Was it something I said?

On the way over here he asked me to stay silent, and that was it.

"Hey Rin!"

Izuna ran and walked by my side as we entered the portal.

"What happened?" He asked with concern.

I raised my hand grabbing my elbow," I'm not sure if I'm being completely honest...I was just giving my opinion."I said with a frown.

"Not that. Back there. With Shisui?" Izuna asked.

Just then,we both froze.literally. Once we were on the other side of the portal a brutal temperature change hit us like a ton of bricks.

I saw my breath escape from my mouth as not we were in a dimly lighted cave.

I saw my breath escape from my mouth as not we were in a dimly lighted cave

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"I-it's freezing!"I said my hands going to my arms.

"No kidding!"Izuna added as he shivered.

Madara took the lead and walked down an opening to the left of us.

"Damn brother! Picking these damn unpleasant places!" He complained.

I let out a small laugh as we all began to follow him.

We must be in the land of iron if it's this cold. Wait? Why specifically here? I thought.

I furrowed my eyebrows as I began to think about why he would come here. Obviously he had something to do...Madara wouldn't pick this random place for nothing...would he?

" you know why we're here?"I asked.

He turned he gaze on me,"no...why?"he replied.


I looked back to where Madara was walking ahead.

I began to pick up my pace.

"Hey! You didn't answer my question yet!"Izuna called out.

I'll tell him later!I thought. I have to get to the bottom of this.

"Madara!"I called out rushing to his side, but just as I caught up to him he stopped

I did as well.

He ripped off the top to a gigantic crate,and tossed it to the side, letting it break in two from the force.

He really did seem upset.more than usual. Worse.

"Why are we here?"I asked.

He reached in the crate,"what's wrong?."I said more quietly.

Madara pulled his arm out from the crate and shoved a cloak in my arms.

"Enough with your questions."he said.

My eyes slightly widened.

He gave me a look.

I watched as threw two cloaks to Izuna landing over his head,"hey!"he spat as he took them off instantly.

"Give one to the woman."

"We're moving out now."he said in an annoyed tone.

I was taken back by his actions. He was leaving...without he didn't...I swallowed a forming lump in my throat. Then realizing everyone was looking at me.

I grew upset. I reached out grabbing his arm before he could walk off.

"Hey!"I said with anger.

"We were suppose to talk!"

My words echoed throughout the cave. Everyone now silent with their eyes on me,but I didn't care.

Madara looked to me,"and your choosing now."he replied simply.

I gave him a firm serious look.

He took a moment,realizing what
My look answered his question.

"Izuna,Sasuke. Go wait outside."Obito ordered

Karin turned and walked to where the sound of wind was howling. Izuna had a frown but he did the same.

Sasuke however didn't.

He had a suspicious look,pointing it directly to Madara.

"Sasuke."Obito sternly said.

Sasuke gave Madara a dirty look. His foot moved backwards and then the other. He turned and walked where the others did.

Obito took a deep breath as he put a hand on Rins shoulder,"I'll be down there if you need me."he said.

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